

Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
This video has an important message for all of us... something to think about for the year ahead. :asian:

Nice video Ma. The only problem that I have with commercials or videos like this, is this. Our government wants to help all manner of people. We have problems of our own, HERE. People that need the same kinds of help as people in other countries. We should take care of home first. It's kind of hard to pull the splinter from your brothers eye, when you have a beam shoved in yours. YOu know what I mean? We get our act together and find an actual solution to he poverty and crime problems here, then we would have he experience to actually help other nations, and countries do the same. You know what I'm saying?

Eye opening video, though. It does look like a spoof when it first starts, very nice. Thanks for the vid.
Nice video Ma. The only problem that I have with commercials or videos like this, is this. Our government wants to help all manner of people. We have problems of our own, HERE. People that need the same kinds of help as people in other countries. We should take care of home first. It's kind of hard to pull the splinter from your brothers eye, when you have a beam shoved in yours. YOu know what I mean? We get our act together and find an actual solution to he poverty and crime problems here, then we would have he experience to actually help other nations, and countries do the same. You know what I'm saying?

Eye opening video, though. It does look like a spoof when it first starts, very nice. Thanks for the vid.

I agree. The US has set itself up to solve the problems of the world, while often ignoring the problems here at home... I in no way mean to belittle the problems elsewhere, but at some point, we in the US need to clean up our own house instead of trying to redecorate everyone else's homes.
Nice video Ma. The only problem that I have with commercials or videos like this, is this. Our government wants to help all manner of people. We have problems of our own, HERE. People that need the same kinds of help as people in other countries. We should take care of home first. It's kind of hard to pull the splinter from your brothers eye, when you have a beam shoved in yours. YOu know what I mean? We get our act together and find an actual solution to he poverty and crime problems here, then we would have he experience to actually help other nations, and countries do the same. You know what I'm saying?

Eye opening video, though. It does look like a spoof when it first starts, very nice. Thanks for the vid.
I agree. The US has set itself up to solve the problems of the world, while often ignoring the problems here at home... I in no way mean to belittle the problems elsewhere, but at some point, we in the US need to clean up our own house instead of trying to redecorate everyone else's homes.
Likewise I agree with GI Blues and you Kacey. We DO need to focus more on what's going on behind our own borders and let the natural course of things occur behind others (ala Prime Directive) but there is a bit of a sticky here.
The United States of America is made up of what? Immigrants (all due respect to Native Americans whom have been atrociously treated) from nearly every country around the globe. There's a sense of obligation to help out our blood relatives in distant lands... however distant, biologically and geographically.
There's also the idea that we are in many ways obligated via a "Good Samaritan" type of morals. We, who have become ONE of the strongest countries on the planet should not just sit idly by while others are being oppressed or afflicted.
I just think we're going about helping in the wrong way in a lot of circumstances, though I personally do not have the answers as to the "right-way" of lending assistance I can see that what we've been doing hasn't affected too much of a change only marginally in many cases.
We should help out but to a point. Right now Iraq is a good example. They're just about ready to stand on their own (again) and hopefully for the better this time around.
Yet we who have so much by way of resources, freedoms, ability could selfishly attend to only our own but I think that would only rot us from within over time.
A balance is definitely needed in this country to where unemployment, homelessness, poverty is less than 2% nationwide, where the needs of the many become just a few. Then we can attend to other countries.
They often come to us asking for help can we ignore them? Should we?
I think we made a mistake with the "American Loan" program to poorer countries. We should've sent humanitarian aid via people who would be willing to go over seas and help out an afflicted area armed with the same monies but spent much more wisely to teach those indigenous populations how to care for themselves. Rather than just drive around passing out bags of grain every now and again.

But then there's the ugly face of politics that gets in the way and the stench of greed and avarice lingering in the air. What's in it for me?
The government is greedy for sure. In Canada we pay large sums for unemployment insurance which just disappears into another government department. It is very hard to collect unemployment and even if you do you have to way wait about 5 weeks. All that money can be spent on the poor but it never was.

Good news, In Toronto Canada many of the homeless either got jobs or on welfare. The businesses in Toronto complained about the homeless people giving a bad image for the city and how it is not good for tourism. It just shows cities can afford to help the homeless in our back yard. Heck if Toronto can do it I can't see why any other city in North American can't.