When you get bored...

Ummm... Not in a million years would I be THAT bored!
Yeah, I think I'd rather read a book or go to a club or something. Ya can't be THAT bored!
I'd give it a go, what the hell....
I get pretty bored sometimes, but then I remember it's because I'm at work...
Usually I just end up irritating my wife and kids when I'm not at work, and I have a millisecond(sp?) of down time...
I am so starved of entertainment right now, I actually watched Big Brother *gasp!* After that apaulling new low, the bungee swing looks like a great idea!!!!!
I am so starved of entertainment right now, I actually watched Big Brother *gasp!* After that apaulling new low, the bungee swing looks like a great idea!!!!!

Oh....wee blondie, I am so so sorry that you dropped to that level. But still, I don't think I would ever strap myself to two bungy cords and allow someone o fling me into the heavens.
Boredom has now been aleviated.....I called my best friend at home and her waters broke! Baby is en route and I'm not getting home till Wednesday. So I'm now bouncing around like a loony because I'm so excited for her! :uhyeah:
I'd do that, even not bored. As long as there was at least a 75% chance of not getting drove into the ground like a tent peg on the return. Be even better if it were a seat you could release and it shot you out over a lake, just think of the air time.... Oh yeah I'd do this in a heartbeat!
Maybe it is becuase I am an engineer but, ....

I was not worried about trying, until I had a go at making it safer.

I could see some wierd dynamics occuring at certain masses or volumes of the person and this could cause a more up and down motion and that would not be good for the mass of the earth gives it so much more force then you, no matter how fast you are going.
I could see some wierd dynamics occuring at certain masses or volumes of the person and this could cause a more up and down motion and that would not be good for the mass of the earth gives it so much more force then you, no matter how fast you are going.
Yeah, all I could see was a real-life version of Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner with Coyote being repeatedly slammed into the earth!
I would definately try it! That looked like great fun.. unfortunately if I were to try it there would undoubtibly be a news story along the following... (given my usual luck on such things)

Yeah, all I could see was a real-life version of Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner with Coyote being repeatedly slammed into the earth!
Yeah, all I could see was a real-life version of Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner with Coyote being repeatedly slammed into the earth!

I saw the same thing. Hence the Engineer in me. :D Poor Wiley, he just never was able to get his designs worked out. ;)

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