

Mon Mon

To you what is a warrior? For me its a way of thinking living and doing.
I believe that Mr. Jack Hoban has quite eloquently described the 'warrior lifestyle'. You should check out his site: www.livingvalues.com

He really knows his stuff.....
In my eyes, the key factor determining whether one is a warrior or not is if you fight in a war. Martial arts training, the philosphy and teachings that are often entwined with it are well and good, but if you've never fought in a war, how can you call yourself a warrior? At the very least, you must train daily for actual war (i.e. military training, not self defense).

I've been actively training in the martial arts for several years, and have researched the Asian martial arts even longer. I've done some research of classical bujutsu, samurai, Chinese soldiers, etc. Also, I've read a bit about the connection of Taoism, Zen, and Shinto with Asian martial arts. However, I would never call myself a warrior or even state that I aspired to be one, because I do not serve in the military.

To me, the definition of the term is literal, with no leeway, no gray area. You either are, or are not.

And I'm not.

No offense to you, Cthulhu, but there is a difference between a soldier and a warrior. A big one.
Originally posted by heretic888
No offense to you, Cthulhu, but there is a difference between a soldier and a warrior. A big one.


For you, there is a difference. Like I clearly said in my post, I take the term literally.

You asked for opinions and I gave you mine. I did not say mine was the only valid answer, nor did I say everybody else was wrong.

My point of view not agreeing with yours does not make mine any less valid.

Hmm. Yes, you're right about that. I apologize for any rudeness.

If you feel that the word 'warrior' is an inappropriate label, what would you use instead???
I simply consider myself a martial artist, and a casual student of martial history and philosphy.

Others' mileage may vary :)


I perceive myself as a student of the warrior arts, but not a warrior myself. That is something I am not yet.
Originally posted by heretic888

I perceive myself as a student of the warrior arts...

I like that description.

Hmmm.... it just dawned on me that 'war' and 'martial' mean the same thing. Thus, martial art=warrior art, and martial artist=warrior artist.

Most interesting....
True. In that light, a martial artist would be one that practices a martial (warrior) art, but not necessarily a warrior.

Heh. Ok, I guess we're training to be warrior-artists, then!!! :D

Hmm.... actually I kinda like the sound of that one better than warrior.