Was lethal force needed?!


Senior Master
Apr 18, 2007
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Did they really try to stop the man other than empty a clip into him. What were the dogs for? Why no tasers? He had a pipe, not a knife, or gun. The dogs may have taken him down. Don't get me wrong, my dad was an Officer of the law and I may have done the same. But trained Officers should be trained to respond differently than you or I when scared. Average people my just shoot when scared but I would expect Law Enforcement to have more protocols then simply shoot to kill. No assesment of the situation, Just treat all situations the same. That is scary to me. That means that all of us can simply be shot dead no matter what and it be justified. Mental dissorder, drug induced, what ever. Maybe something other than shooting to kill could have been done. But I guess we will never know.

OK let some one strike your head with a pipe, do you think your life is endangered by that kind of a weapons blow? ( answer is very much so.) if they used a taser and it did not put him down and he did close on the officer with the weapon in a position to strike.

in that situation I would have shot, and yes used multiple rounds. If you are not afraid for your LIFE or the LIFE of some one else, Why would you shoot? in that case its reasonable to fear that the officer could be killed and so to fire.