Website is up!

Interesting site, and well done...Thanks for the reading material while my coffee wakes me up...Great job
We're in Alamo, CA. It's on there somewhere.
Me too: that's quite a flying sidekick — he's really got his hips up HIGH on that one!

Nice Web site.

We have a picture on the wall at the school of his #1 disciple doing the same kick in the same location 25 years later. He's actually 6 inches higher. I'd show you a picture of me doing one, but I don't think you'd be able to see that there actually is air under my foot...
couple of glitches I see

The main page, your nave menu was too low, it required a scroll down to find it. Nave menu should be the easiest thing to spot on the main page as its the most important :)

Your header and the body are not lined up on the rest of the site. The body is left aligned, the header centered. Both appear to be the same size. Firefox 2, Win XP.

Similar layout issue on most of the pages, your 2 columns come out different sizes on different pages, just makes it look inconsistant.

And the last thing is just a little pet peeve. Dump the frames, they break normal navigation, bookmarks go out the window, suppose someone wants to send a link to one of your pages, they won't be able to, etc. I also don't see what benefit you are getting from them as there is only one frame being used anyways.
couple of glitches I see

The main page, your nave menu was too low, it required a scroll down to find it. Nave menu should be the easiest thing to spot on the main page as its the most important :)

Your header and the body are not lined up on the rest of the site. The body is left aligned, the header centered. Both appear to be the same size. Firefox 2, Win XP.

Similar layout issue on most of the pages, your 2 columns come out different sizes on different pages, just makes it look inconsistant.

And the last thing is just a little pet peeve. Dump the frames, they break normal navigation, bookmarks go out the window, suppose someone wants to send a link to one of your pages, they won't be able to, etc. I also don't see what benefit you are getting from them as there is only one frame being used anyways.

Thanks! I'll pass it on to the webmaster.
I can see that this is going to be a very attractive and informative website when it's fully fleshed out.

One suggestion: it might not be a bad idea to have a little bit more on the technical content of Bokfudo, something that would satisfy the curiosity of a martial artist with some experience in some other MA system—maybe including something about rank (or its lack), the teaching progression and other stuff like that. And MA novices, even though they might not get the whole picture, would probably take away from such an overiew of the curriculum some reassurance that the teaching sequence had been carefully thought out. Just a thought... :)