Why is karate different from kung fu?

Haha I don't believe in Chuck Norris ain't a fan of him. Also, do you really saw TSD before as in directly from Asia?

TSD is centuries older than Karate. I advise you to go to Korea and read histories.

You better prepare to justify everything you just posted....

Do you want me myself to tell you the history of TSD?:cool:
About TKD influencing karate it is possible some Japanese invaders would force people to teach them.

This happened to China as well when they invaded fujian province they force a lot of masters to train their soldiers.
Originally posted by yentao
Haha I don't believe in Chuck Norris ain't a fan of him.

Sorry friend, but I have incontravertable proof that he does exist!

Originally posted by yentao
Also, do you really saw TSD before as in directly from Asia?

Mate, I haven't saw TSD now in Australia.

Originally posted by yentao

TSD is centuries older than Karate. I advise you to go to Korea and read histories.

Nah, that's why I've got the internet, I can read the histories right here at home!

Originally posted by yentao
You better prepare to justify everything you just posted....

You're the one making the claims, YOU do the justifying!

Originally posted by yentao
Do you want me myself to tell you the history of TSD?:cool:

Not really. I have no interest in the style per se. If I was to meet someone who does the art and we had a discussion, then maybe I'd be interested to know a few points. But otherwise no thanks.

Originally posted by yentao
Anyway I'm not talking to about all karate.

Of course not, it's a generic term, I doubt you'd have lived long enough to research all styles. Heck this thread is starting to sound like another one, where everything comes from Muay Thai.
I know, it can't be that because I'm sure you would think that Muay Thai comes from TSD.

I have a question for you, Where are you from?

I'm N.P.A. Living around S.E. Asia. Anyway I know Chuck exists What I only mean "I don't belive in everything he says I'm not fan of him". I don't need proof.

Hahaha I don't think the INTERNET can tell enough histrories to you. Yes I'm ready to justify my posts but I don't take claims. HAHAHA you where you from?
Thank you all for stoking my ego aon ueichi ryu. And as for the difference in lenght in karate and kungu, I believe that the shortness of karate katas is intended to teach select movements and allow the students to have a core group of moves that he or she will know very well.
Originally posted by yentao
I'm N.P.A. Living around S.E. Asia.

I'm starting to think that should read "Under a Bridge", as that's where most trolls live!

Now after a small amount of research, check this out.

The kanji for Tang Soo Do, are Tang Sho Dao in Chinese and
Karatedo in Japanese. (Old kanji for Kara)

This was actually the name used for Karate in Okinawa loooooooooong before, it ever went to Korea.

Not to mention the fact that some of the Kata are exactly the same in name, Kanji wise and almost the same in performance. All this proves that Korea has never had an influence on Japanese/Okinawan arts like karate, judo, or kendo.

You're just here to annoy people aren't you?


Originally posted by GaryM
Did Bugs Bunny do Toon Ryu? Ok, I'll go stand in the corner now.

Hey, now that's funny!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Originally posted by D.Cobb
I'm starting to think that should read "Under a Bridge", as that's where most trolls live!

Now after a small amount of research, check this out.

The kanji for Tang Soo Do, are Tang Sho Dao in Chinese and
Karatedo in Japanese. (Old kanji for Kara)

This was actually the name used for Karate in Okinawa loooooooooong before, it ever went to Korea.

Not to mention the fact that some of the Kata are exactly the same in name, Kanji wise and almost the same in performance. All this proves that Korea has never had an influence on Japanese/Okinawan arts like karate, judo, or kendo.

You're just here to annoy people aren't you?


:) :)


Anyway I think you are the one annoying here shrub? You cheap guy. I don't care if you don't believe me. Just keep yours into you.

As a Chinese martial artists I do research as well. Base in my research I asked my Korean friend who is one of the people who studied under Grand master Hwang Kee.

Well loooooong before those okinawan guys learn kung fu in China.

TSD around 2000 yrs. ago when it originated it was known as Soo Bahk or Tang Shou which means "Tang Dynasty Hand". During the Silla dynasty a queen name Song-duk sent men to learn Kung Fu in China under Tang martial arts 2000 yrs. ago. After yrs. of learning kung Fu from the Tangs the men return to Korea to teach the art. They called it Tang Shou which now you can translate it buddy to what is known to be Tang Dynasty Hand.

Well later they call it Tang Soo Do it only has similarites with karate because of their common origin. The wide stances for example.

I know Kan Ji as well so don't try to use it to make your info look more creditable. READ THIS: Tang Shou (Tang - refers to Tang Dynasty, Shou - hand) in mandarin translation OR Soo Bahk was the first known name for Tang Soo Doo.

I think you are the one fooling around the first place.

Maybe your sources fooled you hahaha. Or you just don't get your source clearly!

The longer you push it, the more humiliating things will come to you... :cool:
Actually the term "Soo" in Tang Soo Do refers to "Shou"- hand. The "Shou" has the same meaning of "Shou" in Chi (Shou) "Sticky Hands" in Wing Chun.

So DaVE! Pls. stop fooling us around. You don't even know Chinese well.

:asian: :asian: :asian: :asian: :asian: :asian: :asian: :asian: :asian:
Please, keep the discussion polite and respectful.

-MT Admin-
Originally posted by yentao
Actually the term "Soo" in Tang Soo Do refers to "Shou"- hand. The "Shou" has the same meaning of "Shou" in Chi (Shou) "Sticky Hands" in Wing Chun.

So DaVE! Pls. stop fooling us around. You don't even know Chinese well.

:asian: :asian: :asian: :asian: :asian: :asian: :asian: :asian: :asian:

You are right, I don't know Chinese well, but my friend who lives in Japan, is married to an Okinawan woman and has lived in China and speaks reads and writes both Chinese and Japanese, fluently, does know Chinese very well. He is where I got my information!

So I'll say this as politely as I can,Go Blow That Out Your Kazoo .

I have never stated that I know any of the aforementioned languages, and no you were wrong, I am not humiliated.
Originally posted by D.Cobb
You are right, I don't know Chinese well, but my friend who lives in Japan, is married to an Okinawan woman and has lived in China and speaks reads and writes both Chinese and Japanese, fluently, does know Chinese very well. He is where I got my information!

So I'll say this as politely as I can,Go Blow That Out Your Kazoo .

I have never stated that I know any of the aforementioned languages, and no you were wrong, I am not humiliated.

So am I, I can speak Chinese, I got relatives there in China as well.

Haha so is this guy from Japan know TSD or another karate kid? If not your sick.

Well Of Course your not humiliated because you have thick face trying to say something that you ARE NOT DIRECTLY know of. I guess your friend should be the one that is posting here.

I remember you said that TSD and Karate are the same right? I think this is where all started

Go check this: For history
Originally posted by D.Cobb
I'm starting to think that should read "Under a Bridge", as that's where most trolls live!

Now after a small amount of research, check this out.

The kanji for Tang Soo Do, are Tang Sho Dao in Chinese and
Karatedo in Japanese. (Old kanji for Kara)

This was actually the name used for Karate in Okinawa loooooooooong before, it ever went to Korea.

Not to mention the fact that some of the Kata are exactly the same in name, Kanji wise and almost the same in performance. All this proves that Korea has never had an influence on Japanese/Okinawan arts like karate, judo, or kendo.

You're just here to annoy people aren't you?



YOU SAID THAT The kanji for Tang Soo Do, are Tang Sho Dao in Chinese and kARATEDO in Japanese So you are trying to say they are the same meaning which is not.

YOU SAID you have never stated that you know any of the aforementioned language. THEN you should not post something that you don't know. Go get your friend to explain your posts. Still not humiliated?
Please, keep the discussion polite and respectful.

-MT Admin-
Originally posted by yentao
THEN you should not post something that you don't know.

Why not? You do, every time you post and pretend that you know English! I never said I know the language, what I said was the kanji for the two was the same. This was told to me by someone that speaks, not only Chinese and Japanese, but also English. Now I would prefer it, if you would go away and learn English as well, so that I can understand your pathetic ramblings a little better.

Originally posted by yentao Still not humiliated?

Humiliated? No!
Aggravated? Yes.

Now go away, you bother me boy!

Originally posted by D.Cobb
Why not? You do, every time you post and pretend that you know English! I never said I know the language, what I said was the kanji for the two was the same. This was told to me by someone that speaks, not only Chinese and Japanese, but also English. Now I would prefer it, if you would go away and learn English as well, so that I can understand your pathetic ramblings a little better.

Humiliated? No!
Aggravated? Yes.

Now go away, you bother me boy!


Why you scared?
Haha.. Exactly you said that the kanji of TSD and Karate were the same. THEN YOU and YOU FRIEND ARE SICK.

Hey did you check out the site? Admit it! You are humiliated.

I see, I'm not bothering ok just get out here and research more. This time to a korean pls..:D
Originally posted by D.Cobb
Hey, now that's funny!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You can say Toon Ryu 2 ways.
1 is Toe an Ryu and the other is Toe oon Ryu
Originally posted by yentao
Actually the term "Soo" in Tang Soo Do refers to "Shou"- hand. The "Shou" has the same meaning of "Shou" in Chi (Shou) "Sticky Hands" in Wing Chun.

So DaVE! Pls. stop fooling us around. You don't even know Chinese well.

:asian: :asian: :asian: :asian: :asian: :asian: :asian: :asian: :asian:

No it does not.

Shou in Chinese is the kanji for Te in Japanese.

Tang Soo Do, Tang Shou Dao, Kara Te Do all use the exact same kanji.