

<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
Anybody watch this show on the History channel, tonight is about the Mayas and there warriors ways.
The last one I saw was the Vikings episode and that one ruled, the Maya one was good too. I liked how they showed the layouts for the viking forts and the forging process for their weapons.
I don't know man, I'm not even sure I've seen them in order because I saw the maya episode like 2 weeks ago and the viking one last week (which I caught on Thurs). I'm awful with TV schedules, I usually turn on the TV and am surprized something interesting is on.

Check History Channel's website.
No, I Missed it! grrrrr will have to see if i can find it on their web sight or some where.
They keep running them over and over, I saw the Viking episode again last night. Just keep your TV on the History channel or look for it on the guide, it seems like one of those shows they rerun a lot.
Those shows teach some interesting things. I just imagine how a Viking fought in shaking boat with wet axe. It opened my mind about what is martial arts.
One of the things they did not cover was how long it took to build a fort. They showed the fort and talked about it's pros but never mentioned how long after landing somewhere they could have a fort up.
I caught the Maya one, pretty well done. We had been having a discussion on another forum about the Aztek m&#257;cuahuitl sword, and the Maya war club is similarly constructed. Obviously an effective weapon.

I see there's a show that's going to premiere on the Spike channel that purports to examine "the greatest warriors", but it would seem to be more entertainment-oriented.