Winter Environmental Training!

Pictures look good Brian and the training looked fun.
Only problem working knife drills in the snow is how easy it is to lose the training blades LOL Makes a case for those
Para cord wrist lanyards.
Have fun
Warmest regards
Brian King
Very cool(no pun intended).

We tend to overlook things like how heavy winter clothing and snow covered ground will effect the way we employ our skills. Nice way to take advantage of the bad weather to train in a way that simulates a probable situation that that you're students could find themselves in, especially given you're geographical location.

Well done.

Very cool(no pun intended).

We tend to overlook things like how heavy winter clothing and snow covered ground will effect the way we employ our skills. Nice way to take advantage of the bad weather to train in a way that simulates a probable situation that that you're students could find themselves in, especially given you're geographical location.

Well done.


Hey Mark,

Being located in the Great North up here in Michigan we wear coats, gloves, boots, scarves, etc. pretty regularly and you are right we need to be able to move and be effective while wearing encumbering gear. Gloves particularly impact what you can and cannot do. A simple move to open a folding knife is very, very hard while wearing gloves. In that case your folding knife probably will be best initially used as a striking or percussive tool. We also grapple regularly in the snow and all of the chokes and advantages (like slowing someone down, extra hand holds, etc) to wearing a GI during BJJ/Grappling translate right over to when you are wearing a coat. Another factor to consider is that winter coats impact what and wear you will strike. A good heavy winter coat is almost like wearing armor in a way as certain targets simply are no longer good targets. (ie. solar plexus) So you have to be more careful in how you strike. However on the flip side of that grabbing provided you have gloves that allow you to do so is easier because you can get ahold of your opponents coat collar, sleeves, etc. So winter environmental training here is essential in my mind!
I shot links to your blog to a couple of my buddies that are stationed at Fort Drum. They were very impressed and are happily going to use it as ammo get get their CSM to allow them to train combatives in the snow with the BN. Up at Drum they do almost everything else in the snow but I guess there is a safety concern on this, but you all don't seem to have gotten hurt so they are goint to give it a try.
I shot links to your blog to a couple of my buddies that are stationed at Fort Drum. They were very impressed and are happily going to use it as ammo get get their CSM to allow them to train combatives in the snow with the BN. Up at Drum they do almost everything else in the snow but I guess there is a safety concern on this, but you all don't seem to have gotten hurt so they are goint to give it a try.

If you train with safety in mind then I have never had a problem. Glad your friends can use it as ammo to possibly get out there and get some training in!
If you train with safety in mind then I have never had a problem. Glad your friends can use it as ammo to possibly get out there and get some training in!

If you train with safety in mind, it should be fine. I have never gotten hurt more then a bruise, which I cannot say for training in class where I have been injured worse.

Accidents happen, but if you enter with safety and start slow and learn your enviroment it will help you in the long run. :)
I think the most important thing Saftey-wise is to be aware of the envrionment... not keep going for too long if you are too wet/cold. I've done training like this in the past, and like Brian said about deploying knives and how you also have to take into account the "armor" that gloves and heavy jackets form against striking... you have to choose your targets much more carefully and be cautious of your footwork to avoid slipping and falling... I found the same things to be true.

Great pics, Brian!
I lived in NYC for awhile and did it there, trained on a tar roof in Hong Kong, but I invite everyone to come here to Houston in the Summer and we will see how your training goes....LOL!! 95-100 heat and humidity, but you will NOT retain water weight, I promise!!

Come on down, instead of coats, you will be in your pants shoes, and that is it! It sure does equalize everyone though!

Y'all come down here now, and melt from that Michigan winter, ya hear!!
I lived in NYC for awhile and did it there, trained on a tar roof in Hong Kong, but I invite everyone to come here to Houston in the Summer and we will see how your training goes....LOL!! 95-100 heat and humidity, but you will NOT retain water weight, I promise!!

Come on down, instead of coats, you will be in your pants shoes, and that is it! It sure does equalize everyone though!

Y'all come down here now, and melt from that Michigan winter, ya hear!!

I too enjoy training in extreme heat, humidity. Training in various weather extremes keeps me young.
Training in snow can be great fun ;)

A few years ago i had some training in the snow and it was great !
Let's hope for some snow during winter ;)
How do I train in the snow? I moved Los Angeles where it does get that bad. In Chicago, we ran bare foot in the snow a few times to say we did it.

Brian, you have my respect.:asian: