Union thug verbally assaults teenager at rally


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
A union thug describes a sex act to a 17 year old tea party member handing out the u.s. constitution at a rally. THere is video to go along with the article.


The 17-year-old high school senior waded into a sea of communist red to deliver the truth of liberty in the form the US Constitution to the political pagans assembled.
In the process, Patrick was verbally assaulted by an old man who graphically described sexual tea-bagging to the high school student. The incident took place during dueling protests in Jefferson City, Missouri, and was caught on two separate video cameras.

Patrick had grabbed a stack of Pocket Constitutions and Declarations offered for free by the St. Louis Tea Party Coalition The Tea Party held a rally on the south side of the Missouri Capitol. He took those Constitutions to the north side of the Capitol where the unions and socialists had gathered to denounce Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.
The contrast of the two generations–the dying union generation that demanding more of others with the rising Generation Tea–could not be more stark. Or more encouraging.
On the one hand, you have a creepy old man, speaking filth to a boy. On the other, you have Patrick, politely fending off the old pervert’s sexual advances.
No one could have blamed the young man for popping the old degenerate in the mouth. But Patrick, unlike the old union man, kept his cool and his dignity.
At seventeen, Patrick displayed courage and conviction that some never achieve. His actions give us great hope that America’s tomorrow will be even greater than her past.


Senior Master
Feb 24, 2009
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I actually watched the clip. did you?
Really, I'm asking you. Did you see the clkip, or are you content just to repost everything that agrees with your point of view just because it is written by a right wing newsrag. In this case I wouldn't even call it a news rag because that would imply that they brought actual news.

Anyway I did watch the clip.

First of all, it was not a see of communist red. It was a rally which had nothing much to do with communism. However, that is a fair mistake to make since you have no idea of the difference between socialism, communism, fascism, etc...

Second, protesting and rallying is part of your political system, and protected by the 1st amendment. What they were doing was very American.

Third, There was no yelling OR making sexual propositions.
Again. The old guy asked if the other knew what a teabagger was, and explained it. You don't really think that is a proposition, do you? That is like interpreting the words 'F you' as a proposition. It was an insult, rather than a proposition.

Fourth, if the young guy had punched the other guy in the mouth, THAT would have been unprovoked assault. The old guy kept his distance, was not threatening and was not making sexual propositions.


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 25, 2010
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I actually watched the clip. did you?
Really, I'm asking you. Did you see the clkip, or are you content just to repost everything that agrees with your point of view just because it is written by a right wing newsrag. In this case I wouldn't even call it a news rag because that would imply that they brought actual news.

Anyway I did watch the clip.

First of all, it was not a see of communist red. It was a rally which had nothing much to do with communism. However, that is a fair mistake to make since you have no idea of the difference between socialism, communism, fascism, etc...

Second, protesting and rallying is part of your political system, and protected by the 1st amendment. What they were doing was very American.

Third, There was no yelling OR making sexual propositions.
Again. The old guy asked if the other knew what a teabagger was, and explained it. You don't really think that is a proposition, do you? That is like interpreting the words 'F you' as a proposition. It was an insult, rather than a proposition.

Fourth, if the young guy had punched the other guy in the mouth, THAT would have been unprovoked assault. The old guy kept his distance, was not threatening and was not making sexual propositions.

Ok they are not called Tea Baggers its the tea party movement so for the old guy to even bring it us is irrelevant and I can tell you if some guy decided to talk to my KID about tea bagging he would get an unprovoked attack by me

Besides when did it become a bad thing to hand out copies of the Constitution in this country?


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
I whole heartedly support protesting the government regardless of political affiliation. It was just one more example of bad behavior by union members when they meet someone they disagree with. The kid was great, he simply stayed polite, unlike the much older union guys who should know better. Would you describe a sex act to an unknown 17 year old boy and think it was an okay thing to do? It is also not clear if the union guys were also part of the communists in the crowd, most of the video is from the phone hanging at belt level, so it is possible that they were communists. It would not be unheard of for them to be at a pro union rally.


Senior Master
Feb 24, 2009
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Ok they are not called Tea Baggers its the tea party movement so for the old guy to even bring it us is irrelevant and I can tell you if some guy decided to talk to my KID about tea bagging he would get an unprovoked attack by me

Besides when did it become a bad thing to hand out copies of the Constitution in this country?

I never said it was appropriate. However, the kid was 17. Which is different from 7.
And more importantly: he was not -as Bill said he was- solliciting sexual favors. He was insulting the kid. And while that is not a good thing, it's not something depraved either.


Senior Master
Feb 24, 2009
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I whole heartedly support protesting the government regardless of political affiliation. It was just one more example of bad behavior by union members when they meet someone they disagree with. The kid was great, he simply stayed polite, unlike the much older union guys who should know better. Would you describe a sex act to an unknown 17 year old boy and think it was an okay thing to do? It is also not clear if the union guys were also part of the communists in the crowd, most of the video is from the phone hanging at belt level, so it is possible that they were communists. It would not be unheard of for them to be at a pro union rally.

Seriously Bill. Not that it matters, but do you have any reason to believe even 1 of them was a communist? Other than the newsrag article which we know by now to be a piece of hyperbole?

And even if he was a communist, what would that matter regarding his behavior? Somehow I don't think that someone doling out socialist pamphlets at a republican rally would be treated better. People can be *******s regardless of which side of the fence they are on. And neither side is better than the other.


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 25, 2010
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I never said it was appropriate. However, the kid was 17. Which is different from 7.
And more importantly: he was not -as Bill said he was- solliciting sexual favors. He was insulting the kid. And while that is not a good thing, it's not something depraved either.

So you would have no problem with someone saying that to YOUR 17 yr old kid? All this kid was doing was handing out the Constitution he was not insulting people he was not even talking to people other then saying read the constitution. If I heard some old dude say "Its My balls on your nose" to My kid he would have problems. He says it to me fine whatever but the kid is clearly young I would have guess 16 to 17

So Again I ask when did passing out the US Constitution become grounds for insulting someone?


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
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In Pain
So you would have no problem with someone saying that to YOUR 17 yr old kid? All this kid was doing was handing out the Constitution he was not insulting people he was not even talking to people other then saying read the constitution. If I heard some old dude say "Its My balls on your nose" to My kid he would have problems. He says it to me fine whatever but the kid is clearly young I would have guess 16 to 17

So Again I ask when did passing out the US Constitution become grounds for insulting someone?

roflmao...you have forgotten what kind of talk 17 year old 'kids' (or much younger for that matter) use around each other...

I do take into account that most don't make it their daily vocabulary, but I am sure non are strangers to it.


Beating you all over those fries!
MT Mentor
Nov 22, 2008
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The 17-year-old high school senior waded into a sea of communist red to deliver the truth of liberty in the form the US Constitution to the political pagans assembled.

Honestly? That opening sentence told me everything I needed to know about the story. Not because it described the incident, but because the choice of language was so absurdly hyperbolic and biased. Political pagans? Good grief.

The situation has been going on for days, and no doubt everyone there is getting very cranky and worn out. People say stoopit things at a time like that. It doesn't make his comment okay, but it certainly doesn't constitute an "assault." His voice was quiet and level, and he made no physical movement toward the kid. More to the point, he's right - it's an accurate description of the practice (or so I'm told :angel: ) His comment was way out of turn, but it's absurd to call it an assault of any kind.

We're all human and we're all prone to get carried away on issues we care about. Personally I've seen worse from conservatives - I used to escort patients through the protesters at my city's abortion clinic, and I was routinely threatened and assaulted by people festooned with crucifixes preaching Jesus' unconditional love. But their behavior is okay because they're doing God's work, and God is love. :rolleyes:

Empty Hands

Senior Master
Feb 7, 2007
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Jupiter, FL
Personally I've seen worse from conservatives - I used to escort patients through the protesters at my city's abortion clinic, and I was routinely threatened and assaulted by people festooned with crucifixes preaching Jesus' unconditional love. But their behavior is okay because they're doing God's work, and God is love. :rolleyes:

Great point. Selective blindness and hypocrisy is a very human trait, and bad behavior is not limited to one political creed. A fact that anyone interested in not looking venal and stupid should keep in mind.


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 25, 2010
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roflmao...you have forgotten what kind of talk 17 year old 'kids' (or much younger for that matter) use around each other...

I do take into account that most don't make it their daily vocabulary, but I am sure non are strangers to it.

Kids talking to kids is different then adult strangers saying it to a kid.


Senior Master
Feb 24, 2009
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So you would have no problem with someone saying that to YOUR 17 yr old kid? All this kid was doing was handing out the Constitution he was not insulting people he was not even talking to people other then saying read the constitution. If I heard some old dude say "Its My balls on your nose" to My kid he would have problems. He says it to me fine whatever but the kid is clearly young I would have guess 16 to 17

So Again I ask when did passing out the US Constitution become grounds for insulting someone?

I would not like it if someone said it to my kid. However, having looked at the video, I am fairly certain that a) by age 17 my kids would be mature enough to put those words into context, b) I would not pysically assault the man who spoke those words and c) I would not get all riled up about it so that I would describe it as assault. The guy's voice was level, not emotional and he did not make any threatening or angry movements.

Whether handing out copies of the constitution is grounds for insult is besides the matter.
It DID happen, and it was not near as serious, insulting or (for heavens sake) 'Assaulting' as Bill and the newsrag seemed to indicate.


Master Black Belt
Dec 10, 2008
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roflmao...you have forgotten what kind of talk 17 year old 'kids' (or much younger for that matter) use around each other...

I do take into account that most don't make it their daily vocabulary, but I am sure non are strangers to it.

WTF is wrong with some of you people???

the fact is that the kid is 17, thats still considered a minor.
the old dude is clearly presenting dialogue of a sexual manner to the, in the eyes of the law, child.

If this was my kid that guy would have a very different life atm.

are some of you so damn stuck on your stupid party line, and your stupid union biases that you think its ok for an adult to discuss any type of sexual context with a child of any age unsolicited, unwanted, and unnecessarily...

you disgust me.


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 25, 2010
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We're all human and we're all prone to get carried away on issues we care about. Personally I've seen worse from conservatives - I used to escort patients through the protesters at my city's abortion clinic, and I was routinely threatened and assaulted by people festooned with crucifixes preaching Jesus' unconditional love. But their behavior is okay because they're doing God's work, and God is love. :rolleyes:

Oh so your one of the to the 2 wrongs people huh.
We could each list 1000's of times one side did something wrong to the other its never ending Like the time I was walking thru a street fair prior to the 08 elections with a Palin hat on with my wife and kids and as I passed the Obama table that were passing out fliers and I heard one guy say to the other "Thats why I support abortions so we can have less people like him having kids." I sent my family up the street walked back to his table asked him to repeat what he said but the coward would not he just kept saying "I didn't say anything sir" but that and you walking thru an abortion crowd have nothing to do with this topic.

But tell me how describing a sex act to anyone let alone a kid had anything to do with that political rally? It didn't he was just doing it to be mean and try to intimidate the kid. Now The Article is obviously bias so I have not even argued about them to call it assault is crazy yet had this old man typed that to a kid over the internet he would have been on the next dateline to catch a predator but because its a political rally and well hes been out there for days so he got carried away that makes it ok.


Senior Master
Feb 24, 2009
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WTF is wrong with some of you people???

the fact is that the kid is 17, thats still considered a minor.
the old dude is clearly presenting dialogue of a sexual manner to the, in the eyes of the law, child.

If this was my kid that guy would have a very different life atm.

are some of you so damn stuck on your stupid party line, and your stupid union biases that you think its ok for an adult to discuss any type of sexual context with a child of any age unsolicited, unwanted, and unnecessarily...

you disgust me.

Are YOU so stuck on YOUR party line that you have lost all sense of relativism?


Senior Master
Feb 24, 2009
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But tell me how describing a sex act to anyone let alone a kid had anything to do with that political rally? It didn't he was just doing it to be mean and try to intimidate the kid. Now The Article is obviously bias so I have not even argued about them to call it assault is crazy yet had this old man typed that to a kid over the internet he would have been on the next dateline to catch a predator but because its a political rally and well hes been out there for days so he got carried away that makes it ok.

Noone said it is ok.
However, is is not so big a deal that words like 'assualt' and 'sexual context' are warranted.
Just like the difference between underage drinking at 12 years, and 20 years + 11 months.


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 25, 2010
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Yeah, it might shock a kid to hear that old cruds know about these things, too :rolleyes:

So you would have no problem if an adult walked up to your kids and say hey kid you know what a tea bagging is? and then describes it to your kid?


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 25, 2010
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Noone said it is ok.
However, is is not so big a deal that words like 'assualt' and 'sexual context' are warranted.
Just like the difference between underage drinking at 12 years, and 20 years + 11 months.

the use of the word assault depends on where you are. In my state Assault is verbal, battery is physical. Well it was it has since changed like 4 or 5 years ago to now we just have assault that covers both. But prior to that if you hit someone it was battery not assault.
And how is my balls on your nose not sexual content?

But you keep playing the party line its ok but I know it and you know it if this happened to your kid you would be pissed off you just cant say it on here because this time its your side that wrong. At least I'm honest enough to say it when my side is wrong.


Senior Master
Feb 24, 2009
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So you would have no problem if an adult walked up to your kids and say hey kid you know what a tea bagging is? and then describes it to your kid?

Why are you so intent in putting words in people's mouths? That's not what she has been saying.

It was an insult, not used in a sexual context, at a political rally where the kid was annoying some of the protesters. Or do you think that the words 'f... you' should also be treated in a sexual context?

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