What do you guys think?

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
Have you been to all of these schools to check them out?

And as Nebuchadnezzer asked, what do you think you want to study?

You have listed both internal and external Chinese martial arts and the training in Shaolin is VERY different from what you would get in Tai Chi.


Blue Belt
Nov 3, 2002
Reaction score
Well the reason why I listed these out of so many was because these schools don't seem to be lacking anything of what I was looking for.


I haven't been to none of these except the Yangjia Michuan. I just started working and my schedule is the worse. Sat through Tues and the times are so inconvinient that I don't have time to do nothing during the day or before or after. Sat 11:30 to 7:30 , Sun 9:30 to 5:30, Mon-Tues 12:30 to 9:30 . It takes me 30-50mins to get home by the way. I had went to the Yangjia Michuan school on a monday night trained with them never had practiced taiji before, I even did some pushhands and everyone there is definately not just there for the health but for what it really is, the class size wasnt more than 20. I cant afford these tuitions so since the weather is nice, 1 of the senior students that has been practicing for 12yrs under the head instructor who has been training since 1977 teaches in the park on sunday mornings I had went once then started work so I cant.

I'm looking for another job in the meanwhile too, My days off are Weds, Thurs, Fri so I have to see what I can do in those days. Basically I like everything from these schools so far, I just have to go see for myself too and see the feeling of the environment, people, etc. But nobody has talked here about Yin Cheng Gong Fu and I wanted to see what you guys know about it also. The Shaolin is definately 1 of the best thing NYC must have, I'm sure Wutang PCA (Frank Allen) is very highly respected and knowledgeable.

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
CrushingFist said:
Basically I like everything from these schools so far, I just have to go see for myself too and see the feeling of the environment, people, etc. But nobody has talked here about Yin Cheng Gong Fu and I wanted to see what you guys know about it also. The Shaolin is definately 1 of the best thing NYC must have, I'm sure Wutang PCA (Frank Allen) is very highly respected and knowledgeable.

You definitely should go see them for yourself.

I know little about Yin Cheng Gong Fu other than I believe the founder may have died, but I could be wrong.

I know little about most of these schools but just in case it comes up, be very careful about anyone who insists on being called a grand master. The title is not taken seriously in North China, where many of the style you are looking at come from.

However the styles these schools teach all seem to be good styles and the Shaolin School is suppose to be very good, but never having been there, I cannot be certain.

Find one that you enjoy and that fits you schedule. And remember that the internal styles and the external style have very different approaches to training.

I envy your choices of schools.

Good luck


Blue Belt
Nov 3, 2002
Reaction score
I quit my job. I had no time for myself really. The hours were awful. Job was getting bad. I am looking for another one now. Hopefully things will workout now for me. It will take time for me to find a good teacher that is not interested in money so non-commercial would be best.

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
CrushingFist said:
I quit my job. I had no time for myself really. The hours were awful. Job was getting bad. I am looking for another one now. Hopefully things will workout now for me. It will take time for me to find a good teacher that is not interested in money so non-commercial would be best.

You have time so relax, take it easy and you will find a teacher. And it took me almost 30 years to figure that one out, with the help of many people telling me just that.


Blue Belt
Nov 3, 2002
Reaction score
The Schools on my list..

Yangjia Michuan Taijiquan www.aymta.org

Wu Tang PCA http://www.metal-tiger.com/Wu_Tang_PCA/

*NY Dantao School www.dantao.com http://www.sathon.net/dragongate.html

H. Won Tai Chi Inst. http://www.nytaichi.com/hwon.htm

Master Lins http://masterlin.cfw2.com/show.asp?content_id=1046

The Pa Kua Chang of Lu Shui-Tian http://www.pa-kua.com/

Pachi TangLang http://www.pachitanglang.com/index.htm

I would like to hear you folks opinions and views. I know everyone has a different opinion but I would like to see what other might see that I don't see or something.

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
CrushingFist said:
The Schools on my list..

Yangjia Michuan Taijiquan www.aymta.org

Wu Tang PCA http://www.metal-tiger.com/Wu_Tang_PCA/

*NY Dantao School www.dantao.com http://www.sathon.net/dragongate.html

H. Won Tai Chi Inst. http://www.nytaichi.com/hwon.htm

Master Lins http://masterlin.cfw2.com/show.asp?content_id=1046

The Pa Kua Chang of Lu Shui-Tian http://www.pa-kua.com/

Pachi TangLang http://www.pachitanglang.com/index.htm

I would like to hear you folks opinions and views. I know everyone has a different opinion but I would like to see what other might see that I don't see or something.

I really cannot give an opinion on any of these schools per say. I do not know them, but the NY Dantao School looks a bit strange but I am also willing to say I may be entirely wrong here.

The H. Won Tai Chi Inst has been approved by Gin-Soon Chu and he is supposedly the real deal

Maybe others could give you more insight


Blue Belt
Nov 3, 2002
Reaction score
THanks Xue.

But even so what do you think of them? Anything =]
Tell me if you see anything flakey

Jade Tigress

Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Mar 11, 2004
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Xue Sheng said:
Find one that you enjoy and that fits you schedule.

Those two points may be the difference between dedicating yourself to long-term training and fallling by the wayside.

Xue Sheng said:
I envy your choices of schools.

Good luck

Me too. My gosh. I didn't look at all of the second set of links you posted but I looked at the first. I'm am by far one of the most inexperienced CMA practioners here but I didn't see anything that looked *flakey* in those links. Therefore, back to point one. Visit them, and train at the one that most appeals to you personally. :) :asian:


Blue Belt
Nov 3, 2002
Reaction score
Jade Tigress said:
Those two points may be the difference between dedicating yourself to long-term training and fallling by the wayside.

Me too. My gosh. I didn't look at all of the second set of links you posted but I looked at the first. I'm am by far one of the most inexperienced CMA practioners here but I didn't see anything that looked *flakey* in those links. Therefore, back to point one. Visit them, and train at the one that most appeals to you personally. :) :asian:

Thanks Jade =]
Well you know being NYC, 1 of the biggest most known city's in the world it does have a good dose of all kind of things good/bad. MA is a business here with so many people living here I see why

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
CrushingFist said:
THanks Xue.

But even so what do you think of them? Anything =]
Tell me if you see anything flakey

I can't really answer your question since I do not know much if anything about the schools. I do know that one of them once had a Tai Chi teacher that was pictured on the page in various Yang style postures and that guy was horrible. But I also see he is no longer pictured. What does that mean, either they realized he was awful and got rid of him or they realized he was awful and removed him from the webpage. It truly tells me nothing.

I am fairly certain Gin Soo Chu is very good and the real deal. I have never had any contact with Gin Soo Chu but I have had some with his son Vincent (in Boston) who seems to know what he is talking about and his students appear to be good. Is the guy on the webpage any good, likely but there is no guarantee. My Tai Chi Sifu was once very good and comes from a rather impressive lineage but he changed fairly recently in order to gain students and lost all of his senior students in the process. So I really can’t tell about Tai Chi school you posted either.

It is very hard to tell anything from a webpage. I know a school near me that has a phenomenal web page but in reality the school is not that good. I know of 2 very good teachers near me that have no WebPages and one absolutely refuses to advertise at all.

I know this is probably not what you want to read but the best way to do this is to go to the schools, watch a class or 2, watch how the Sifu interacts with the students or if he interacts at all. And watch the students too that is very important. If the students are good and appear to be serious that is a good sign.

I was checking out Hapkido schools recently and I found a Hapkido school with a Korean trained master that from the pictures around his office was once very good. He did not teach anymore, his son did and his son was very good. However the students were sloppy and not good at all. I went to another Hapkido school where the head master did not get involved in every aspect of the class, his senior students (black belts) did. However all of the students I saw were very good and when the head master did get involved it was to correct people by example, he would work with his black belts to show his students how it was suppose to be done and it was all done in a very respectful manor, he was very good. And he also has a great website where the Korean master has none. It is very difficult to tell much from a website.

I honestly wish I could tell you what I think but since I do not know the schools I cannot say much at all. It would be necessary to visit the actual schools to be able to truly and honestly tell you anything of worth.

I can say I watch out for schools that require contracts, but there are 2 sides to that as well. From a student perspective you are locked into a year or more contracts with a school that you know little or nothing about and the teacher may be awful. From an instructor point of view if a student isn’t willing to commit to a year why bother wasting time training them.

I also look out for schools that have head instructors that insist on being called “Grand Master” but that is a personal opinion, they may deserve the title, I just think it is a sigh of arrogance. And since I have links to Northern China I know that if in Beijing they call someone that generally they are being sarcastic and saying the guy says he knows everything but he really knows nothing. However that title may not be sarcastic in Southern China nor is it here. So again I am of little help

Sorry I could not help you more.


Blue Belt
Nov 3, 2002
Reaction score
Very True...

Well yea is not about how nice the webpage is lol. Is basically what they talk about. I think I would like those teachers that refuse to advertise, but not many CMA from NYC in here.

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