Workin' for a livin'


MTS Alumni
Jan 21, 2003
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79 Wistful Vista
We've had threads on what folks look like, what kind of pets they have, what kind of music they enjoy and the entire site is dedicated to the types of MAs we love. This thread is about the things we do to put food on the table. What do you do/have you done for a living. I'll kick it off...

I've been a "Bulk materials relocation specialist" (read truck driver) since '95. Before that I spent 7 years as one of U ncle S ams M isguided C hildren, my occupational specialty was as a cryptologic tech. In high school I spent 2 years bagging groceries and stocking shelves at a local grocery store.
I'm a Chemical Engineer that is currently working as a Developmental Chemist at a silicone manufacturer.

(I make boobies. I field test 'um too.)

Just kidding, I am a Chemical Engineer that is currently working as a Developmental Chemist at a silicone manufacturer, but I make adheasives and sealants.


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Gee that's a long way to think back heheee.. I've done everything from waitressing /short order cook back in HS in the 1000 Islands... went to college for art.. did a stint as a potter in Maine.. back to college for Nursing.. worked in New Hampshire, Rochester,NY, and western NY as a nurse, Worked as an Architectural renderist/drafter.. that was great.. but moved back to NY take care of ailing parents.. Opened my own art studio in NY.. did shows and was loving every moment of my own business.. portraits etc on commission.. then moved to florida .. worked as a webmaster for a BBS ... then for MCI before it merged with Worldcom on the MSN project as a Technician.. had a nasty ole car accident which put me on permanent disability.. right foot was paralyzed for 3 yrs.. docs said.. don't walk more than 20' at a time.. *with cane* or I would be in a w/c before 6 mos.. have a cage in my lumbar spine.. and then we moved to WV.. Seig and I both were part of the humongous MCIworldcom layoff ... after his transfer.. and during that lull.. we opened our own school and I got full use of my foot 2 Christmas'es ago.. and here I am :)

Still doing my artwork.. and loving Kenpo :)
I'm a software developer. I write web-based business applications and reporting systems. Right now, I work for a company that provides health care & pharmacy services for the elderly.

Eventually, I'd like to own a small business.
I'm a PC tech by training. Last job was a 3 year stint as a NT network admin. Have been running a webhosting and development business for the last 5 or so years.

Oh, and I'm run MT full time too. (So send in your belt test fees...I need more cafinated beverages!) :rofl:

(Shameless plug) :D
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
I'm a PC tech by training. Last job was a 3 year stint as a NT network admin. Have been running a webhosting and development business for the last 5 or so years.

Oh, and I'm run MT full time too. (So send in your belt test fees...I need more cafinated beverages!) :rofl:

(Shameless plug) :D

oh I just noticed.. I got promoted today.. *does the snoopy happy dance in my chair*

Hey we support you.. :) with money too.. *wants a Promotion certificate *
I'm a mathematician specializing in numerical analysis. I teach at an engineering college.

Like theletch1, I did some cryptologic work while a (civilian) employee of the Navy!
Well for work experiance I worked in a restuarant as a Pastry Chef. I 'spose that doesnt really count......

:eek: HOWEVER I can tell you what I would LIKE to do. That would be anything to do with writing. I would love to become a Script Writer/Director and then come over to America and seduce you all with my fantastic movies :D Of course I would have to right novels as well (Including my biography) but if that doesnt happen then Journalism will do me fine :D

Now that I'm eating/thinking......I would also love to be a chef :D Of course with being a chef I can still write my biography so whatever happens......expect to read my Life story soon :D
I work for a company that manufactures plastic injection molds for the automotive industry.

We make molds for a lot of exterior components (bumper fascia's grilles, trim, etc)

I design the molds on a CAD system.

Before this I worked in the Toronto area doing the same kind of work, I moved here (London, ON) to study Kenpo.

After college, all of my jobs were in the computer field, mostly tech support and assembly. I did some retail (who didn't ;) ), and then worked for UPS in their IT dept, an Emergency Room in a Level 1 Trauma Center, and finally went to a training program for web design. I worked as a web designer for a few years, web producer for a few more, and then got laid off about two years ago. I had always wanted to be a teacher, so I took the layoff as a sign -- I got my Elementary teaching certificate, and then spent last year teaching history and literature to 6th through 8th graders in an urban private school. I loved it. I hope to hear any minute now from my home district, where I plan to be teaching sometime this fall (not sure exactly when or what subject yet).
I am a Property Underwriter for a small Insurance Company.

Yes I'm one of those nasty people that decide whether to insure you or not; or keep you insured and charge you an arm and a leg for it. :EG:

But seriously, we aren't that bad, just doing our job like everyone else. Honest. :angel:

Originally posted by KenpoTess
...have a cage in my lumbar spine..

.. and loving Kenpo :)

After hearing so much about you and your prowness, how are you able to do Kenpo with a cage in your back? That doesn't sound very flexible....

Do you also teach karate in college or am I confusing you with someone else (perhaps nightingale)?

- Ceicei
Hmmm. I'm beginning to think I'm the only blue collar guy on here. At least I know where to go when my 'puter crashes.:D
I work park time in a Youth Library, and since Graduating I'm trying to get a full time job as a sysadmin. Second round of interviews was this morning, and there was only me and one other who got through to this stage, so I'll find out in the week whether I got the job or the other guy/gal did.

Originally posted by satans.barber
I work park time in a Youth Library, and since Graduating I'm trying to get a full time job as a sysadmin. Second round of interviews was this morning, and there was only me and one other who got through to this stage, so I'll find out in the week whether I got the job or the other guy/gal did.


Good luck!
Engineering manager come engineers don't have groupies??...that would make life sooo much better.
Don't shoot me........


I'm Customer Service............

At America Online.............
I first worked as a "go-fer" when a freshman in high school for small language translation company in New Mexico. While a senior in high school and freshman in college, I worked at Veterans Medical Center both Supply and Financial departments next to the Kirtland Air Force Base.

I left for college in Utah (BYU). I worked during the summer at Novell in personnel department. Halfway through my college studies, I moved to Texas to teach for 18 months. I then returned to BYU and worked as a language instructor (American Sign Language). I also taught ASL at Utah Technical College (where I started Kenpo). I graduated from BYU and stayed on as a language instructor for an additional year.

Provo High hired me as an English instructor for students studying for their G.ED. Some students were court-ordered to attend as part of their probation. I only stayed a year because it is a challenge teaching a range of 14 - 54 year olds with about a half of them not wanting to be there in the first place. Some of my most motivated students were pregnant teenagers or young mothers.

I continued teaching ASL and English classes during the evenings at UVCC & UVSC (formerly UTC that went through two name changes). My daytime job the past 12 years is with the State of Utah as an Employment Counselor.

My husband, Clay, works as a self-employed computer technician and does installation/repair work. He also works as technical support with video-conferencing for Sorensen company.

I have recently stopped teaching at nights because it is taking too much time from my family. Just my family, my daytime job, and my Kenpo.

- Ceicei
Originally posted by TheEdge883
Don't shoot me........


I'm Customer Service............

At America Online.............

AOL...........:angry: :angry: :angry:

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