what do you do for a living?


Master Black Belt
Sep 30, 2005
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after joining this forum i came to realize that this bar tender could be a martial artist, and this taxi driver as well, my manager and so on... it's like a superhero having their second identity!
im just curious to know what is your other identity?
im just curious to know what is your other identity?

Well, I'm a superhero by day (all the other superheros work mostly nights so I handle days...less competetion that way)

But, keep it a secret, will ya
I'm just a singer in a rock and roll band...no, wait...

I just a Computer Systems Analyst!
My other identity is extremely mundane. I am 37 yrs old, married to my 30 yr old wife for 8 yrs. I have twins (boy and girl) who turn 3 next month. I live in a house I'm paying off. I have a cat.

I work at a company that sells and supports medical billing software and electronic medical records. I am the Director of Technical Services. I provide the training and tech support for our clients on all products we sell.

Our company also has a billing service for those physicians who wish to outsource their medical billing. My wife works with me. She is the Medical Billing Manager. We have both been with the company a little over 5 yrs.

I travel sometimes with my job (when clients purchase on-site training). That interferes with keeping a regular workout schedule. On the other hand, it does get me a company car, which I drive entirely free. That's a big plus considering gas prices!

I like my job for many reasons and will probably stay at it indefinitely. It has great benefits and total freedom.

If I wasn't married I'd move to San Francisco or someplace in California. I'd like to live around more liberal thinking people than what one finds in the Appalachian backwood Bible Belt.

Ideally, I'd be either a writer or a sexual behaviorist, probably both. At night I'd fight crime with my wicked Matrix-style kung-fu.
FearlessFreep said:
im just curious to know what is your other identity?

Well, I'm a superhero by day (all the other superheros work mostly nights so I handle days...less competetion that way)

But, keep it a secret, will ya
your second identity is a superhero, and the secret identity is a martial artis, right?
OnlyAnEgg said:
I'm just a singer in a rock and roll band...no, wait...

I just a Computer Systems Analyst!
yah.. i wonder about that
what does a computer system analyst do?
half of my friends do it, and when i ask them they say they dont know what the heck they do!
Navarre said:
My other identity is extremely mundane. I am 37 yrs old, married to my 30 yr old wife for 8 yrs. I have twins (boy and girl) who turn 3 next month. I live in a house I'm paying off. I have a cat.

I work at a company that sells and supports medical billing software and electronic medical records. I am the Director of Technical Services. I provide the training and tech support for our clients on all products we sell.

Our company also has a billing service for those physicians who wish to outsource their medical billing. My wife works with me. She is the Medical Billing Manager. We have both been with the company a little over 5 yrs.

I travel sometimes with my job (when clients purchase on-site training). That interferes with keeping a regular workout schedule. On the other hand, it does get me a company car, which I drive entirely free. That's a big plus considering gas prices!

I like my job for many reasons and will probably stay at it indefinitely. It has great benefits and total freedom.

If I wasn't married I'd move to San Francisco or someplace in California. I'd like to live around more liberal thinking people than what one finds in the Appalachian backwood Bible Belt.

Ideally, I'd be either a writer or a sexual behaviorist, probably both. At night I'd fight crime with my wicked Matrix-style kung-fu.
wow! that's interesting
well, if you move to cali just dont go below LA.. u'll hit the same crowd ur running away from!
seems like a lot of poeple are software-related! including me
FearlessFreep said:

I just a Computer Systems Analyst!

...in a rock and roll band!
i got that part but
could you please help me here...
i dont know what a computer system analyst does!
do you gather requirements? do you set up machines? do you make software... what are you responsibilities
thats what i dont know!
which band btw?
mantis said:
i got that part but
could you please help me here...
i dont know what a computer system analyst does!
do you gather requirements? do you set up machines? do you make software... what are you responsibilities
thats what i dont know!
which band btw?
Sorry, but I'm a bit more curious as to what a "sexual behaviorist" does....:rolleyes:
A sexual behaviorist conducts studies to try and understand why people have the sexual attitudes they do and why they engage in certain sexual activity.

Take, for example, people who believe in "free love". Some would say they are immoral creatures little removed from animals. Others would say they transcend conventional restrictions to truly appreciate each individual for who they are with the goal to touch each person's life in a dramatic way, learning from them in return.

I think that sort of thing is fascinating. I submit to conventional restriction in practice but believe in sexual transcendence at heart. I am interested to understand how the entire process works in others.
A sexual behaviorist conducts studies to try and understand why people have the sexual attitudes they do and why they engage in certain sexual activity.

Does that include studying why people want to become sexual behaviorists?
mantis said:
yah.. i wonder about that
what does a computer system analyst do?
half of my friends do it, and when i ask them they say they dont know what the heck they do!
It's a longish title that sez I fix pcs and networks when things go wrong or idiots touch them :)
OnlyAnEgg said:
It's a longish title that sez I fix pcs and networks when things go wrong or idiots touch them :)
all of a sudden you sound like the IT guy from our company too!
if that guy has a hammer our heads would have been smashed long ago!
i guess i happen to be on the side of the "idiots touch[ing] them" then! haha
mantis said:
all of a sudden you sound like the IT guy from our company too!
if that guy has a hammer our heads would have been smashed long ago!
i guess i happen to be on the side of the "idiots touch[ing] them" then! haha
Nah...I'm not a bad guy. In fact, I told I'm preferred over the other IT guy here for personable service. I just described it like it is :)
FearlessFreep said:
Does that include studying why people want to become sexual behaviorists?
Actually, it absolutely would. I said myself I find sexual behavior "fascinating". Therefore, my fascination is part of my own behavior and would thus qualify to be studied.

Of course I couldn't make accurate assessments of my own behavior but it could be studied by others. But I am a firm believer that one of our primary purposes in life is to achieve as much self-awareness as possible.

Obviously, it is the fact that I find sexual behavior fascinating that led me to my desire to be a sexual behaviorist. This, in turn, should lead to knowledge about sexual behavior that I can then apply to my own life to become more self-aware.

Interesting, eh?

Actually, it absolutely would. I said myself I find sexual behavior "fascinating".

Who doesn't?

Of course I couldn't make accurate assessments of my own behavior but it could be studied by others. But I am a firm believer that one of our primary purposes in life is to achieve as much self-awareness as possible.

See "johari window" :)
FearlessFreep said:

Actually, it absolutely would. I said myself I find sexual behavior "fascinating".

Who doesn't?
My wife. Thanks for asking. lol

It isn't only sexual behavior that is interesting but sexual preferences. Obviously society has a lot to do with it. I mean, once plumper paler women were considered more attractive but now it's tan athletic types.

But even beyond that, why do we like the kind of ppl we do? For instances why do I like brunettes with cute faces and pretty feet while many guys might not care if she even has legs as long as she has large breasts?