Why Teach?

Rob Broad said:
Why do you teach? What makes you want to get on the floor night after night and teach?

Teaching is great for many reasons. One of the main ones, is that it gives you the chance to pass on the knowledge that you've gained over the years, to the new students coming into the school. It also provides you with that challenge of always being 'tested' by the students you're teaching. Not so much in a bad way, but due to the fact that they're gonna ask questions and they're looking at you as a role model to teach them.

Teaching can also have its down sides. There were times when I was doing more teaching and taking fewer and fewer classes of my own. This can lead to a burn out, so to speak. Again, I'm not saying that teaching is bad, but its also important to get in your own training.

I teach because that's all I aspired to in martial arts since the moment I began.

I teach children because I love working with them and seeing them progress through the basics of martial arts. I have two four year olds in whom I see great kenpoists already. They have natural stances and their technique in punching and kicking comes easily to them. They are my little angels and their little smiles and voices are what motivate me to teach them.:asian: KT
These things come to mind: Refinement of technique. Cultivation of awareness. Reorganization of thought. Attention to details within the whole. 3rd party observation of 2 dynamic spheres. Coaching. Seeing students succeed. The moment of realization. Extending realization.

I think teaching also sharpens adaptation skills.

I teach because I love what it teaches me. I truly enjoy being on the floor and teaching people, Ireally enjoy helping them set and surpass their goals.
Rob you have been busy, anyway I teach those kids that can't afford to get quality instructons Bad nieghborhoods and parent that do not seem to care. I'a driven for the fact I hae been blessed in my life and we all should try to give a little back to those that need some guideens in there life.Seing childern being childern instead of trying to fit in a certain group of street thugs is my satifastion.GOD BLESS AMERICA
MJS said:
Teaching is great for many reasons. One of the main ones, is that it gives you the chance to pass on the knowledge that you've gained over the years, to the new students coming into the school. It also provides you with that challenge of always being 'tested' by the students you're teaching. Not so much in a bad way, but due to the fact that they're gonna ask questions and they're looking at you as a role model to teach them.

Teaching can also have its down sides. There were times when I was doing more teaching and taking fewer and fewer classes of my own. This can lead to a burn out, so to speak. Again, I'm not saying that teaching is bad, but its also important to get in your own training.


Very well said Mike, especially the importance of getting in your own training. This is vitally important in keeping you from stagnating. In order to keep your students learning and challenged, you must continue to learn and be challenged yourself.

I teach because it is what i do and honestly feel that it is my path in life. I love teaching and sharing martial arts - especially to women and teen girls. They respond well to my lessons as i can relate to their points of reference and can anticipate their questions, because i've been there.


Teaching touches lives. It touches our own lives and the lives of others. In Martial Arts you are both a teacher and a student and in the words of Miyamoto Musashi author of A Book of Five Rings, "The teacher is as needle the student is as thread, you must practice constantly." Teaching is about imparting knowledge but it is also a part of our personal journey as students always learning as well. Just as the thread and needle must rely on each other to sew and or mend, so too must a teacher and student work harmoniously in an information exchange toward higher learning. I agree Mike that that includes striking a balance by also making the time to practice your art as well. :asian:

MJ :)
Rob Broad said:
Why do you teach? What makes you want to get on the floor night after night and teach?

For my physical/mental health .

To pass on the art.

It's a good release to get out of the house/housework!

A sense of accomplishment for myself, and helping others. :asian:
I teach to be come a multi millionaire and to eventually get into movies and be a action hero. Then I can get all the hot chicks..:>)
OC Kid said:
I teach to be come a multi millionaire and to eventually get into movies and be a action hero. Then I can get all the hot chicks..:>)
:lol: Can I have your autograph? :viking2: OC Kid!
OC Kid said:
I teach to be come a multi millionaire and to eventually get into movies and be a action hero. Then I can get all the hot chicks..:>)

Oh yeah? Well, get in line! :)
RCastillo said:
Oh yeah? Well, get in line! :)
Ok...can I have your autograph too?:D ...might need a bigger piece of paper for all these hot :flammad:dudes' signatures!
I love to teach. I especially like working with kids and with women who for some strange reason don't think they are capable of doing things men can do. The look on their faces when they "get it", and realize that they can do it are priceless.

I think to be an effective teacher you are forced to understand what you are teaching much more thoroughly. I always learn something new when I teach.
I have watched many people try to teach by standing in front of the class and basically saying "OK, you do this...then this..then this" when they are explaining a technique. I have always felt that it's a teacher's responsiblity to not only know how to demonstrate a technique, but to fully understand the underlying concepts inherent in the technique, and be able to explain them in a way that
everyone in the room can relate to or understand. You should be able to explain how all of the parts of the body interact to perform the technique correctly. As part of this, a good teacher should be able to explain to a student how a technique should "feel"
when done correctly.
I view teach as an art into itself. Some are capable some are not, luckily many can be taught how to teach. My hats off to anyone who teaches, and a deep bow to anyone who has to deal with Momma Bears.
As a junior high school teacher, I can tell you that teaching is so much more than teaching a subject or in this case martial arts. It is about teaching life. There is nothing like inspiring someone to want to learn. Teaching, to me, is not my job or my carerr, but it is my life. I have just recently began helping out my instructor with the 5 & 6 yr olds and the 7-12 yrs olds at our school and I love it. I still get the work with the kids and watch them preform what I helped them with.

It's unfortunate that so many people view teaching in such a negative light. It is such a great feeling knowing what I do everyday is truly making a difference in someone. Sometimes, its the littlest things that can affect someone. One story I will never forget was told to me by my college professor who was also a high school teacher for 35 yrs.

He is perhaps one of the nicest, more caring people I have ever met. He was a professional basketball player in the 1960s and quit because he thought he could do more with his life (i.e. become a teacher!) Anyway, he told us that one day back in the 1970s, he was walking down the hall towards the cafeteria when he saw one of his female students. She didn't look to happy, but as he walked by, all he said to her was, "hi <insert her name here>, I hope you have a nice weekend". Later that school year, this student came up to him and reminded him of that day and said that she was planning on killing herself because she felt like no one knew she was alive. She said him saying hi to her saved her life. He told me that story in 2002 and it happened in the early 1070s, but he still cried when he said it to our class. Name another job where a person can affect another person like that.... this is why I teach.

mj-hi-yah said:
Ok...can I have your autograph too?:D ...might need a bigger piece of paper for all these hot :flammad:dudes' signatures!

I dunno, send in yuor application, all requests will be reviewed! :)

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