Which do you actually do?

Which one do you actually do?

  • Kali

  • Arnis (Including Modern)

  • Escrima

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This may be to big of an undertaking for this forum, buy while we are on the subject, what are the major differences between the Visayan language and the Tagalog. Does Tagalog have more Spanish and Visayan more Indonesian? There is a local Filipino store in our area, and the owner is Visayan, however he had no problem communicating with my wife in Tagalog. My wife mentioned that many Visayans also can speak Tagalog because along with English, that is what is taught in schools.

I thought this was indeed something of a mixture of languages, including Spanish, but with a strong basis in a native language. In fact, the term also refers to a cultural group.

From here:

Tagalog, with the stress on the second syllable, is the national language of the Philippines. In 1962 it was made the country's official language and given the new name of Pilipino. Tagalog is the mother tongue of about 15 million people, most of whom live in southern Luzon in an area that includes Manila. Its study has been strongly encouraged by the government and it is estimated that over 75 percent of the population at least understands the language.

Tagalog is a member of the Malayo-Polynesian family of languages. The three centuries of Spanish rule in the Philippines left a strong imprint on the vocabulary. Mesa (table), tenedor (fork), papel (paper), and asero (steel) are only a few of hundreds of Spanish words in Tagalog.

My impression has been that the effect of other languages on Tagalog has been significant, from speaking with Pilipinos.
All you guys know so much about Philipino culture... all I know about is getting yelled at in Tagalog by my Philipina girlfriends. Wish I had learned the language and more about the culture while I had the chance.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

all I know about is getting yelled at in Tagalog by my Philipina girlfriends.

Well, that's bound to happen when you have girlfriends instead of just a girfriend.
I meant throughout my life! sheesh, I don't know why but I landed up in relationships with 4 Philipina girls throughout my life. I have some sort of Philipina girl attractor device thingy or something because they always find me.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
err spelling

But i have a expert showing me it once a week and i like it, Soon there is gonna be a stick fighting clinic at my Gym for a weekend.
Sounds like great fun, I plan on Particapating i like alot of there moves. Intresting trapping motions.
Hmmm.......I just figured that this post was kinda pointless because it isnt specific enough. I missed out all of you who do other Filipino arts such as

Arnis Defense Silat

Bakbakan Kali

Balintawak Arnis

Balitok Eskrima

Bandalan Doce Pares Eskrima

Black Eagle Arnis-Eskrima

Cabales Serrada Escrima

D'Katipunan Arnis

Dekiti Tirsia Siradas Arnis

Doblete Rapillion Arnis

Estalilla Kabaroan Eskrima

Garimot Arnis

Giron Arnis Escrima


Kalis Illustrisimo

Kalis Kalis ng Tinagalogan

Lameco Eskrima

Lapunti Arnis de Abaniko

Latosa Escrima

Lightning Scientific Arnis International ( :confused: )

Modern Arnis

Moro-moro Orabes Heneral

Pananandata Marinas

San Miguel Eskrima

Sayas-Lastra Arnis

Sayok Kali

Tulisan Caballero Taga Herada

Sorry, everyone was showing off there little bit of knowledge so I thought I would join in. But it does lead me to my next question...

"What is with the Differant spellings of Escrima/Eskrima?"

Does anyone know :confused:
"What is with the Differant spellings of Escrima/Eskrima?"

No "C" in the Tagalog language. Perhaps the "C" was introduced from the Spanish Alphabet?

By the way, I train in FCS Kali, (Sayoc Kali, Modern Arnis, Pekiti Tirsia blend) and some informal largo stuff my uncles taught me when I was young.
Yeah that sounds right.......I do the Inosanto/Lacoste system of Kali or JKD/Kali as they call it now days.
Originally posted by arnisandyz
"What is with the Differant spellings of Escrima/Eskrima?"

No "C" in the Tagalog language. Perhaps the "C" was introduced from the Spanish Alphabet?

By the way, I train in FCS Kali, (Sayoc Kali, Modern Arnis, Pekiti Tirsia blend) and some informal largo stuff my uncles taught me when I was young.

Would you also say wiith bits of Lameco, Pambuan, and Inosanto/Lacoste 'blend' for flavor? Then there's always the Kuntao-Silat elements Al keeps bringing in, but I guess these things are specific to our training group, and not FCS Kali as a whole.

My understanding of the difference in spelling (which I take from Mark Wiley's Filipino Martial Culture ) is that both terms derive from the Spanish word esgrimar , which can mean "to skirmish."

Wiley states that "escrima" is an improper adaptation of the tem that was taken into the Tagalog language during the Spanish occupation of the Philippines; "eskrima" is the accepted romanization of the term based on the current Tagalog alphabet, which contains no letter "c."

While "eskrima" may be used more often today, neither "escrima" nor "eskrima" was originally a Tagalog term. Furthermore, the use of the term "escrima" is not incorrect insofar as it may accurately reflect the historical and cultural tradition of a specific school or style.

I suspect that this means that when Tagalog-speaking people used the term orally, it sounded exactly like "escrima" or "eskrima," but when the term was written by Spanish-speaking people they used either a "c" or a "k."


Steve Lamade
Thanks for the help but what I'm interested in now is Lightning Scientific Arnis International cuz I wanna know what the hell that is.....:confused:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Thanks for the help but what I'm interested in now is Lightning Scientific Arnis International cuz I wanna know what the hell that is.....:confused:

Wiley has a chapter about LSAI in Filipino Fighting Arts


Wow, damn your fast.........thanks a lot. Anyone else have any info?
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Hmmm.......I just figured that this post was kinda pointless because it isnt specific enough. I missed out all of you who do other Filipino arts such as

Arnis Defense Silat

Bakbakan Kali

Balintawak Arnis

Balitok Eskrima

Bandalan Doce Pares Eskrima

Black Eagle Arnis-Eskrima

Cabales Serrada Escrima

D'Katipunan Arnis

Dekiti Tirsia Siradas Arnis

Doblete Rapillion Arnis

Estalilla Kabaroan Eskrima

Garimot Arnis

Giron Arnis Escrima


Kalis Illustrisimo

Kalis Kalis ng Tinagalogan

Lameco Eskrima

Lapunti Arnis de Abaniko

Latosa Escrima

Lightning Scientific Arnis International ( :confused: )

Modern Arnis

Moro-moro Orabes Heneral

Pananandata Marinas

San Miguel Eskrima

Sayas-Lastra Arnis

Sayok Kali

Tulisan Caballero Taga Herada

Sorry, everyone was showing off there little bit of knowledge so I thought I would join in. But it does lead me to my next question...

"What is with the Differant spellings of Escrima/Eskrima?"

Does anyone know :confused:


THere are also families of the Balintawak Eskrima as well as Doces Pares Eskrima.

Lightning Scientific - There is also a chapter on Benjamin Luna Lema in Wiley's Filipino Martial Culture.

I had a chance to workout with one of his senior students a couple years back (he was visiting a friend of my niece in Florida for Spring Break).

He showed me alot of punyo applications as well as some "dumog". Nice guy. I'm not sure is this is representative of the system or just something that he was working personally on at the time, but it was good stuff from what I remember.

Thanks a lot for the info guys :asian:
Hello Rob
I tried to email you but for some reason I could not get through
I notice that you are in Comox, so am I. why don't you drop by our dojo and exchange ideas on some cross training we are
House of Kenpo Karate School in Comox, give us a call


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