Who is this guy?

I think my favorite part is the discussion of how some of the black dragons are off in war zones being mercenaries. On a "sword quest" and The black dragon is not a secret orgnization but an orgnization with secrets!

Seriously how do people fallow this? Did you notice all of his students looked in their teens still?

Well I would tell you but I can't, not that I am keeping secrets but I have secrets to keep
:jediduel: WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, I think I've found my new art! I've pretty much given up on the sword, to darn many "real" experts out there to let me get by anymore but I think with enough time and effort that maybe, just maybe, I might be able to at least get some ability and legitmate ranking in this one. I like the embroidered belt too, I bet that helps him hide in the crowds.
It's nice to finally see a clip of this guy I've heard so much about. Very interesting.
The Ashida Kim music video:

Notice how he looks right at home in that straight jacket? Man 4 minutes of life I'll never get back, wasted watching that dork make a mockery out of Ninjutsu. :barf:
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I love it. The guy is a born comic. I love the candle flame bit and him avoiding the punches. I never thought I would see someone move so fast. Larry Tatum eat your heart out :rofl:

"Supreme Grandmaster Ashida Kim"
"Greatest Ninja Master in The World"


*pant, pant*

jokes aside, his arm swinging, groin ripping and floor beating bears an uncanny resemblance to Glen Levy's arm swinging, groin ripping and floor beating :p

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