Kenpo is alive and well in Star Wars!


Feb 15, 2002
Reaction score
Scottsdale, Arizona
I just got in from the new Movie Star Wars II. Man..... Awesome!! Kenpo everwhere....... The force is with us all......

I even see now how the "Dark Side" has overtaken some of the famous "Senior Jedi" who now think they are the "all powerful" and legends in their own minds..... LOL


P.S. You gotta see Yoda get Down!!!!!!
Cool, I'm going on Friday morning so I'll have to see if I can spot the bits you mean...

Also, I don't know if any of you guys caught Blade II but that was chock-full of kenpo as well. I don't /think/ Wesley Snipes is formally trained in it so it was probably the fight co-ordinator who was working it in there. I definitely saw a good 6 or 7 EPAK moments though!

It's a great film anyway if anyone hasn't seen it and wants to, it's probably in the video hire places in America by now I would imagine.

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

I just got in from the new Movie Star Wars II. Man..... Awesome!! Kenpo everwhere....... The force is with us all......

I even see now how the "Dark Side" has overtaken some of the famous "Senior Jedi" who now think they are the "all powerful" and legends in their own minds..... LOL


P.S. You gotta see Yoda get Down!!!!!!

Dark Side: Translation, Dennis Conatser is the Dark Side.:jedi1:
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

I just got in from the new Movie Star Wars II. Man..... Awesome!! Kenpo everwhere....... The force is with us all......

I even see now how the "Dark Side" has overtaken some of the famous "Senior Jedi" who now think they are the "all powerful" and legends in their own minds..... LOL


P.S. You gotta see Yoda get Down!!!!!!
Good I was afraid that with the BJJ craze everyone would be rolling around the floor try to submit each other.:D
I was really looking forward to seeing yoda get into a good scrap also!!! Too bad I had to work I would have went to the midnight showing myself!!

:jedi1: :xwing: :stoplurk: :teleport: :lasma: :jediduel:
Yeah, I won't be able to get out to see this film until Sunday morning. Thanks for rubbing it in. Bad enough that I have to hear about it from the guys at work and see all the commercials. Argh. I shoulda taken a sick day today.....;)

About "Blade II".....I don't know if Wesley Snipes has ever trained in Kenpo, but it's possible. From what I have heard, he *did* train in Capoeira for a while, dunno if he still does. If he studies Kenpo, more power to him!!

Can't wait to see Star Wars II.....I am really looking forward to the Jedi lightsaber fight. Time for the Jedi to strart kicking over barrels of whoop a**....... thing you know, though, people are gonna start opening those "Jedi Style" MA dojos....."We can teach you the ways of the Force--just $19.95 for your first week!! Jedi outfit included!!"


Originally posted by Goldendragon7

I just got in from the new Movie Star Wars II. Man..... Awesome!! Kenpo everwhere....... The force is with us all......

I even see now how the "Dark Side" has overtaken some of the famous "Senior Jedi" who now think they are the "all powerful" and legends in their own minds..... LOL


P.S. You gotta see Yoda get Down!!!!!!

I heard that it was some kind of special kendo, anybody heard this to, and maybe elaborate on it?

Originally posted by satans.barber

Also, I don't know if any of you guys caught Blade II but that was chock-full of kenpo as well. I don't /think/ Wesley Snipes is formally trained in it so it was probably the fight co-ordinator who was working it in there. I definitely saw a good 6 or 7 EPAK moments though!


Steve (Sanders) Muhammad was his body guard for some time so he may have picked up some moves from him.

well go watch blade I and blade II and you can see something has changed...he moves more efficent but it could just be hollywood too ;)
Originally posted by tonbo
Yeah thing you know, though, people are gonna start opening those "Jedi Style" MA dojos....."We can teach you the ways of the Force--just $19.95 for your first week:rolleyes:

I have already started....... I have 3 young KenJedi taking the test in a few months.....

Then we will go after the evil Seth Lord Castillo (Teacher turned bad boy homie):rofl: the most fame Corpus has ever received!

He can run but he can't hide...... from the KenJedi's!

Muuuhaaaa haaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

:xwing: :xwing: :xwing:
:xwing: :xwing:
I went to the midnight show Wednesday night. This is a must see. Very exciting, except the love story. The fight scenes are incredible. It is worth it to see Yoda kick some butt. And also as a long time Star Wars fan, it is cool to see how Anakin/Vader starts down the path to the dark side. We all knew it was coming, but now we see how.
Some friends of mine took off work today to go see it. I am so sad I could not go. Can't wait. Thanks for the rave review. I have purposefully not watched any reviews on TV or read them on the Web.

-Michael B.
With my favorite Star Wars Quote:
"Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try." - Yoda, Star Wars
Just saw it. I saw TKD style kicks and swordwork that could have been kendo. I'm afraid I wouldn't have said kenpo but then my exposure to kenpo is limited.
I saw it.

It was good.

Fight scenes excellent, but too short.

Will see it again...and again...and again...and, again... :)
You're killing me over here. I won't be able to see this movie for another few days.
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

My boys and I were talking and pointed out sections that I missed! Got to see it again!!!

Let me guess:
Son: Dad, we need more popcorn and coke!
GD: Ok, be right back
a few minutes later
GD: Here ya go, boys
Son2: Wow, Dad, you should have seen it.....