Who's our next President?


Apr 17, 2002
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At an OP in view of your house...
NOT who do you WANT to be our next president.

Who do you think will be our next President?

Will Bush get re-elected? Will one of the 10 democrates running win? How about some independent?

Now come on people, I don't want to hear, "I don't know yet..." because duh! It is WAY too early too tell who would win for sure, and I am not completely decided yet who I want to win either.

But remember, it's not who you WANT...it's who you think will win.

So throw your off the cuff' not fully decided opinions out here; and we can check back in a year and see who was right.

Unfortunately (for me, at least), I think it will be Dubya, mostly because the Democrats haven't put up a clear challenger yet, and I don't see them doing so anytime soon. The candidates seem to be too busy beating each other up to put up anyone with the potential to win. Hopefully a year from now things will be different, but somehow I doubt it.
Theres Democrats running? They might want to start getting some publicity.

I've been unable to find a Libertarian candidate this time around, though their websites a 'tad' bit behind in updates.

Sadly, I think its a forgone conclusion that W will win the election. Course, if he doesn't, he can just do what he did last time and have the courts hand it to him.

Either way, it still means 4 more years of lies, 4 more years of deceit and 4 more years of even more of the world becoming our enemy.

I wonder who we will attack next, and what lies will be spouted to further distract the sheep from the fact that internally we are dying as a country?

I agree, Bush seems the likely candidate to win. He's got 9/11 and his war on terrorism on his side and the fact that polls made him THE most popular president in history. Daddy Bush must be proud.

With all that... I've grown really tired of the methodology of the campaigns and the candidates. Throwing mud at each other. Dragging out dirty little secrets about this guy and the next...

It's not what I want to hear. I want to hear how you, Mr Candidate are going to keep me working, keep the economy going or get it back up again, keep our country safe and so on.

I don't give a bloody hell about your past indescretions, there have been presidents before you who've done just as (if not worse) things and they still managed to do a good job. It'll be a long time before we get a boyscout into the Oval Office.

Just do your job as honestly as possible.
I think that General Wesley Clark is going to take the win in 2004.

I don't think Bush will get re-elected because the economy sucks, and we are now locked into a war we are spending mucho dinero overseas, among other things. All political arguements aside on whether he deserves it or not, it is clear in the polls that Bush's support is wanning severely, and I just don't think it will improve by election time.

I think that Clark has all the Credentials to gain American support over the other canidates, and he seems to be saying the right things. He seems moderate enough where republicans might vote for him. He seems to have a public presence as well.

So that is who I think will win. Now obviously campaign finance, and getting throught the Dem. primaries is a major factor that cannot be determined this early, so obviously I could be wrong. However, I have made my prediction.

Anyone else? :popcorn:
Me. Live in fear.

But I'm ready: been watching, "West Wing..."

Now if'n I can just get that pesky finance things fixed...
Dubya will win because all economic tactics used to fix the economy take about 18 months to take hold fully. plenty of time for the election.

Clark is too thin skinned and will bow out mid-way thru the campaign. Howard Dean is the most likely Democratic front runner because he is the only one with a personality. The Dems can only hope that another terrorist attack does not happen because historically the public beleives that Democrats (with the exception of JFK) are too soft on terror and don't have the fortitude to protect the nation.
General Clark is my choice. If you noticed, nobody critsized him too harshly during the debates. They smell a champion. I want Al Sharpton for vice prez but you all knew that from my "reperations" posts. I still say Al is the only guy that makes any sense.
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
General Clark is my choice. If you noticed, nobody critsized him too harshly during the debates. They smell a champion. I want Al Sharpton for vice prez but you all knew that from my "reperations" posts. I still say Al is the only guy that makes any sense.

I agree that Al is an interesting guy, and he is kind of popular here in the northeast, but do you think he has enough recognition to go over nationally? If anything, he would make the debates a lot more fun.
Al Sharpton would be the death of any Dem attempt to take the White House. While he may be popular with some he is way to controversial with many more. The best hope that the Dems have for getting into the White House this time around is that no semi-popular independent runs. I see Pres. Bush getting re-elected but I don't think anyone would accept another "decided in the courts" election.
Originally posted by Elfan
I'm thinking Dean WILL be. But I would prefer Kucinich.

Personal Opinion: Kucinich is a horror to unleash on the nation. Keep in mind this is coming from a person who has already seen what evils he can inflict while in public office.

I like Dean, but I think he's a little abrasive for diplomacy (and I thought it couldn't get any worse than Dubya).

I would love to see Clark in office. I think he has a decent stance and attitude.

As of right now I think that Dubya has a good chance (God help us), unless the Dems can get their ish together and quick. There are a lot of POed people in the US and Bush is a target for their disappointment. POed about loss of civil rights, POed about a war that has yet to be justified, POed about a runaway budget, POed in general. However until someone realistic (a cult of personality if you will) steps up to unite the POed people, the GOP machine will roll on. Dubya's popularity has been plumeting recently (like pop polls mean anything) and it may only take a few more BinLaden goose chases, a couple more exposed CIA agents and toss in a handful of ape faces on the TV and another failed Korean summit and he may bottom out. Daddy couldn't save himself during his re-election loss and I think Jr. may have the same problem. Who knows maybe he can enlist his brother to pull some hanging chad wins in other states.
Originally posted by theletch1
Al Sharpton would be the death of any Dem attempt to take the White House. While he may be popular with some he is way to controversial with many more. The best hope that the Dems have for getting into the White House this time around is that no semi-popular independent runs. I see Pres. Bush getting re-elected but I don't think anyone would accept another "decided in the courts" election.

I agree. I would have problems voting for Al after seeing some of the publicity stunt and flugs he has pulled.
Originally posted by OULobo
Personal Opinion: Kucinich is a horror to unleash on the nation. Keep in mind this is coming from a person who has already seen what evils he can inflict while in public office.

Jus to clarify, did you disagree with his policy, or think that his implimentation of his policy was bad/done in an incompetnt manner?
Originally posted by Elfan
Jus to clarify, did you disagree with his policy, or think that his implimentation of his policy was bad/done in an incompetnt manner?

A little of both, but the majority the lformer. I do have to admit that it is partially a local bias againt a man that drove our city to default. He has been most recently a congressman and he has done a better job during this run. While I don't agree with all of his policies, he has been quite the fighter for individuals when he finds something that inspires him. I think is mentality is small time (which is good for local congress office) and that it will bode bad in a national office that requires so much attention to so many issues at once.
Bush is going to win:mad: :(
oh well
heres why i think he might
he has name recognition
encumbants often win
to many people trying to get in so they will split the votes somewhat
hmm i think if all the candidates voted for one person they could elct him by themsefls there are so many
i hope im wrong though
maybe all te stuff bush has done wrong will harm him
Originally posted by someguy
Bush is going to win:mad: :(
oh well
heres why i think he might
he has name recognition
encumbants often win
to many people trying to get in so they will split the votes somewhat
hmm i think if all the candidates voted for one person they could elct him by themsefls there are so many
i hope im wrong though
maybe all te stuff bush has done wrong will harm him

I don't think the amount of candidates will hurt him necessarily, because most of them are Dems. and only one will get the primary so all the rest's supporters will likely go to the Dem. primary winner. I think that the mess in Iraq (no WMDs, still soldiers being killed and attacked, still can't afford to wage a continuing campaign), the current scandals (CIA leak) and the political snafus (Aussie summit, Malaysian PM lecture, unpopular opinions of a rogue general) will drag on Bush.

Warning Soapbox:
I'm going to say that he made the same mistake his Daddy made, thinking that an imcumbate with a successful war record always gets re-elected, so just get a good war going and you're all set. The problem is that most people now care about domestic issues more. I think if the election was by strict popular opinion and if the process was dependable (hanging chads my butt), he wouldn't have a chance. It would always help if the Dems. could get their act together.
This thread is the sentament that I hear from most people, republican moderates and democrates and independents alike:

That bush will be relected..."unfortunatily." It seems that most people want him out, yet they feel defeated already, so they don't think it will ever happend.

This is precisely the reason that I think he won't get elected again...if people go out and vote, they aren't going to be voting for him, even if they think he'll win.

Now time for a soapbox....:


I don't care if you vote for bush, a dem., an independent, or if you write yourself in....you MUST excersise your right to vote! If you can't at the very least get your @$$ out there to vote for a presidential election, then you should be forced to shut your fat mouth about anything involving politics for the next 4 years.

thank you....thank u very much....;)

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