Sub Systems and Styles of Filipino Martial Arts

No its not that i have to reconsider or be in the mind set i understand all that, but i have other issues that make me rebel against something’s, the batman belt i will not deal with, not because i am not a serious student, I will have as many knifes, learn what is nessacary and do it as a new student and so forth but… again I have huge personal reasons I would rather not address… I am sorry..

Next i have been as well fortunate enough to work with a number of VDT academy’s teachers under Guro Pak Vic and his brothers, silat is one of the many arts i cross train in..... and its one that i promote to the untrained in long term realty based arts,

Out of all the brothers though that i have trained under, i must say that uncle bill is the one that i really would love to some day have the chance to just hang out and train with in class format for as long as they would have me, i do not compare the brothers skills, what i say is that his teaching methods suited my personality and limitations the most out of all the brothers and all of there Guros I have met and trained under, sometimes not for long though as i was moving around the country and europe for a number of years... i have very high regards for all of them and there outstanding skills.

I love it all though, every bit I can get and I would never walk away from training with any of them, again all very highly skilled and there are huge amounts to learn from them all…

Ms. J
Thank you Dieter

And yes we have a week to finish the list, its been amazing, i have been verifitying all ones that have been submitted we have 200 different styles now and after we finish verifying each i will have the list checked again by some of my masters and Guros to see if there is anything that dose not fit or missing...

This list will go into 2 books the TAO SDA for self defense and awareness and then the second book that should be finished the end of the summer called solo training in the fma, its going to cover some very interesting core aspects and views of the fma....
Including the history and have traditional Filipino weapons with brilliant plates that the Smithsonian archives gave me permission to use in the book from there 1920's magazine.

I have actually worked on a calendar for the weapons to make money for helping to fund the programs we are teaching to victims of violent crime and abuse, at this address: form/order1.html
You will find the order form that its on there is a pdf sample version of the calendar, that gives you an idea of what it looks like.

I find the history and core of the FMA so diverse and huge and all that I have learned and evolved though from it amazes me.

Ms. J..
Also called ocho-ocho I belive.


I am pretty sure they use Inayan Eskrima though it does indeed come from Serrada.

This is not correct.
The Inayan System of Eskrima consists out of 6 different styles, namely:

Inayan Serrada
Inayan Kadena de Mano
Inayan Espada y Daga
Inayan Larga Mano
Inayan Dequerdas
Inayan Sinawali

Mike used the INAYAN in front of every style to make clear, that he did not claim to have inherited a style because he did not want to get involved in any successor debate.

I have produced 8 instructional videos with Suro Mike Inay:

Inayan Serrada 1 + 2
Inayan Kadena de Mano 1 + 2
Inayan Sinawali
Inayan Larga Mano
PSNA (Pressure sensitive nerve areas)
RKDS (Reactive Knife defense System)

You can check them out under

Best regrads from Germany

Datu Dieter Knüttel
My FCS guro has nothing but good things to say about 'Uncle' and the guru he trains under, Chuck Stahmann. The local martial arts store that sponsored the FCS seminar is looking into getting 'Uncle' down here for a seminar. If I could work it into my schedule, I'd train with Stahmann, too.

Just a small calrification re:Balintawak...
'Nong Ted Buot says that Anciong only ever used Balintawak Eskrima for what he did, not the term "Arnis".

Hope this is of some help.

Excluding all of the substyles, what are the martial arts?:) :asian:
Hi all

A small contribution if I may....

Retirada - as taught by GM Intin Karin. He also teaches the "Vicer System"
Excalibur Eskrima is one of the systems that makes up Abner Pasa's Warriors Eskrima, as is Yaming Style.