What ever happened to the "Guardian Angels"??????

Brother John

Senior Master
Jan 13, 2002
Reaction score
Wichita Kansas, USA
Anyone know if Sliwa is still active in this?
I always found this 'social service' to be very interesting.
anyone know????
New York Brothers????

Your Brother
Thanks a bunch Bro!!!
That is exactly what I wanted to know!
I really like what Mr. Sliwa is doing with this.

Your Brother
As odd as this might sound I ran into a bunch of guardian angels here in town while Iwas putting together the knife seminar i recently organized.

I offered it to them for free and dear God they looked like they needed it.

I was not impressed. They were like the 3 stooges.
I had some people from the Tokyo Chapter in my dojo for a while.
Originally posted by GouRonin

As odd as this might sound I ran into a bunch of guardian angels here in town while Iwas putting together the knife seminar i recently organized.

I offered it to them for free and dear God they looked like they needed it.

I was not impressed. They were like the 3 stooges.

Still .... cool of you to do it for free.
On one of the NBC news channels (CNBC or MSNBC) at around Noon CST there is a TV show called 'Curtis and Kuby' featuring Curtis Sliwa. He and Kuby discuss news events. It's interesting if you ever get a chance to see it.
As a former member of the Lake/Cuyahoa counties chapter. I feel I can speak with some understanding. First the various chapters are not closely tied to New York. I don't mean to imply that they're completely disassociatted, but the ties were preety loose, when I was involved. Being we were a suburban chapter. We would come into the city(Cleveland,Ohio)at different times. To help out the local chapter. In this capacity I even met Ms.Gladys Knight. We (The G.A.s') were helping out with security at a big music festival in Cleveland, called "The Plum Festival". I some how was delegated the position at Ms.Knight's trailer door. That was pretty cool... Anyway what I was trying to say. Is that each chapter is responsible for their training,gear,etc.. Although they are required, and expected to adhere to the national guidelines. On appearance,ie.,dress code attitude etc.. Some will slip in who are'nt the best canidates for the jobs ahead. Hope this was helpful. Kudos to G.Ronin, for his attempt to help them out.
Salute in Christ,
An A.P. article from the 29 June 2003 Indianapolis Star discusses "Guardian Angels expanding role" to fight terrorism too. It says there are only 60 active members in NYC now and they claim hundreds more across the nation, and that they had nationwide contributions of about $570,000 last year.

Evidently they helped out during the D.C. area sniper attacks. A picture shows a Guardian Angel pumping gas for a woman so she doesn't have to get our of her car, for example.
They continue to patrol some of the Boston subway lines. I've never seen a GA behaving poorly- they've been a constant presence in a few of the areas where I have NEVER seen a cop.