Wack Kenpo


Mr. Wack

Since I know how much ALL of you guys love the site...instead of taking the high road and letting it die, I've put it back up. However, I won't print the URL for fear of censorship(because it's not censorship when it doesn't happen to you). I will tell you that it's on Geocities. Just search for wackkenpo(one word). Oh, and you can always email me if you want the URL: [email protected]

Mr. Wack

Thank you all for your continued support.
....yer a real human being, Mr. Wack.

I thought I would maybe give you the credit to check out the site and see if you had changed it in any way, or to avoid getting sued from people like KenpoJoe. In short, I thought I would see if you learned anything from reading anyone's posts.

I did a search on Geocities, and on Google. NOTHING under "Mr. Wack", "wackkenpo", or "wack kenpo". I *did*, however, find a link to a few sites where "wack" and "kenpo" were both on the same page, but your illustrious site was not in them.

My guess is that you are just making noise again. Fine. Feel free to do so, we'll ignore you or make fun of you as we want.

But I would HIGHLY recommend that you remove any pictures of instructors that you don't have permission to use. Might be safer that way. I don't think anyone would threaten to "beat you up", but libel or defamation of character could be pretty easy to prove with a copy of your website, a lawyer, and a desire to see you suffer.


QUOTE]Originally posted by tonbo

But I would HIGHLY recommend that you remove any pictures of instructors that you don't have permission to use. Might be safer that way. I don't think anyone would threaten to "beat you up", but libel or defamation of character could be pretty easy to prove with a copy of your website, a lawyer, and a desire to see you suffer.

Well said!

One might imagine that the individual in question is one who probably had an educational experience with kenpo and couldn’t keep up with it or learn from it

In one word

a wack
Mr. Wack
If your only purpose in coming here is to annoy our members, please save yourself and us some time and don't bother.

Bob Hubbard
MartialTalk Admin
What HE said!!!

And yer little DOG, too!! (No offense, Gou!!)

Originally posted by tonbo
And yer little DOG, too!! (No offense, Gou!!)

None taken. I find it funny that people are always insulting people with concepts like a "dirty, low dog dog", or a "mangy scoundrel of a dog", yet when you think of qualities and attributes that we admire like Loyalty, faithfullness, bravery, selflessness, you think, "D-O-G!" After all, who is man's best friend? Dogs. How many stories do you hear of moose saving their owners or rescuing little timmy from the woods? I don't see cats being used to find people trapped in the rubble of the world trade centre. How many seeing eye cows do people have? How many security people have guard pigs?

In the martial arts you hear a lot about tigers and dragons. When you think about dogs you think about the Dog Brothers. Hard hitting and real. For more ideas on the dog personality you might want to check out:

As far as Mr. Wack goes, I would not be averse to paying this guy a visit. I think I might remember enough Kenpo to give an objective evaluation of his Kenpo abilities.
I have always had dogs as pets, and never regretted it. Okay, okay, I have not really enjoyed having my clothes/furniture/books/etc. chewed up or my rugs stained when I had puppies, but the adult dogs--nothing could beat 'em. I applaud them as a symbol of loyalty and tenacity.

Currently, my wife and I have two little Shiba Inu dogs--an old Japanese breed. They were originally bred to flush game out of the brush. These little monsters can RUN, and, lemme tell you, when they get fierce, they are just plain scary. I saw a picture once of one that was facing down a bear......now, you have to realize, this is a dog that gets to be only about 14" at the shoulder! Show me a cat that would do THAT...:eek:

God bless the dogs. And, well, maybe someday, I too can make it up to being a Dog Brother.

I don't see cats being used to find people trapped in the rubble of the world trade centre.

No, cats aren't being used, but I heard on CNN that they have figured out a way to use remote control to control a rat and they plan on strapping camera's to their head to go into the rubble of buildings.

Insults based with a canine theme are probably more effective as an insult because of our ability to relate to the critter. Dogs are so much like people... There are some good ones with all of the positive attributes of loyalty, strength and tenacity and there are some low down dirty dogs that seem to have no self respect or will turn on just about anyone.

Interesting site, Gou... Lots of stuff I can indentify with.

"Snoop Dog Doug" Turner
Now that the topic of dogs has come up, I have found a way to post without going off topic or starting a new thread. Today, KenpoTess and I adopted a new family member. She's an 85 pound, 2 year old black lab. Her old family could not keep her because of failing health due to advanced age. After about 2 hours of the usual playing, getting to know you, searching the house routine, it was time to introduce her to the other family member, a 12 pound tabby, named Mouse. Needless to say, Mouse was not amused. Mouse thinks that puffing up should scare anything, Dog was not scared. Mouse spit, dog lunged, Mouse swiped, Dog slipped and lunged. Mouse ran like hell, one length ahead of dog. Mouse knows terrain better, and escaped. Where the mouse disappeared to is a mystery, but disappear she did. Later that night, Mouse and Dog were at it again, Mouse is apparently a south paw. Dog is apparently not as bright as originally given credit for. If I hadn't been tallying up possible vet bills in my head, it would have been funny to watch as the cat tried multiple strikes with both paws at the dogs head. The dog was fast enough to evade and to try a counter. This could be educational, if not expensive. Sooner or later, they'll work it out. I just hope I have a house left when they do.
Please get rid of this Mr. Wack character. A joke is one thing but to keep pushing it this far is just rude and goes against the principle of friendliness that Martialtalk.com is known for.
Originally posted by Bonehead

Please get rid of this Mr. Wack character. A joke is one thing but to keep pushing it this far is just rude and goes against the principle of friendliness that Martialtalk.com is known for.

I count one post by the individual in question, one warning from the admin., and 10 replies by forum regulars.

This suggests another way in which the problem might be (partially) addressed.

-MT Mod-
Click on PROFILE button under their handle.

scroll down and select ADD... TO MY IGNORE LIST

you will never have to see their posts again.

Please keep in mind that while I may or may not agree in a particular situation if someone should be kicked off MT because of a difference of opinion, If I kicked everyone off who said something unpopular, we'd have few members left, and might even have to ban myself.

It has been said before - "Don't Feed The Trolls".

Mr. Wack has been warned, his ISP complained to. If he disrupts this forum again, we will take things to the next step.

This is Bull...

Let me get this straight, This guy pulls our e-mail addresses off of this forum (among others), spams us his web address, creates a web site which is inflamtatory, degrading, and disrespecful to those in our community, and all you're gunna do is tell us to block him? THAT'S A CROCK OF BULL!!!

You temporarily threw Gou Ronin off of this site for less!!! Forgive me for saying... YOUR JUDGEMENT STINKS!!!
Originally posted by WilliamTLear

This is Bull...

Let me get this straight, This guy pulls our e-mail addresses off of this forum (among others), spams us his web address, creates a web site which is inflamtatory, degrading, and disrespecful to those in our community, and all you're gunna do is tell us to block him? THAT'S A CROCK OF BULL!!!

You temporarily threw Gou Ronin off of this site for less!!! Forgive me for saying... YOUR JUDGEMENT STINKS!!!

I second it. All in favor say I
Originally posted by WilliamTLear
This is Bull...
Let me get this straight, This guy pulls our e-mail addresses off of this forum (among others), spams us his web address, creates a web site which is inflamtatory, degrading, and disrespecful to those in our community, and all you're gunna do is tell us to block him? THAT'S A CROCK OF BULL!!!
You temporarily threw Gou Ronin off of this site for less!!! Forgive me for saying... YOUR JUDGEMENT STINKS!!!

Oh Billy. You're so emotional. Heh heh heh...

Relax man. The wack guy is gone. He's a one hit wonder with no staying power.

We all have better things in our lives to worry about than one or two posts by a guy with "issues."

As I like to say, "Some days you're the dog, and some days you're the hydrant."

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
If I kicked everyone off who said something unpopular, we'd have few members left, and might even have to ban myself.

Now that would be funny...wouldn't it?
You don't happen to have any bubblegum do you? I seem to be all out of bubblegum.
Ok ...let me nip this in the *** right now...

"Pulls e-mail addresses off forum"
To do that, he would need admin access. He can e-mail you through the forum, but your address should NOT be visible to him unless you reply. In that case, YOU GIVE THE ADDRESS OUT, not us.

I can not control if he gets it from other forums. Take it up with those forums admins.

"spams us his web address"
SPAM is a reality on the net...learn to use the delete function. Complain to his ISP. Use a filter. Get a mail service that allows you to block emails at the server level.

"creates a web site which is inflamtatory, degrading, and disrespecful to those in our community"
So? Theres worse sites out there than that one. Deal with it. What is worse? A site with a picture of you going "Oink Oink" or a site featuring a 5yr old being raped? Gee....I guess they are the same aren't they? You don't like the site, don't go there. Complain to the ISP that hosts it. Oh wait, others did, and gee, the sites down, the guy booted. Hey, the system works, wow.

"and all you're gunna do is tell us to block him? THAT'S A CROCK OF BULL!!!"
Yup. You don't like it, thats just tough. You want me to ban people for being an ***? Gee whiz Billy, guess I should just turn the site off huh? Name 1 person on here who'se got more than 5 posts who hasn't pissed off someone else here, or said something outta line.

I told ya how to use the features of this forum to selectivly remove those you just don't want to hear from. Is Wack a troll? Maybe...then again, maybe he's one of you guys having a good laugh at how stupid some of this is.

"You temporarily threw Gou Ronin off of this site for less!!! Forgive me for saying... YOUR JUDGEMENT STINKS!!! "

You are entitled to your opinion....Gou, and others have been temporarily canned for various reasons...GOU WAS THE -ONLY- ONE LET BACK IN. The rest are gone. I will not go into the details as they are none of your damn business. Understand that there are facts you do not have, that we are not going to bring up what led to that particular issues resolution.

We try to run this site to allow for as many opinions as possible, even those we disagree with. I spend 30+ hours on here each week, moving posts that people stick in the wrong forums, tracking down hiccups, reading posts, difusing flames, etc. We estimated that it costs about $90,000 US / year to run this place in cash and time.

Gou made a good point. "He's a one hit wonder with no staying power. We all have better things in our lives to worry about than one or two posts by a guy with "issues." "

This guy wanted attention...you gave it to him. He violated some individuals rights..they used the system to take care of it. Guy comes back and taunts you all again...so, you scream to ban him. Maybe we should, maybe we shouldn't. Fact is, this isn't a democacy. If we get enough complaints we will act. But make em better than "Hes a Troll" and "Hes a jerk".

I don't say I'm perfect, I don't say we don't make mistakes. I understand you're pissed cuz this guy took some shots at friends. But I try to err on the side of giving people a chance, rather than boot em after 1 screw up, or misstep. I can think of at least 5 members (including 2 in this thread) who had folks asking they be banned....


And Gou.... The guy with the gum has long since left the building, but I'll see if I can find you some...hey, theres a store within an hours radius of you..try there.

Originally posted by WilliamTLear

This is Bull...

Let me get this straight, This guy pulls our e-mail addresses off of this forum (among others), spams us his web address, creates a web site which is inflamtatory, degrading, and disrespecful to those in our community, and all you're gunna do is tell us to block him? THAT'S A CROCK OF BULL!!!

You temporarily threw Gou Ronin off of this site for less!!! Forgive me for saying... YOUR JUDGEMENT STINKS!!!
Although I feel he should be banned, I respect your sticking
to your guns, and trying to keep the board within your vision.

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