Woo Woo moments in Bujinkan

Don Roley

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Sep 25, 2002
Reaction score
There used to be a guy who lived in Japan by the name of Luke Molitor. He is now in Dallas area, but he used train under Hiroshi Nagase and other teachers with me.

I got an e-mail from him a while back after one of his students mentioned he had been shot at. The story he told was that he was walking down the street when he suddenly got a very bad feeling and his body made a cross step of his line of walking without thinging. Just then he heard a shot and when he looked he saw a guy he had never seen in an unknown car startt to speed off. If he had not moved when he did, he may be dead right now.

I told the story to Nagase and he praised Molitor saying that he had always tried to attract students that were serious and not dependent on fame or recognition. He said Molitor was one of the few students who had made the effort to come to Japan and learn all he could from the best teachers instead of setting himself up as a ninjutsu master. He told the new students that he did not want a lot of students but was proud of the few who had lasted like Molitor and understood what he was trying to teach. The fact that Molitor survived an attack like that was proof that he had done soem good in his life as a teacher.

I have always distrusted people that say that if you do what they say you will get powers that cannot be measured under labratory conditions. When someone pointed out that I train in the Bujinkan where you have to dodge a strike you can't see to get to fifth dan I had to say that while I may not have the answer to everything- I refuse to use that as a reason to accept other people's explinations. The fifth dan test is a fact. The reason why people pass it is not explained and no one has to accept any type of specific training or world view.

I was just wondering how many weird stories like Molitor's there are out there. Again, I reject any explination as to why things went as they did unless they can be proved under the requirements of the scientific method. Any stories would be appreciated.
Don Roley said:
I was just wondering how many weird stories ...are out there.
I once had one of the senior Japanese shihan hand me a beer out of the back of his van...I thought that was pretty weird and unexplainable by scientific parameters...
Don Roley said:
I was just wondering how many weird stories like Molitor's there are out there. Again, I reject any explination as to why things went as they did unless they can be proved under the requirements of the scientific method. Any stories would be appreciated.
You will forgive me for not knowing all the Details, but Shihan Ed Martin Shared a story about a Bujinkan Student/Instructor (I forget which) being in a big park in CA and having an increasingly bad feeling about somthing, and he insisted they leave, and there was a severe earthquake shortly after they left and a lot of people there were killed...
That's a pretty scary story, Don. I'm wondering who would want to shoot at Mr. Molitor. Has he made any enemies? Do you know if he was just a random victim, or was someone else the intended victim, and he happend to be in a stray bullet cross-fire zone?

Either way, I'm glad nothing interrupted his instincts, and he wasn't hurt.

I have a personal story to share:

I was at a party at a friend's house that went late into the night. I had originally planned to just crash there to spend the night, but for some strange reason I decided to go home even though the party was still in full swing, and people wanted me to stay.

I walked home, and when I got there I chided myself for being a 'party-pooper' and kept telling myself that I probably should have stayed and enjoyed the party a little longer, but I did feel very warm, safe and comfortable at home.

The next day, I found out that some people tried to break in to my friend's house to steal stereo equipment, but received a nice beat-down from the party people. Some of my friends got pretty hurt - a broken arm for one, another was cut with a knife - and I sometimes think that I could've helped out were I there, but then again I'm sure I could've been seriously hurt myself. It was at a time in my life when I had more confidence and bravado than I did martial skill, and I'm sure I would've tried something stupid.

Sensed danger, or just lucky coincidence? I don't know, but similar things have happened to me on several occasions since I begain Bujinkan training.
Shizen Shigoku said:
That's a pretty scary story, Don. I'm wondering who would want to shoot at Mr. Molitor. Has he made any enemies? Do you know if he was just a random victim, or was someone else the intended victim, and he happend to be in a stray bullet cross-fire zone?

He does not know. Violence does not happen in a vacum, but there may be things that just do not go right in people's life. Maybe his lover has a stalker or ex boyfriend he has never met. Maybe he resembles someone who has a vicious ex-boyfriend. He does not know.

I am just glad he is safe. If he were not around, I would have one less person to tease and bring me Bohemia Beer.
Then of course there's Nagato sensei, who supposedly had a bad feeling about and decided to stay home from a mission to South America on behalf of the US government, the very same mission in which Michael D. Echanis was killed in a plane crash...
Follow onto the case iinvolving Luke Molitor....kind of...


The above case has nothing to do with Molitor, it is not even in the same state. But it reinforces the proof that violence can hit you from out of nowhere.

Hey, Molitor may have a lot of enemies. I have seen nasty things written about him by people whom I consider to be not quite sane. It could be a case of mistaken identity. Or some guy decided to see what a thrill he could get by killing a random stranger.

In any case.... let's be carefull out there.
Yep, that's a weird one.

Without saying anything, a woman believed to be 17 to 20 years old hacked the victim's neck with a knife and then, accompanied by another young woman, got into a light blue BMW M3 convertible and sped away, Officer Joe Okies said.

"The victim did not know her attackers," Okies said. "No words were exchanged between the victim and her attackers prior to the stabbing.''

Joe Okies is the Berkeley PD's official spokesman/media relations guy, and we saw him discussing this on TV. He looked all spiffy in his uniform, which was amusing for us as we're accustomed to mostly seeing him in street clothes or a black dogi depending on which night's class he's in. :supcool:
Yeah, I remember making a comment that had something to do with people being assassinated. I said it doesnt happen to random people......then this kinda stuff pops up, and really shuts my mouth (or in this case, fingers) now doesn it?

Turns out the attacker was 16 years old, using an 8-inch butcher knife.

What's even more bizarre is that it turns out the other female accompanying her is a county mental health counselor:
And, in fact, his email address is "jokies@(his ISP)"
Yes! Its not just me!

When I was in high school, there was this guy named price fisher. In the computer system, our names were backwards (last name first).

Naturally, he got a lot of crap for that.
Yeah, I always said If I have kids I am naming them Ugly and Stupid

That way when they write their names Last Name First, First name last, it will read "Boyer Ugly" and "Boyer Stupid"

Technopunk said:
You will forgive me for not knowing all the Details, but Shihan Ed Martin Shared a story about a Bujinkan Student/Instructor (I forget which) being in a big park in CA and having an increasingly bad feeling about somthing, and he insisted they leave, and there was a severe earthquake shortly after they left and a lot of people there were killed...
Ed Martin brought out a VCD on knife with this story on there. It came under story 2 in the list to click on for quick reference.

I am wondering if other systems outside of the X-kans also have the woo woo element to their life? If it is just the kans, then it must be our training.
I dont know if this counts as woo woo moments, but I have been having "psychic" experiences... this is NOT normal for me, its kinda weird...

I was on my Bike on a winding road the other day going too fast, i started to cross the center line and was like "Oh hell that Van is gonna hit me" but there was no van, untill i went AROUND the turn and a minivan was flying up the road and just missed me.

the next night I was riding home and I saw a truck that made me think of a friends truck. I thought to myself, "I wonder why he's at my house..." and then, "Nah thats stupid, no one is home, why would he be there" and when I got home, he was sitting in my driveway...

Elizium said:
Ed Martin brought out a VCD on knife with this story on there. It came under story 2 in the list to click on for quick reference.

I am wondering if other systems outside of the X-kans also have the woo woo element to their life? If it is just the kans, then it must be our training.
I wouldn't be surprised if others have similar stories. It happens all the time. Everyone has the ability, just most are not "Aware" of it. Indeed, I think it is our training that makes us relax enough to be aware of the subtle feelings that we experience during various situations. For example during training, our eyes can decieve us but our feelings generally don't. For instance, think about "when should I move?". Well they say "Wait for the attack?" they also say "Move when the attacker is committed, but before he moves...". Often times this confuses people. I think they are both one and the same. The attack doesn't begin with movement, it begins with a thought. I think early on in training our eyes decieve us in that we haven't seen movement, but our bodies have sensed it, but we ignore it because we see nothing that merits that feeling. That is one of the many reasons why we must relax. Being tense is analogous to "white noise", which interrupts our senses.

Anyway, sorry for rambling, my point was everyone has this ability if their human :))), but most have trained (socially/environmentally) themselves to ignore it.
It seems in part to be in my eyes, a very basic and mistuned part of basic survival. Police, Military and the kans seem to develop this form of subtle sensing of danger to a point where they are able to react without being hurt. It is a strange and unmeasured force that for some reason, works.

I wonder what Soke Hatsumi has said about this in the past. The feeling of danger and to pull yourself out of it.

But to be honest, this woo-woo stuff is to me a double edged sword. It is mystifying to us Kyu and Sho dan grades, yet it also is an important part of what makes the kans unique.
Elizium said:
It seems in part to be in my eyes, a very basic and mistuned part of basic survival. Police, Military and the kans seem to develop this form of subtle sensing of danger to a point where they are able to react without being hurt.
It really isn't "reacting" it is "proacting". Our training is typically "proactive" rather than "reactive". But appears to be "reactive". Hope that makes sense. The military and police by and large are "reactive". That is why the basic hand to hand combat for the soldiers are techniques that require the use of the largest muscles of the body, which are the last ones people lose control of during a life threatening situation or a panic (fight or flight) situation. Our training is to relax in the face of danger which gives us the finer motor controls of the body (for one thing). Albeit, this type of training takes far longer to internalize than does Police Academy or Boot camp hand to hand.

Elizium said:
It is a strange and unmeasured force that for some reason, works.

I wonder what Soke Hatsumi has said about this in the past. The feeling of danger and to pull yourself out of it.

But to be honest, this woo-woo stuff is to me a double edged sword. It is mystifying to us Kyu and Sho dan grades, yet it also is an important part of what makes the kans unique.
In an effort to use science to explain this, the following is my theory. Everything on this planet and in the universe at the most basic molecular level has one thing in common (that we know of). Electrical charge. This I think is the thread that ties everything together. Thoughts are electrical impulses in the brain that have various frequencies. The brain is capable of picking up these signals from outside the skull. Somehow... (I am no scientist) I think we have yet to define this transmission of information that seems to defy time and distance. Additionally, I don't think we will fully understand that until we get closer to understanding time and space.

Additionally, along the same note, life (what makes us) is fundamentally electricity. This can even be described as Energy. I think it was Einstein that theorized there is a finite amount of energy in the Universe. An someone else has proven that energy never dies, it just changes state. With this in mind, and reading some of Soke's books about life and so forth, and thinking in terms of the various religions, life takes on a whole new perspective for me.
Bigshadow said:
It really isn't "reacting" it is "proacting". Our training is typically "proactive" rather than "reactive". But appears to be "reactive". Hope that makes sense.
It's been my understanding that this changes depending on whether you're working within the boundaries of nijigen no seikai, sanjigen no seikai or yugen no seikai.

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