What am I supposed to say to Drop Bear?

What else do you have? Stories are easy. I could do stories all day.
In the military we used to mess with chronic one-uppers. Just keep making more and more outlandish statements and see if they kept up. We would also see if they were also one-downwrs and start saying negative things to see if they would say something more sad. My puppy was hit by a car. Yeah? Me too, except it was two puppies and a bus full of kids.
In the military we used to mess with chronic one-uppers. Just keep making more and more outlandish statements and see if they kept up. We would also see if they were also one-downwrs and start saying negative things to see if they would say something more sad. My puppy was hit by a car. Yeah? Me too, except it was two puppies and a bus full of kids.

Same with security. Guys who could legitimately fight would also have to make stuff up.

"never let the truth get in the way of a good story"

Chopper Reed
But if you have access to the better rescourses and the better people you will wind up with a better product.

Even if the "long fist" is my primary/foundation MA system, I still have to say that

- long fist roundhouse kick < MT roundhouse kick
- long fist hook punch < boxing hook punch.

There is always a better way to do thing.

Even if the "long fist" is my primary/foundation MA system, I still have to say that

- long fist roundhouse kick < MT roundhouse kick
- long fist hook punch < boxing hook punch.

There is always a better way to do thing.

And look. Australian boxing isnt as good as American.
What else do you have? Stories are easy. I could do stories all day.
You essentially assert that, absent the evidence you want, no other evidence is useful. There are plenty of good explanations why sport evidence isn't really good evidence for all contexts, but you don't seem to want to listen to reason on those points. You just want the evidence you want, and to pass off other evidence - like real-life experiences using an art for self-defense - as "stories".
Sisterhood as well...lol. I knew it...right on time!

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No, not 'sisterhood' gender is irrelevant. Why post such mishegoss?
Funny thing about that. I just saw a whole heap of evidence about VT myself. Validates everything i said.

I Just can't show it to you. As you know they don't like that stuff promoted.

What am I supposed to say to a person who is definitely wrong,
If you know that you are right then what does it matter if someone else is wrong?

I recently explained a technique in which Drop Bear thinks that the technique is not effective or that it can't break a knee. I've been kicked with this technique and I've used this technique before so I know first hand the potential that it has at full power. I've used this technique in free sparring so I know it's something that I can pull off in a real fight. Drop bear believes otherwise so it's no big deal to me. It just means that I know something that Drop Bear doesn't know and I should be comfortable with that. All you can do is just state the facts and state what you believe so that other people can decide if they think you are right or if they think you are wrong.

The most that I do is try to post information that other people can read and learn. In terms of techniques, if I have a video of me doing a technique successfully then I'll post that. Beyond that I don't waste my time.
I think you're flattering yourself or trolling.
I think your feminist views cause you to be hypersensitive to what everyone says, calm down I am not trolling but you were pushing your strong feminist perspectives on to me and that is not something I asked you to do. There is a Brotherhood and in that Brotherhood there exists a bunch of guys that do Warrior training and they call it a Brotherhood comma so for you to get upset that I said something about a Brotherhood is utterly ridiculous comma I completely respect any female that participates in the martial arts and would welcome them into the Brotherhood as a sister. But please it's always the same thing with you like you're arguing for women's rights or something come down please I am bored of your tactics LOL

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In the words of a great king... Rodney King...

"Can't we all just get along?"
I had a much more simple solution. I blocked drop bear some time ago who seems to disagree a lot about things they know nothing about.
I think your feminist views cause you to be hypersensitive to what everyone says, calm down I am not trolling but you were pushing your strong feminist perspectives on to me and that is not something I asked you to do. There is a Brotherhood and in that Brotherhood there exists a bunch of guys that do Warrior training and they call it a Brotherhood comma so for you to get upset that I said something about a Brotherhood is utterly ridiculous comma I completely respect any female that participates in the martial arts and would welcome them into the Brotherhood as a sister. But please it's always the same thing with you like you're arguing for women's rights or something come down please I am bored of your tactics LOL

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If I were the 'feminist' you assume I am I wouldn't have pooh poohed your silly 'sisterhood' comment.
For the record I wasn't 'upset' so again you flatter yourself, I just call BS when I see it. You were making silly little comments about being chums together when people obviously have quite deep differences that you seem to think aren't worth discussing. This has nothing to do with gender or didn't you notice?

I assume you have no or very little sense of humour because really you are being completely anal about this feminist v men thing, you probably should stop labelling people as well.

Well people, you see now how arguments happen on here, a comment is posted, another follows showing that the first posters comment was completely over reacted to, insults flow, assumptions pile up and pow, we have a class MT argument. Thank you realg for demonstrating how someone grabs the wrong end of the stick, ascribes motives, blusters and makes disparaging remarks because he didn't take the care to think about what he wrote. It is careless to assume for a start that the people he was talking to are actually men lol, a simple remark would have sufficed instead of a quasi hail fellow well met platitude that was condescending to all.

Posts are read in the tone of 'voice' and the emotion of the reader, if the reader is angry, upset and dislikes the poster then that poster is ascribed the same emotions. so the reader, realg, being angry and upset assumes I am, he assumes because of his not my life experiences that I must be one of those rabid feminist he so hates, he assumes this too because I pointed out something in his posts, this made him angry. this leads him to think I'm the angry one, the person who is has an agenda to push feminism.

Long time posters here will tell you that I must have in the past ten years or so only mentioned anything to do with being female a couple of times, usually on the female section and more often than not about something as mundane as what sports top or chest protector is best. Even those you dislike me will have to admit I don't have a 'feminist' agenda, most don't know my gender. I say what I think, people don't agree, that's fine it would be a very boring place if we all agreed, ugh.

So, some people cannot be reasoned with, some people on here are tsutcherppenish, sent to try our patience but life is too short to worry about it. And the answer will always be....Gurkhas!

If I were the 'feminist' you assume I am I wouldn't have pooh poohed your silly 'sisterhood' comment.
For the record I wasn't 'upset' so again you flatter yourself, I just call BS when I see it. You were making silly little comments about being chums together when people obviously have quite deep differences that you seem to think aren't worth discussing. This has nothing to do with gender or didn't you notice?

I assume you have no or very little sense of humour because really you are being completely anal about this feminist v men thing, you probably should stop labelling people as well.

Well people, you see now how arguments happen on here, a comment is posted, another follows showing that the first posters comment was completely over reacted to, insults flow, assumptions pile up and pow, we have a class MT argument. Thank you realg for demonstrating how someone grabs the wrong end of the stick, ascribes motives, blusters and makes disparaging remarks because he didn't take the care to think about what he wrote. It is careless to assume for a start that the people he was talking to are actually men lol, a simple remark would have sufficed instead of a quasi hail fellow well met platitude that was condescending to all.

Posts are read in the tone of 'voice' and the emotion of the reader, if the reader is angry, upset and dislikes the poster then that poster is ascribed the same emotions. so the reader, realg, being angry and upset assumes I am, he assumes because of his not my life experiences that I must be one of those rabid feminist he so hates, he assumes this too because I pointed out something in his posts, this made him angry. this leads him to think I'm the angry one, the person who is has an agenda to push feminism.

Long time posters here will tell you that I must have in the past ten years or so only mentioned anything to do with being female a couple of times, usually on the female section and more often than not about something as mundane as what sports top or chest protector is best. Even those you dislike me will have to admit I don't have a 'feminist' agenda, most don't know my gender. I say what I think, people don't agree, that's fine it would be a very boring place if we all agreed, ugh.

So, some people cannot be reasoned with, some people on here are tsutcherppenish, sent to try our patience but life is too short to worry about it. And the answer will always be....Gurkhas!

View attachment 20162
You're right I APOLIGIZE...

Can I please pay you to stop now...

Like the pic though...


Throwing phone in the river now.

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Dear OP,
I first started on martial talk on 2005 and these days I rarely post or even read the forums, there is so much out there then wasting your time arguing with people about things for the most part martial talk is about people bashing each other with a few good ideas once in a while I would say focus more on your training, your family and friends then what people say on this site about things they dont know about.
For me I've remarried and having my second kid find something better to do then argue about petty things
You're right I APOLIGIZE...

Can I please pay you to stop now...

Like the pic though...


Throwing phone in the river now.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk

Keep your money and use it to pay for a Supporting Membership on MartialTalk. If you are going to insult it's posters you should at least help support the site.

For me I've remarried and having my second kid find something better to do then argue about petty things

Oh, that's absolutely brilliant! congratulations, it's wonderful news. :):):):)
Wait until you have been married as long as I have ( 41 years) and the kids have left home to have the petty arguments lol. We do miss you here though, so do pop in now and again, during the night feeds perhaps? :D Keep well.