What makes a good organization?



Let's not kid ourselves. Running a Martial Art organization is a lot of work. A WHOLE lotta work.

What makes an organization successful? I would say that it meets the needs of it's membership. Be that in financial ways, material ways, art ways.

What do you think makes an orgaization successful?:confused:
It depends if you are looking at it from a martial arts or a business view point, there are very few good mixes of the two.

There are many large and successful organisations from a money making point of view churning out dan grades with a years training.

Seldom do these schools teach exception martial arts. These are often found in the back street dojos, well this is the case in the UK.

I visited a local club last week (part of a huge organisation)to talk to the instructors about organising a multi style seminar to raise money for charity. I was not allowed to watch the class unless I paid membership. He won't be invited to participate.

I remember though when I was a member of the IKKA some 20 yrs ago it was pretty good in every aspect. It now seems to have diverged since the death of Mr Parker
I think it's on it's last legs...sadly
What makes a good organization? That is a hard question to answer. I know what a good association doesn't do. It don't ask for every penny you have then blow smoke up your **** and say, "like it".

An association needs to be accountable to its members not the other way around. Thats just my 2 cents.
Honesty. Fairness. Quality. High standards and an adherence to them. Willingness to let the members be individuals, not clones.

Organisations should meet the needs of the practitioners and there instructors. my experience with IKKA and AKKS was not working for my needs and not helping me to become better. the people were.

What I mean is they should offer the students newsletter if they say they are going to do that.
They should have special instructors camps for headinstructors and teachers. How do you become a better instructors not only having more information about the art but also having better teaching methods.
Should the money that comes in to a organisation be used for a small group of persons or should it go back to the people that are maintaning it alive. I like to think its for all of us so everyone can become better.

today I'm out of all the organisations we run our own school in Sweden and we work with some of the best ( atleast in my eyes). These instructors are making me and my people better kenpo practisioners and they are feeding us with the knowledge they and I need.

We have 4 seminars a year that meens 3 month in between every camp. Why because I want them to be expose to more instructors and learn more about our art. therefore we charge much less then the rest of the world when it comes camp fees.
( financial reasons goverment support) .

So what I'm trying say is knowledge is the most important thing and more knowledge you and your students have the better students and instructors you will create.

We are trying to lead the horse to the water and hopefully they will drink all by themselves. We want to create student that can think not monkeys. Strong individuals that can be self corrected and inovetive is what went and need.

Organisations does not teach people. You will become what you want to be. Study the art and don't be afraid to challange the unknown.

Be the best you can be. And don't let anyone bring you down. Even if they out rank you. It's not the belt or the rank that makes anyone better. It's what you do that makes a diferent. Stand up for your thoughs and act with good intensions and you will be ok.
This is my personal experience.


Ingmar Johansson
Ed Parker's Kenpo Karate Sweden

:viking3: :viking2: :idunno:
Well put Ingmar! If the organizations thought the way you did then there would be no problems.
Originally posted by Kenpo viking
We have 4 seminars a year that meens 3 month in between every camp. Why because I want them to be expose to more instructors and learn more about our art. therefore we charge much less then the rest of the world when it comes camp fees.
( financial reasons goverment support) .

Oh my God! Ingmar! I am moving to Sweden! You guys do it right over there!
Sorry Gou I have to inform you that visum is something you need and I'm sorry not everyone comes in?????

Good try!!!!!!

El Vikingo

:viking2: :viking3: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon:
Originally posted by Kenpo viking

Sorry Gou I have to inform you that visum is something you need and I'm sorry not everyone comes in?????

Good try!!!!!!

El Vikingo

:viking2: :viking3: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon:

I haven't seen that many cheeks and a smiling Swede since that night in Solid Gold.