I don't think you fully understand what he was saying.
Western Culture: MMA/Boxing/Kickboxing: Fighters fight in shorts. Eastern Culture: Muay Thai/Sanda/Sumo: Fighters fight in shorts or less than shorts.
Both have "almost nude" fighting.
Also, Western Culture: American Karate/American Kenpo/Savate: Fighters wear more clothes. Eastern Culture: Judo/Kendo/Most Kung Fu styles: Fighters wear more clothes.
Both have "clothed" fighting. It is definitely NOT due to culture difference. I could make the exact same comparison with "old way" vs. "new way". The main difference is which is more effective for the purposes of the art, and honestly part of it is probably what the founders of the art felt more comfortable with.
No that is not what I was saying about culture. I'm not talking about martial arts style and the science and understanding of the martial arts style what they wear and why.
What I mean by culture here is culture like food, clothing, customs and attitudes of being nude or almost nude. Like example is it normal to go nude in public parks? In Germany yes. In France, no.
There are nude beaches and there are non nude beaches. Some countries are more open to nudity than others. In Amsterdam girls can go topless at the beach. Some countries can show nudity on TV of both sexes.
Some countries it is taboo for people to wear shorts like in some middle east countries that girls have to have lot of clothing on.
Are guys okay being almost nude or nude well more socially acceptable than girls.
Can you go swimming in pool nude? Some places yes?
Even in the US customs and attitudes of guys showering with other guys nude at the gym where lot more wide spread and custom back in old days. In the US some issues like homophobia today may be why you see less guys showering with other guys like in past. Where in old days more a taboo to talk about sexuality and LGBT. Where today sexuality and LGBT more out in open.
I seen guys showered nude and quickly cover up with a towel at all other times dressed as quickly as possible and avoided interaction with others. Other guys using towel and doing weird towel-dance behavior well they change clothes not to show their parts or much of their skin!! Other guys who immediately strip down and then conduct all their business while in the locker room naked and taking their time even chatting to you nude.
My point is how MMA, Boxing, Kickboxing and Muay Thai fit in with cultures, customs and attitudes.
I'm sure martial arts you not going to see kids and teens going at it almost nude. At least in US anyways.
And issue like swimming or MMA, Boxing, Kickboxing and Muay Tha in Asia or the middle east where showing lot of skin even a t-shirt and shorts in taboo.
I get it that in a street fight t-shirt and shorts get destroyed or people could grab onto it. And it is harder to fight nude than with clothes on. And can't grab onto shirts, pants or shorts. So only cover up private parts in MMA.
But this does not answer thread of culture and customs of showing skin. Some girls may not want to fight with out a t-shirt of only in bra. And LGBT issue could even make some guys not want to fight or in some countries where showing lot of skin is taboo.
So I'm little shock if MMA, Boxing, Kickboxing and Muay Tha are dead lock in old ways and like that in all countries even Asia and the Middle East where showing lot of skin is taboo.