What is "Chi"?


Orange Belt
I have always wondered about the concept of "Chi". I mean I have been never exposed to its power to know how it works. I was wondering if anyone here trains in internal martial arts and could give me a brief explanation about feeling Chi in the body. Help appreciated :) .
I have always wondered about the concept of "Chi". I mean I have been never exposed to its power to know how it works. I was wondering if anyone here trains in internal martial arts and could give me a brief explanation about feeling Chi in the body. Help appreciated :) .

You think you haven't been exposed to the power of qi? Can you walk? Do you breath? Do you have the strength to pick something up? If your answer to any of these is yes, and it is bound to be, then you have been exposed to qi.

Beyond that, however, the term qi simply means breath and it can be a great boon to training and practice. Some say that when qi is flowing through them they have a heated sensation, maybe so. For me, when I am walking the circle or doing a form, I feel the qi as a sensation of ease within the action. It is all about a combination of several factors. To start with there is shen (spirit) which is guided by Yi (the reasoning mind). When these are in harmony then qi will flow through your actions and you will feel better about what you are doing.

Don't be fooled by the many qigong charlatans out there. Qi will not make you bulletproof or allow you to leap tall buildings.
There are membranes surrounding almost every part of your body called facia. There is a whole body sub-dermal layer, a membrane surrounding each organ (including the brain), a membrane surrounding all your organs in the torso and membranes around each muscle. This facia has nervous tissue running through it and a fluid simmilar to CSF (Cerebral Spinal Fluid) that your brain and spinal cord are surrounded by. This is where, I think, most of the chi is stored so you can very well feel it anywhere or everywhere in your body if you learn to direct it. To me it feels like my cells are vibrating, even humming and my brain feels "comfortable" (if that makes sense). I won't get into specifics of breathing as I reccommend you consult an expert but, as mentioned above qi means breath, breath means life. It's all about energy and utilizing that energy properly. You can't jump buildings with it or shoot fireballs but have you ever seen the guys who bend spears with their throat? That's control. Ask an expert. I'd reccommend internal arts to anyone.
Biochemical and neurochemical energy that all people have.

All humans have electricity that is generated by the body. This is what powers the signals that travel from the brain via the nervous system.

Breathing is a major key component to Chi. Remember breathing is an involuntary process. You don't say, "Ok, I'm not going to breath for the next half hour". You have no choice.

No breathing, no biochemical reaction.

It's not magic, it's not the Force and it's not the Glow. 'Nuff Said. :mst:
Qi is a single word relating to energy that travels about in just about everything an is very large in it's definition that is why so many people say it is energy of electromotive force.

There are types of Qi an origins of types of Qi! This would be a good start to define an become knowledgeable about the words an structures used to define an speak of Qi.

Prenatal Qi
Post natal Qi
Air Qi
Food Qi
Earth Qi
Heaven Qi

What i am saying is that Qi has to be defined first to what type of Qi an that will lead you to see how it works an that will develop the definition you need for "What is Qi?" when you talk about it's function than you can develop it's need an use an than it's meaning.

That is only a short list, that shows that for Qi to be known it first must be combine with some set of perimeters that will help to see or sense it so one can than try to develop what is the unknown measure of Qi. The thing is there is not yet a known method to measure it. The best you can do is feel it in your own body an that is just your own speculative self need to define the unknown idea.

Qi for me sense yes Electromotive force can only be calculated an not measure it is Electromotive Force. Electromotive Force is what we call Voltage. Electromotive Force is term for possible potential to have something happen/function. Unlike current you break the path to measure current, "voltage" it is figured not measured. My personal opinion.
Qi is the life force or "essence" of the body, it something we are born with, and live life with, but it is also something we can develop and (hopefully master) through our M.A. training.
Qi is linked to breath and blood, so as we train we raise our heart rate, while trying to remain relaxed with our breathing, thereby generating Qi in the body.
Recognising the flow of Qi energy is not the easiest of pastimes, and requires a sensitivity and understanding of your own body, I.E. recognising the difference between the muscles jumping from exhaustion, or "tingling" from the flow of Qi. (symptoms of Qi flow or Qi development often differ from individual to individual).
They can range from a sensation of heat in the extremities such as the hands and feat, to a sense of "butterflies" in the abdomen, to a feeling of the skin "crawling", as if ants are walking across the skin.
Some people experience it fairly early in training, some take longer, many factors hinder it , such as stress, illness, diet and lifestyle.
Dont interlectualise (?) what you are feeling too much, calm the mind , calm the body and relax, You will know when you find it.
I would elaborate that Qi is also "created" when two muscles try to move apart from each other but are pulled back together by the ligaments inbetween. When one does an action correctly they can just feel it, usually a tingly sensation. I attribute it more to correct posture, than breath, though.

Try stretching your arms as far as they can go infront of you, but still keeping your back straight and your shoulders completely relaxed, then bend only your index fingers up. If done correctly you will feel the "Qi" running through your whole arm and especially at the tip of your index finger. Crazy ****, I tell ye!

So, keep your joints almost stretched to the max during every posture and you will generate more "Qi" due to the energy "created" when your joints pull your muscles back together. I hope that helps some.
I found some of my notes from when I was studying Chinese Medicine:

Chi (Qi) Activity - Energy Component - breath - air - Gas - odour - weather - spirit or morale

The character for Qi looks like rice with steam rising from it. (at least in two components of the character)

There are in fact, just as stated many types of 'Qi'.

EX - Properties of Ancestral Qi

- Gathers in the chest in an area known as the 'sea of Qi'. It ascends to the trachea and descends into the 'Qi thoroughfare'.
(magic pivot)- Ancestral Qi accumulates in the chest, issues through the throat, goes through the heart and vessels and moves respiration.

Notes are incomplete. The manual we were using appears to be lost in my collection of books. All apologies for a partial answer.


I would elaborate that Qi is also "created" when two muscles try to move apart from each other but are pulled back together by the ligaments inbetween. When one does an action correctly they can just feel it, usually a tingly sensation. I attribute it more to correct posture, than breath, though.

Try stretching your arms as far as they can go infront of you, but still keeping your back straight and your shoulders completely relaxed, then bend only your index fingers up. If done correctly you will feel the "Qi" running through your whole arm and especially at the tip of your index finger. Crazy ****, I tell ye!

So, keep your joints almost stretched to the max during every posture and you will generate more "Qi" due to the energy "created" when your joints pull your muscles back together. I hope that helps some.

You truly believe that correct posture is more important to life than breathing? There is no chi without breathing.

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