workout intensity

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how intense is ur workout

  • 1 not really

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  • 5 so intense

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on a scale of 1-5. 5 beign really intense. how would u rate ur workout??
i enjoy my workouts to be intense. be it from drills, forms or basic techniques. i feel that if i push myself a little more during each workout i get better results.

i'm not talking so intense that you drop, but just enough to reach beyond your limit.
My training program currently includes sprinting up multiple flights of stairs with someone on my back, then running back down and going up again in a backward bear crawl. And the fitness test I have to take at the end of the week if I want to be paided for teaching this year requires me to do 1.5 miles in 8:30, 50 push ups, 88 situps in 2 min, and 21 chin ups to get full marks. (Out of 12. 10 to pass.) Take a wild guess which number I picked. ;)
Personally, I can not say! I guess my understanding of intense is a little different. Kicking the length of a football field to me is rather intense. On your scale, say a 2. Kicking the length of the field and back would rate a 3. Yet, jumping-kicking the length of a football field would rate a 4. While, jump-kicking the length of the football field and jumping-kicking back to the end i started from. Now that, to me is intense and rates a 5.
Sincerely, In Humility;
it also has to do with the individual, you could have me kick something all day long and I wouldn't mind but a few minuets of intense punching and I'm smoked..
Hey all...

I know for me... the insensity of the class depends on who's there.. (even though, im still in the beginner class) if there are only yellow belts there.. then they will work us harder then if there are a few white belts there.... The variations are good.. and im looking forward to getting into the advanced classes!!!

But then again... my idea of a intense work out.. can be different than what you may think is.... sigh... i guess that's why everyone's different!! :D

p.s ... i hate running....;)
I spend a lot of my dojo time teaching, so I don't always get all the workout I should. For example, if I tell my class to do push-ups, I can't do them at the same time, because I need to watch my students and make sure they're doing it right. The basics (punches, kicks and stuff) I can do with them, but not the exercises. I go to the gym on days I don't work out at the studio so I stay in shape.
My JKD class is pretty intense. Usually, we do a lot of kickboxing pad work, including focus mitts and thai pads. We do a lot of conditioning as well as grappling too. We pretty much push ourselves as hard as we can (beginners at their level, intermediates at their level). If a higher level student is training with a lower level on the focus mits for example, he doesn't kill him, but he makes sure that he is working hard. It is challenging both physically and mentally.

i enjoy training hard to build stamina and endurance.

during the hot months our instructor allows us to wear t-shirts to class, but i am always in full uniform.

people always say "man you're gonna sweat like hell in that thing!" ... my response is, "that's what i'm here for!"
Damian Mavis said:
I train until I collapse.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Hear hear, is there any other way to train?

Seriously, if I'm not pushing myself to the breaking limit at least 3 times a week, I feel like I'm not working out! It is embarrising however to make yourself throw up you work so hard.

My workout used to feel like a 5, but nowadays, it feels more like a 3 or 4 (assuming I haven't missed several in a row like I have lately). I've been feeling the need to work out more often and for longer periods of time, but I just don't have the time right now (and I may not have extra time for a while to come). College would be great if it weren't for the whole classes thing.
My workouts are around 4-5...but I put 4 because I don't get alot of time in the day and they aren't as intense as when I used to do them...but at class, my workouts are pretty intense unless we spend the day working on self defense...sparring, forms(yes, they can be intense...), and just working on technique is part of some of my workout at class...forms and technique are for I do it all at class...
7starmantis said:
Hear hear, is there any other way to train?

Seriously, if I'm not pushing myself to the breaking limit at least 3 times a week, I feel like I'm not working out! It is embarrising however to make yourself throw up you work so hard.


Yes, we have the ever popular puke bucket at my dojang. On test days or on days that I'm feeling particularly evil, it tends to get smelly.

Seriously, after the puking, that is the time to try and do fine motor stuff. Man, you will learn something about how your body doesn't work!
as intense as possible, sometimes an hour, mostly five minutes, every now and again one half hour, but most of the time two or three minutes.
I would say our classes are pretty intense! Its satisfying to see people who are higher than me and who are supposed to be fit sweat along with me too!
I have put myself through so much! I think any normal human being would give up because I have been going to classes when I was really ill and when I had a dislocated thumb! I have been sick many times and have managed to make it to the toilet when the class had finished! All the time I'm thinking I wish my sifu would just hurry the f*&K up! According to how my Instructor is feeling our classes will vary. sometimes we will have a quick warm up and practice forms, other time we will stand in very awkward stances and aerobic exercises, with kicks and punches!
I know out gradings have been hard and just aswell as my instructor believes in making them hard so we have actually felt as though we have earnt it!

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