Who designed the Kukkiwon poomse?

Buh? Heel palm block isn't knife hand.

Er, heel palm? The Taegeuks use palm block (which look like knife hand I guess, sorry ^~^), but they don't use any heel palm.
I'm pressed for time so I'll look over this all more later. Thanks again for all the help.
My two cents real fast:
Every block is indeed a strike and vice-versa. We also have to realize that the motions between motions (ie, the setup for blocks and punches and such) can be easily used for deflections. Really, any motion can do anything. That's really another rant for later though.

Er, heel palm? The Taegeuks use palm block (which look like knife hand I guess, sorry ^~^), but they don't use any heel palm.

You use the heel of your palm to block, thus heel palm block.
You use the heel of your palm to block, thus heel palm block.

Er, not the way I was taught. I was taught that the block is done with the flat part of the palm. I was taught the same way by two very different masters. But all schools do things differently. I like it being that way. In the words of my instructor, "It's like jaz." ^~^
Every block is a strike only if correctly trained as such. Just saying it doesn't make it so.

Well to block something means to get in it's way and take the force. In Taekwondo - like most styles - what are called blocks are techniques used to strike an attack out of the way, rather than take the force. If we were to literally block we would be putting our arms up and directly letting them get hit. I've never quite seen a school that does that.
Now this is me talkiing I know it is a block but I was also tought that all block are suppose to cause damamge because a block is a strike and a parray is a deflection.

Sometimes a punch is just a punch, a kick is just a kick and a block is just a block. :)

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