What you like about TKD

Originally posted by Damian Mavis
Infight, I've tried not repsonding to your ignorant attitude in the past but I'm going to say it now... don't be a moron.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

Seems like Infight is just ignorant and needs to justify his training or something. :rolleyes: It looks like you just talk trash more than you train.
Infight is the very same guy who said that he was able to beat Mike Tyson so I do suggest you fear him.
I like every single moment when I put my dobok on and enter the dojang with a bunch of people I know and like.

I like those rare moments when I can tie the first black belt around the waist of my student saying "congratulations, you made it" and when I can see this very special look on his/her face.

I like to hear one of the smallest white belt students in class meeting me on the street and proudly announcing that he just read a very interesting article on Taekwondo in a MA magazine...

I like to receive email from one of my masters living 1500 kms from me saying "Do you host the summer camp this year? I would like to come over for a week and not just for a weekend like last year, since we really had a great time then..."

I like to see all these people in the gym - some training with me from white belt up, some with Karate background, some from ITF, all kicking and punching happily...

I love to see the look on the faces of people visiting our gym, asking - "is THIS Taekwondo? With boxing gloves? With low-kicks? With grappling? Hey, you're not ITF, you're really doing patterns? Hey, TKD kicks lack power..." - "Would you hold this shield please?..." - WHAM! - "Sorry, my mistake, I probably heard something wrong..." ;)

I like it. After years in the gym, after seeing and experiencing so many weaknesses of the style, after getting some experience in other styles and bringing it back into TKD - I still like it. It's not a "blind love" anymore, but a very strong relationship between two experienced parties.

I hope I'll be able to keep it this way...


Originally posted by Gizmo

I love to see the look on the faces of people visiting our gym, asking - "is THIS Taekwondo? With boxing gloves? With low-kicks? With grappling? Hey, you're not ITF, you're really doing patterns? Hey, TKD kicks lack power..." - "Would you hold this shield please?..." - WHAM! - "Sorry, my mistake, I probably heard something wrong..." ;)

We get that at our dojang, too. They are suprised to know that we are WTF affiliated, but yet we do grappling! I chuckle everytime ;)
Tae Kwon Do is great. In sparring, the fact that the adrenaline keeps you on your toes and not too cocky is good. Yea the acrobatic and flexible kicks and snappy strikes are amazing. If the whole room can hear your strike. I like it. Good stuff yo.
Everything! For me it just began as an cool activity I can do with my kids....now, a year and a half later, I'm hooked and it has become so much more to me. It's a personal journey, it has helped me find myself spiritually, improve myself physically and evolve into the very different person I've become since I've started. I adore sparring and taking myself to my physical limits, my mind thrives through trying to learn the terminology and memorizing all that I learn (so that I can quickly recall anything from white belt on...on the spot), I love learning to manipulate my body in so many new ways with jumping and spinning kicks and complicated movements, I love the artistic style of the Poomsaes (even though I'm still struggling to be that graceful), I even love the essays we have to write as part of our black belt preparation, I love the philosophical aspect and I believe it encourages discipline, respect and all those other virtues needed to live a good life, I love proving that you're never too old to begin something like this (I began at 31 years old...overweight and never having been very physically active in my life!) - I train as hard as any younger student in my school and will do anything regardless of how strenuous or difficult. I also love the friends that I've made which have become just as important to me as my training. What more can I say? It just completes me!
Hi there and welcome to MartialTalk. I noticed you are from Ontario, what part of Ontario are you at and who is your instructor? I'm just curious since I am in Ontario too. I'm glad TKD has been so beneficial for you, I teach TKD solely because of people like you that enjoy it and get so much out of it.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Hi Damian,

I am in Cornwall. My instructor is Rodney Degray. Where are you in Ontario?
I run Honour TKD out of Ottawa, I'm affiliated with ITF. I'm thinking you are affiliated with WTF? I don't know your instructors name that why I'm thinking that. I know most of the ITF guys around here but I'm still very limitted in my knowledge of WTF schools in Ontario. Either way it doesn't matter, TKD is TKD and the benefits are pretty similar for most people. I was just hoping I knew your instructor so I could feel like our TKD community was better connected then it is heh. Goodluck and continue to have fun with your training!

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
After posting my reply and asking you where you were, I noticed your location (duh!). You're right, we are WTF - we are a branch school of Master Tae Eun Lee's Ottawa Moo Kwang Taekwondo. I don't understand a whole lot about the ITF/WTF thing. WTF is all I know.
Ahhh haha yes I know Lee's TKD well, he controls WTF in Ottawa. My first instructor that I spent 9 years with was actually originally his student. You are probably learning a very similar style of TKD to what I first learned. Looks like the world is as small as I was hoping it was!

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

I thought that would ring a bell! Why did you switch styles?
I didn't actually do any switching of my own really... except when I returned to ITF after having a falling out with Mr. Fu. When I joined TKD under Mr. Fu 13 years ago he was already in the ITF (I don't know his reasons for leaving WTF) Then he moved us all to GTF and we got new uniforms, then I left him and went back to ITF.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD