Which instructor


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
Which instructor that you had gave you the best over all workout and why. It does not have to be your Master but it may have been a equal to you and your current rank
At a seminar? GM Bong Yul Shin.

In a class setting? My current instructor, Master Mike Morton.

In both cases, these instructors have given me the best overall workouts because they do everything with us. This in itself inspires me to push harder than I normally could.
I would say for Judo, Gunnery Sergeant Orlando Simms. There are so many gold medals from competition I owe thanks to my drilling and cardio conditioning.

Judo and greco competition aside, I have never ever been through a harder workout in a class environment than my pop can push. In all sincerity I told him that he pushes his class like they were Marines doing P.T.

Dad told me once, "My students will not lose a fight due to being out of shape." Oh yeah, the only person I have ever seen make dad winded is GM Shin.
Coach Lee, former coach of the US TKD Olympic team. Had the honor of working out with him at a seminar one day, not so much that he pushed you, but there was no way that you could let him see you slacking.
Not a master, but the father of one of my friends. My God, he'll train your guts out.
My 1st instructor, Master Yun Kil Kim, would give us one heck of a workout. Class was anywhere from 2-2 1/2 hours long. Warm-ups & stretch for a half hour, Basics for an hour, *a 2 minute break for water*, then we'd work on poomsae, sparring or both.

I trained there from age 14-17. I thought all TKD classes were that hard & that long. Wow was I surprised when I got to my next dojang.

*We had a pizza place next door to the dojang. In the summer, the front & back doors of the dojang (no A/C). The guys at the pizza place would leave pizza then couldn't sell (due to burning or something) & pitchers of ice water for us in the alley for our break. We inhailed (sp?) it in 2 minutes & kept going.
A master in one of the Kenpo systems I studied, Master Paul Burge. This guy brought me the closest to throwing up that I have ever came.
GM Tae Zee Park. I simply wouldn't be where I am without him. Knows more about Tae Kwon Do in his little finger than most people know in their whole body. Has also remained steadfast to the principles of traditional Tae Kwon Do when many other were focusing on sport.
Hardest workout-I'd say a seminar with Master Han Won Lee. It was also the most fun though!

Workout where I learned the most-enjoyed a day-long seminar with Master Jin Bang Yang. He broke everything he covered down so well.

Dear All,

Having had the pleasure of training with many instructors from many different styles and systems, I would have to say that there are two that come to mind (Re: Taekwondo).

Charles Bateman and Chung Yun Sung, both former military instructors with over 40 years of experience (each). They are well disciplined and can really get you motivated. They know what they are going to do next so there is no down time. Also, they know exactly what they are teaching and why so any necessary explanation is straight to the point. Being that we are training in fairly small groups (15 or less) also helps as these men at one time where accustomed to teaching groups of greater than 80!

Which instructor that you had gave you the best over all workout and why. It does not have to be your Master but it may have been a equal to you and your current rank

Master Walt Lang... no question... damn near killed all of us. I was just really glad that, unlike my seniors, I hadn't stopped for breakfast at McDonald's (I ate at home); I've never heard (thankfully, didn't see) so many grown men throw up due to a workout before or since.

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