What happens when your mind isn't on task


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 3, 2015
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I guess sparring is like any other thing that I do; and some days are just bad days no matter what.
I knew what I needed to do but just couldn't get into it so I got crushed and ate a lot of punches. I'm the one in the red head gear.

Face Blocking Works Video
It looks as if you had something on your mind. I have watched several of your vids and this one does appear to be just that, a bad day.

Keep up the training and sharing your vids.
i have never seen anyone throw full circular arm punches like that before, is that part of your style of MAs or just from exhaustion?
i have never seen anyone throw full circular arm punches like that before, is that part of your style of MAs or just from exhaustion?
It's part of our style. Here's my Sifu explaining how one of those big punches works.
ughh, that is interesting and looks very difficult to do/perfect. thanks for the video.
@JowGaWolf Your sparring is the complete opposite of mine. I saw around 2 kicks thrown ,as you will see about 2 punches thrown in my videos lol. Your videos are incredibly interesting to watch. Especially those circular punches, I have never seen anything like that.It would be great if I ever had teh chance to spar a JowGa practitioner. I have a question about the low kicks, can you throw those with power? They are to the knee area and that seems quite dangerous to be trying to buckle your opponents knee during sparring.
Remember when we were discussing historical circular punches vs straight?

One or the things mentioned was that they don't work unless your head is off line because you will get your face mashed in by straight punches.

The head even goes off line in the kata.

Should you two both remain constant in approach he will constantly bash you. As he is creating the better angles.
Remember when we were discussing historical circular punches vs straight?

One or the things mentioned was that they don't work unless your head is off line because you will get your face mashed in by straight punches.

The head even goes off line in the kata.

Should you two both remain constant in approach he will constantly bash you. As he is creating the better angles.
everything you analyzed is correct. And I should have taken angles as demonstrated. The only time angles aren't taken is when the opponent retreats staight back and continues that direction
Even when on the losing end, you did a pretty good job covering and protecting. And like Red Sun said, respect for posting the less flattering clips as well as the good stuff. That's proof in my book that you are not a "BS-er". :)

So now I think everybody here will join me in shouting: Re-match, re-match, re-match......
Even when on the losing end, you did a pretty good job covering and protecting. And like Red Sun said, respect for posting the less flattering clips as well as the good stuff. That's proof in my book that you are not a "BS-er". :)

So now I think everybody here will join me in shouting: Re-match, re-match, re-match......
Rematch in 1 week from today. I watched the other instructor spar against my brother and it appears he has thrown away his Kung Fu and hasn't reached a level where he is comfortable with using the basics. This means that I have to fight him in a way that will force him to get rid of those pawing crosses that he throws.
4 more days until the re-match. Time for me to mentally get into the zone and focused this time. The other instructor has already told me that he has been studying my videos. It should be a good one that may require a 1 minute round instead of a 30 second round.

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