When is the next MT camp

We're planning a Buffalo camp I believe this summer, I have a meeting next week with a few people to discuss dates, etc.

No plans right now for a west coast camp, though I will be talking to several people over the next few months about the posibility of something in the mid-west or south west. If it comes through, there'll be some announcements.

Thanks Kaith. Blasted college sucking up all my funds. One day I will make it out there
Just wanted to report that the Martial Talk Canadian Winter Camp went great!

Actually, there was no Martial Talk Canadian Winter Camp. But Ryno and I had a few beers the other night. Close enough, eh?
Kaith Rustaz said:
No plans right now for a west coast camp, though I will be talking to several people over the next few months about the posibility of something in the mid-west or south west. If it comes through, there'll be some announcements.
I vote we have it out MACaver's way so we can do some spelunking as well. Or, for the mountain folk, go for Northern California in the redwood forests - bear country! Then there's Mt. St. Helens in my area - volcano fun! heh heh heh
#1. I volunteer to host a midwest camp if Bob wants to do one in Michigan.

#2. Flatlander, considering the population of North-west Canada, that sounds like a pretty good turn out! ;)

#3. I say that for our next camp we plan in secret, and that we all show up at shesulsa's house one day to train and eat all her food. Be sure to bring your airsoft trainer for indoor gun fighting and room clearing practice! :partyon:

Tulisan said:
I say that for our next camp we plan in secret, and that we all show up at shesulsa's house one day to train and eat all her food. Be sure to bring your airsoft trainer for indoor gun fighting and room clearing practice!
Is that a threat or a promise?
shesulsa said:
Is that a threat or a promise?

For some reason the scene in the "Odyssey" where Odysseus comes home to freeloaders eating up his estates come to mind...

Oh well, drink while you can...
I would also offer to host one here in Indiana, if that would interest you all. We could do it right by the Cincinatti Airport
Tulisan said:
#3. I say that for our next camp we plan in secret, and that we all show up at shesulsa's house one day to train and eat all her food. Be sure to bring your airsoft trainer for indoor gun fighting and room clearing practice! :partyon:

I call the couch!
ppko said:
I would also offer to host one here in Indiana, if that would interest you all. We could do it right by the Cincinatti Airport
Better not hold it too close to the air port.... we could be arrested for terrorism.