Sub Systems and Styles of Filipino Martial Arts


Ms J

I am working on a book that covers our level one TAO SDA program in self defense and awareness, this program and book encourages the reader and student in this system to cross train in long term realty based core arts...

I am finishing the section on the Filipino martial arts this week. I have always known that the FMA was hugely diverse, but over the past 25 years it has grown, and very affluently as teachers evolved their systems, there are now over 100 different recognized systems and sub styles in the FMA... what I would like now though and why I am posting this letter, is if any of you have a system or know of one that is not on the list below to help me add to it… I would like to make this list as complete as possible, I have a week before this section has to be to my editor, so please if you have any additions I would highly appreciate your additions….

Thank you,

Ms. J… bows deeply

Sub Systems and Styles of Filipino Martial Arts

1. Abaniko de sunkite
2. Arnis Escorpizo
3. Arnis Fernandez
4. Arnis Lanada
5. Babao Arnis
6. Balintawak arnis
7. Balintawak arnis cuentada
8. Balintawak International
9. Balintawak super cuentada
10. Balintawok
11. Balsakan
12. Batangueno serrada
13. Bayson style
14. Bicolano arnis
15. Binas dynamic arnis
16. Bohol Method
17. Bultong
18. Buno
19. Castro Combat Eskrima :uzi:
20. 'Cabales serrada escrima
21. Cadena de mano
23. Cinco tero arnis dama,
24. De campo uno-dos- tres orihinal
25. De Cuerdas
26. De cuerdas escrima
27. De pluma arnis
28. Defensor Method
29. Derobio eskrima
30. Doblete Rapillon
31. Doce Pares
32. Doce Pares Multy system
33. Dog Brothers Martial Art
34. Dumog
35. Escrido
36. Escrima/KunTao/Silat
37. Eskrima
38. F.A.T.E. Filipino Martial arts
39. Filipino Boxing and Dumog
40. Gabbo
41. Garimot Arnis
42. Garong
43. German Arnis
44. Giron escrima/escrima
45. Hagibis
46. Hinaplos arnis
47. Inayan System of Eskrima
48. Inayan Systems International
49. Indangan eskrima
50. Inosanto Kali
51. Kadena de Mano
52. Kali Ilustrisimo
53. Kombatan
54. Kun Tao Silat
55. Kuntaw Lima-Lima
56. Kupulubod
57. La 'Costa kali
58. Lameco eskrima
59. Lampugan
60. Lapunti arnis de abaniko
61. Largusa
62. Largusa/Villabrille kali
63. Lastra arnis
64. Layung
65. Lightning scientific arnis
66. Lema Scientific Kali Arnis
67. Mena arnis
68. Modern Arnis
69. Modern mano-mano
70. Moderno largos
71. Moro-Moro Orabes Heneral
72. Moro-Moro Style
73. Oido de Caburata Arnis Pananandata
74. Pananandata Marinas
75. Panantukan
76. Pangamut
77. Pantok
78. Pekiti-Tirsia
79. Purgos
80. Rigonan-Estalilla kabaroan
81. Rizal arnis
82. Sagasa
83. San Miguel Eskrima
84. Sayoc kali
85. Serrada Escrima
86. Siete pares arnis
87. Sikaran
88. Silaga
89. Sinayoup kali
90. SLD (Serrada, Largo Mano, De Cuerdas)
91. Sulite style
92. Sunkite arnis
93. Talahib
94. Tapado
95. Tendencia arnis-hilot
96. Tobosa kali/escrima
97. Toledo-Collado
98. Tulisan
99. Vee arnis
100. Vee-Arnis-Jitsu
101. Villabrille System
102. Visayan Style
103. Yaw-yan
Pambuan(sp?) Arnis and Regino Illustrisimo's Repeticion?

Originally posted by Cthulhu
Pambuan(sp?) Arnis and Regino Illustrisimo's Repeticion?


help me out here please are you saying i spelled it wrong or that i am to add it, and what is the ? marks for i am sort of thick sometimes so help me out a little in translating what ya mean........:)
Whoops! Sorry, was suggesting things to add. However, after doing a wee bit of research, I think the full name of one of the systems I suggested is Pambuan Tulisan Arnis, which may or may not be covered by your 'Tulisan' listing.


thanks for the translation,,,,

its been added to the list......

Ms. J....
No problemo. With the Sayoc Kali, there is also Sayoc Silak, or Sayoc Kali/Silak (depends on where I see it written). I believe silak is the emptyhand component of Sayoc, primarily for use against the blade. Sayoc Kali if very blade-fixated. :)

ooooo thank you,

i am going to list it seperatly because its another sub system, i might send tuhon chris a letter and ask him how he wants them listed....

Ms. J
Originally posted by Ms J
ooooo thank you,

i am going to list it seperatly because its another sub system, i might send tuhon chris a letter and ask him how he wants them listed....

Ms. J

Anytime :) Actually, have you seen this site?

And probably more helpful:

The FAQ lists Sayoc Kali, Sayoc Silak, and Sayoc Bakal. Unfortunately, I can't find a description of Bakal.

yes i have thank you,

actully i have been fourtunet to train with Tuhon and his team, they are located about an hour from me, i just did a police defensive taticts and sayoc knife weekend with them here in the AC area, i am supose to start training with their team in PA once i finish recovering from a recent surgery that took place less then 2 weeks after they were here...

i have another 5 to 6 weeks recovery before i can start training out and about with everyone again.

sniff..... i hate being limated more then i am normaly.......:(

Ms. J......

i like their knife system, and all that they teach the police teams here is very simlar to the core level one defensive taticts that we have as part of are miltary and speical forces program... i was very very pleased they came down to train are local police teams here in some core realty based stuffs.....

though, on a personal level if i ever get to fully rank in there system of knife, i will not be teaching their system to normal folks.... but.... thats just me and i have reasons....

miltary, police, speical forces and so forth yes..... but i am not willing to take the responcablity and liablity for teaching it to the average street punk accadently......

so yes i am planing on fully training in the system over the next few years and adding it to my list of paper that i can use for teaching but......... it will be more for me and for a select group of clinets...

Ms. J.......:)
Oh, I agree, Ms. J...Sayoc Kali shouldn't be taught to just anyone. I don't think it's possible to teach Sayoc as a 'budo', i.e., as a means for self perfection and development. It's pretty much all about slicing and dicing. Some of their target areas simply should not be taught to your average Joe (or Jane!) off the street. However, I think elements of it can be incorporated into your training to improve your knife defenses.

Myself, I don't train in Sayoc Kali, per se. I'm training with two FCS (Filipino Combat Systems) guros. FCS teaches a blend of FMA. The founder, Ray Dionaldo, is an 8th Level Full Instructor of Sayoc Kali, which is where my familiarity with the system comes from, as a vast majority of the FCS bladework is from Sayoc Kali.

I think training in Sayoc Kali helps people realize (even the Sayoc practitioners) that you REALLY don't want to be in a knife fight :)

If you take a look at you will find a list of fma systems.
Hope it can be of some help.
I did not see Sipa on the list, nor Ric Jornales' Arnis Sikaran. Also PhilKiDo and many styles of kuntao. Remember that there are empty hand systems there as well! Lots of kuntao is taught in teh Philippines.
Originally posted by arnisador

I thought that these were three parts (stages) of the whole:

Thanks for that link, arnisador...I remembered what Bakal was as soon as I saw the article.

I think it would be possible to teach Kali, Silak, and Bakal individually, but the Sayoc people teach all three as part of the Sayoc system. Again, since I don't train in just Sayoc, I can't say for sure.

When Ms. J gets going with her Sayoc training, hopefully she can enlighten us :)

Under the heading Sikaran there are two main styles
Geronimo's sikaran and The Lagarejos system

Thee are many sub styles combining Sikaran and Arnis

Cthulhu" I think training in Sayoc Kali helps people realize (even the Sayoc practitioners) that you REALLY don't want to be in a knife fight "

I totally agree with you, and the police for sure need to learn these things.

Part of what we teach is knife and weapons awareness, it was funny i took this police class with them, and 20 of the local cops.

I do not lie about this now, but... they did a demo on the relative weapons on the street and how many someone was packing. This was just knife or sharp street weapons. The cops were asked to guess what this man was packing, i heard the top guess of 15 weapons, at the time i stated flat out that he was packing 30 to 35 weapons just based on what i saw of him standing there...

Btw.... i was the only one to guess the total correctly in this class.

The civ and only chick that was not one of their teachers or full time Sayoc students.

Granted i teach weapons awareness so i had a advantage but... that kind of awareness training should be level one stuffs in the police academy training, when i was 13 or 14 i went and did the police academy training program for los angels calif, and i assure you we were taught the awareness levels then...

Evedently though here... this is non-existent training in the police acadmey... and that sucks...

Ms. J...

ps thanks for the list and the aditions to it by everyone.......:)

feel free to keep adding we have a week before it goes to the editor..
Speaking of bladed weapons and law enforcement...

Does anyone know where I could acquire a copy of the 'Surviving Edged Weapons' police training film featuring Dan Inosanto? I would really like a copy of that...not only for the Inosanto footage, but to have as reference for those who practice ineffective knife defense.

yeah well, i am not an easy student to teach, and i will not be straping a batman belt on me to learn it either lol.....

as far as being enlightened, hmmmmmm

i have managed to live so far so thats been farly enlightening....

Ms. J grins Wickadly.......
You may want to rethink the Batman belt :) From what I've seen, Sayoc Kali people are really into blades.

I consider myself very fortunate to be instructed by two different FCS instructors with different backgrounds. One is from a Kali background, so a lot of his stuff is done with a bladed weapon mindset, and it shows through in his stick work and empty-hand stuff. The other is from a Modern Arnis background, and his stuff is more stick-oriented.

The contrast between the instruction is great for me. In addition to that, one of them is also actively studying Kuntao-Silat de Thouars, which he manages to work in with the empty-hand training. This also usually involves me being tossed around, but I love it! :D


here a little addition to your list. I hope it is not too late yet.

Hirada Batanguenia
Figure 8
Cinco Teros Ilongo
Cinco Teros Iliocs
Palis Palis
Banda y Banda
There are many individual versions of Serrada besides the one that Vincent Cabales inherited from his father like
Inayan Serrada
Tacosa Serrada
and others, whose name I can´t think of right now
Doce Teros Long Range
Rapid Arnis
Warrior Escrima
Felices Escrima
Sinawali (to some people only a techniques, to some a complete style)
Lontayao Kali
Combat Arnis

Also I am not sure, if "Cadena de Mano" is something different than "Kadena de Mano", same with "Balintawak" and "Balintawok".
"Lameco" is the syle that Edgar Sulite formed. Is this different to "Sulite Style"?

Far from being complete but I hope that helped a little.


Dieter Knüttel
Datu of Modern Arnis