What Spelling do U use????


Master of Arts
May 26, 2002
Reaction score
#1 Ju Jitsu
#2 Jiu Jitsu
#3 Ju Jutsu

Originally posted by ace
#1 Ju Jitsu
#2 Jiu Jitsu
#3 Ju Jutsu


As far as Japanese goes the Jiu Jitsu version is not correct but due to the Gracies and what not taking it on it has become the norm for any bjj type art

What ever falls into hand.

Jujitsu would probably be the one I use most.

But who cares ;)

Originally posted by ace

#3 Ju Jutsu

This is the only one that is phonetically correct.

However, it seems all have been used so much in the west that most folks would no what you are talking about if you used any of them.

This is the only truely correct spelling:

Originally posted by Yari
And it is pronounced??? :p :p :D


Sorry about that.
You have to use the Japanese Auto Select Encoding style to see it. It is pronounced Jujutsu
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
Sorry about that.
You have to use the Japanese Auto Select Encoding style to see it. It is pronounced Jujutsu

I was just joking, but now I'm interessted. How do I do 'Japanese Auto Select Encoding ' ?

On you top task bar of Internet Explorer you might have a symbol that looks like a and some other symbols with it.
That is the Encoding Icon. In that Icon you have a choice of about 30 languages to choose from. Choose the one that says “Japanese (Auto Select)”.
After that you can see most Japanese Websites…….otherwise they look like this !@#$%^&*().

If your Web browser doesn’t show you the Icon for Encoding you may have to add it by right clicking the task bar and then go to customize and there will be a list of options to add or delete from the task bar. Encoding is one of them.
If you want to type Japanese go to:

Start/ Settings/Control Panel/ go to the keyboard Icon/ open it/ Input Locales/ ADD/ then select Japanese.
After which you should see an EN on the bottom task bar next to your clock.
Click it to go from Japanese to English. I know all this works on Windows 2K……can’t say for sure on XP, or 98
Don't know how to write japanese, but I tried the encoding thingy, and it encoded to much the ' got translated.

I don't have use for it, since I cann't read japanese or chinese. But it's nice to know!

Thank you very much!

I call it Jiu-Jitsu, thats how we use here in Brazil, its the name you use for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
The japanese art is Jujutsu, spelled Djudjutsu, the japanese guys call that way.
Jujitsu, i dont know from where come from, but i think its a wrong spelling
Originally posted by Infight
I call it Jiu-Jitsu, thats how we use here in Brazil, its the name you use for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
The japanese art is Jujutsu, spelled Djudjutsu, the japanese guys call that way.
Jujitsu, i dont know from where come from, but i think its a wrong spelling

It comes from the USA. Several of the old masters here in America use it although it is said to be incorrect. The correct way being Jujutsu.

Its just a matter of translation. In America our English should be considered as a differant dialect from Englands English.

So it should be acceptable to not use the exact translation as it would be translated into "English."

This has been argued a bit in the threads.
Oh, i think you should be right, never saw any explanation of this term JuJtisu, but of course it can be mispelling, maybe youre right.
Thx for explanation.
Ju Jutsu. Pronunciation is closer to jyujyutsu( or jyuj'ts ), though.

Kinda like Budo is the proper/accepted romanization but proper pronunciation is Budou...