What On Earth is Wrong with you People?

The OWS movement apparently did turn out for the first day of the Christmas season shopping. The kind of lawless behavior you see in various OWS camps just moved to the malls. I mean, when you expect other people to pay your way through life, you start to think that you are entitled to whatever you want whenever you want it and anyone who gets in your way is really the greedy 1% just trying to take something that is rightfully yours. I hope the supporters of OWS are happy. You are infecting ever larger segments of the American population.
Maybe it's time to outlaw this nonsense.

next thing you know they will have guards at he stores...scan you for guns and knives.
Apparently, the cops shouldn't do anything to stop it, they might be violating the civil rights of the people trying to get the x-box. Any attempt by law enforcement to stop the act could very well be perceived the wrong way, so it would be better to just have the officers stand down, and not act like tools of the corporate machine. These acts of civil disobedience need to be dealt with through compassion and understanding, not night sticks and pepper spray.
In case you doubt my post about OWS going to Walmart...


The bad news: they simply took their protests to other places—homeless shelters, other public parks, bridges, and now retailers. That’s right, the clean upstanding citizens who are proudly associated with the #OccupyWallStreet movement are now occupying Abercrombie and Fitch, AT&T, Verizon, Wal-Mart, The Home Depot, Dick’s Sporting Goods, and a handful of other businesses.

Why are they doing this? By their own admission their goal is to occupy publicly owned companies and “hit the corporations that corrupt and control American politics where it hurts, their profits.”
What these little Marxists don’t understand is that a “publicly owned” company is a publicly traded one. Which means stocks of said company are owned by average, run of the mill moms and pops across the U.S. (either as individual stocks or in a mutual fund or in a 401K, etc.). So what these Obama-ites are really doing is not hurting Wal-Mart or AT&T as much as hurting the very hardworking Americans #OccupyWallStreet claims to represent.
Half of the US population; that's what, 150 million people? How many incidents?

You could not have a Bible Tent Revival of 150 million people without having a few incidents.

What happened is appalling. The percentages, though...very small. Consider it in context.
That's true, Bill :nods:. As you say, doesn't make it any the less shocking tho'.
That's true, Bill :nods:. As you say, doesn't make it any the less shocking tho'.

It is shocking. And disturbing, and depressing. Even disgusting. I went to a thrift store today. Bought a few music CDs for 33 cents each. Later I bought a pair of vintage 1970's speakers in need of TLC; my new project. It was a pretty good day.
Cool! Good luck with the renovation project :tup:.
I worked at Wal Mart for 2½years. The first Black Friday, they had me in the back, running to and fro gathering crap...er... merchandise for morons...er customers.
The second year, they scheduled me from 2pm to 10pm. I complained, I WANTED to be there for the rush, I wanted to see fights, screaming women, carnage.
I was told they didn't trust me not to smack someone.
My cousin started there three months ago, she got to see all kinds of fighting and idiocy last night and this morning.
In answer to the title question:
[h=2]What On Earth is Wrong with you People?[/h]there is only one answer:
I won't wait in line for anything if I can help it. Get up early, face a crowd and wait in line? HELL NO
I worked at Wal Mart for 2½years. The first Black Friday, they had me in the back, running to and fro gathering crap...er... merchandise for morons...er customers.
The second year, they scheduled me from 2pm to 10pm. I complained, I WANTED to be there for the rush, I wanted to see fights, screaming women, carnage.
I was told they didn't trust me not to smack someone.
My cousin started there three months ago, she got to see all kinds of fighting and idiocy last night and this morning.
In answer to the title question:
What On Earth is Wrong with you People?

there is only one answer:
I won't wait in line for anything if I can help it. Get up early, face a crowd and wait in line? HELL NO

heck, they spend days camping in front of Best buy to save 30 bucks on a smallish flat screen TV...then again, what some people tell about their family gatherings...it might be a step up to be freezing your **** off in aparking lot.
You missed the point. I didn't get to see anything good. That is all that is important. C'mon now...
This is typical of a bunch of Malcontents crawling around trying to be Special. Pfft.
It is our way of ensuring we never get invaded. If this is what we'll do to EACH OTHER over unnecessary crap, imagine what we would do to an invader!
Maybe it's time to outlaw this nonsense.

next thing you know they will have guards at he stores...scan you for guns and knives.

That's a bit harsh on Billcihak, I mean, he is severely misled by his political masters but all the same...

As for blaming the nonsense going on with the crowds on the OWS that's just silly and a very big reach. No one can take that seriously, it's sheer capitalist greed that starts these things off.

They really need to learn to queue, you can all laugh but it's the mark of a higher intelligence to behave well in bad circumstances, queuing is the outward sign that says.. ..we are civilised and by gum we are going to behave like civilised people even if it kills us, at least we will die with dignity.

That's a bit harsh on Billcihak, I mean, he is severely misled by his political masters but all the same...

As for blaming the nonsense going on with the crowds on the OWS that's just silly and a very big reach. No one can take that seriously, it's sheer capitalist greed that starts these things off.

They really need to learn to queue, you can all laugh but it's the mark of a higher intelligence to behave well in bad circumstances, queuing is the outward sign that says.. ..we are civilised and by gum we are going to behave like civilised people even if it kills us, at least we will die with dignity.




I don't read what billi says 90% of the times. It's a generally speaking a rerun.

No, I am talking about this shopping madness.
There have been shootings, robberies, the macing incident.....


I don't read what billi says 90% of the times. It's a generally speaking a rerun.

No, I am talking about this shopping madness.
There have been shootings, robberies, the macing incident.....

So was I! Billi says it's the OWS who are doing it not the shoppers.
So was I! Billi says it's the OWS who are doing it not the shoppers.

LOL< I know they were camping, but I am sure the only thing they protested was not enough crap in the shelves!

ah, billi!
So Bill is complaining about the effects of pure, unbridled capitalism? Billi is a pinko???

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