What do you think of this

Is there indeed a TKD-Sikaran connection?

I have discused this in the filipino arts area. The claim of Greonimo teaching the Koreans the spining hook kick is most likely utterly false., and only so much piled high and deep. Yes Geronimo did study korean karate, the old men in the islands wouldn't teach him all their kicking techniques so he studied TKD to supplament his Japanise style and told everyone he was teaching Sikaran. Because Sikaran had almost disappeared from the islands except in rural remote areas not many people knew the difference. Many people in the Islands give claim to that which is not true to make themsleves sound more ligit or larger than life.


For those of you who don't know me I am a thirty + years student of Sikaran most certianly never studied from Geronimo or his students BUT I have had some of his old students who came to the states ask me to teach them
Originally posted by Monkey King

I'll let this drop after this.

The school in the springs was recently started. It is not the main school. That is in Denver.

Since I visited that school while stationed at Fort Carson in support of Operation Desert Storm in March of 1991, your definition of the word "recently" may need some revision...

I agree poor technique discipline seems to reign within the schools. But that's the fault of the instructors. The classes are very relaxed and no time is spent on learning proper technique. One of my pet peeves.

If poor technique and poor instruction is the rule, not the exception, how can you stand by and state that the time you spent there was well invested and you got good information from them?

Sin The's rise to grandmastery - well, I didn't sign up because he was a "grandmaster". I truly don't care. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who claims grandmastership is suspect.

I would agree with you fully on that point. It is one thing to say you created a style. It is another to say you are the head instructor. It is a whole 'nother animal to start tossing "master" and "grandmaster" titles into the mix...

I had heard two stories. The first where he purchased is rank, which is common in martial arts communities, the second where he attained it normally.

I would agree that it, unfortunately, seems more and more common for folks to purchase their rank instead of earning it. In the end, though, I am reminded of what one of my seniors once said to an errant student about ranking:

"You can wear whatever you want, but when we get out on the floor, everyone will know the real deal."

I think that says it all...

500 forms? it's possible...mastering them ? not possible. it would take your entire lifetime everyday for hours a day.

And I think that is why people think SD is doody.

But having been in it, I have to say that the information taught was quality information. Just not the way it was taught.

I guess I can understand that comment, from that perspective.


:samurai: :samurai:
The claim of Greonimo teaching the Koreans the spining hook kick is most likely utterly false.

tshadowchaser: Intersting! I am going to have some more questions for you (when I get a chance, I'll post it on the FMA forum). I have mostly a Modern Arnis background, but lately I have been expanding my horizons and learning a little about the other FMA.

I don't really know much about Geronimo/Sakaran, or other forms of Sakaran, or the history behind them (I was just going by what I read) but I'd like to learn a little more! :)

Talk to you later,
I know that the school in the springs recently underwent a severe transformation. The instructor who was there when you were there, let' s just say was of questionable character. It happens. At least this is what I've heard.

You are correct, I need to readjust my timeline.

If poor technique and poor instruction is the rule, not the exception, how can you stand by and state that the time you spent there was well invested and you got good information from them?

I never said it was the rule. There are those who are gifted at teaching and those who are not. Some people shouldn't be teachers and for that matter in the martial arts. I'm reminded of the hapkido black belt here in town who would go out and start fights just to test his skill.

I should've been more precise and clarified that "Jr Instructors" seem to be more relaxed. I grew up in Shotokan Karate where the 7th degree instructor was adimate about going over technique. Hard demand and strict discipline are what I am used to.
My instructor in Shaolin-DO was David Soard, a 7th degree bb who insisted on technique quality, power and timing. Not everybody teaches that way. My close friend who is a 4th dan in Taekwondo doesn't teach that way.

Not everyone is of the same ilk.

Having been in the military,( I'm guessing you were) you would understand this. I spent 4 years in the Marine Corps and can honestly tell you that not everyone was up to par, including NCO's and staff NCO's.

Excellence is something that each individual must acheive and define.

"You can wear whatever you want, but when we get out on the floor, everyone will know the real deal."

That is so true. When I studied there, one of the 5th degree black belts took 4th place in the Sabaki challenge.

500 forms? it's possible...mastering them ? not possible. it would take your entire lifetime everyday for hours a day.

I think that is why people think SD is doody

I don't care what people think.

I know 85 forms. I believe by the time you reach 5th degree it gets up to around 200.

Keep in mind some of these are "short forms" and "long forms" and weapons.

I can tell you this, the forms are practical, skillful, and challenging. They are filled with strikes, blocks, counters, and evasion techniques. They are indeed quality forms.

Shaolin-Do has been around the U.S. since the late '60's. Go to any school and you will see it packed with students and most are upper belt which means they've been there awhile. Most of the BB in my class had been there since the early '80's. That should speak for itself.

I visited a Taekwondo school here in Denver. The black belt class. Only two students in the class had good skill. The others were average. I asked my friend who was with me why this was. He said that in taekwondo, you are judged alot on effort. Because not everyone has the same skill. I was satisfied with that.

I truly don't know if Sin The is the real deal or not. I've never seen him do a demonstration. And as I said earlier, I really don't care. I didn't sign up because of him. I signed up to learn the art. Which I can honestly say, is indeed quality technique and if I can master what I've learned then it will be an acheivement.
That is about exactly the same way we are taught!and cant agree more, the style has beneficial to me,I would not take back the time I spent learning it for nothing!Thanks

Originally posted by chufeng

Sort of like ..."I did not have sex with that woman..."

but then, only the ultra left bought that lie ;)

HEY!! What do you mean it's a lie?

Oh ok I get it.....
I thought you were trying to tell my wife something........
I'm fairly left also, and If ya bought the "I didn't have sex with her" thing, I've got some oceanfront property in Arizona I'd like to sell ya cheap.

I just don't think that who he slept with has anything to do with running the country. That issue is between him and hillary and monica, and isn't anyone else's business.
:D, how it turned to that i dont know!lol

Was wondering if you checked out any of the new clips,if you have let me know wondering your opinion.there is some good ones.thanks.

Sure it's fun to tape yourself fighting but I suggest you do home made porn instead. I'm sure if you ask you'll have plenty of takers.

Or better yet! Mix the two together! Martial arts porno!

Oh my g*d...I'm drooling now...
thats funny we have talked about that:D ,thanks

Is that why your location is listed as "KY?"
THUD. :rolleyes:

Can we get back on topic please, and leave the 'nekid karate' tread go? (or at least move it to a more apropriate forum?


No more will I even think about sharing my Milk and Vodka drinks with you.

By the way, great seminar with Jack LaTorre today at Renegade's. :erg: I had fun. Wish you could have stayed.
Wish I coulda stays too...woulda been more fun than my evening. :)
have you checked out any of the new clips,if you have which did you like or dislike and why?thanks
