Umm you have to read this stuff for yourself

I didn't realize Bruce Lee was still alive...
I wonder if Elvis learned from this guy...or if they talk to each other even today.

Hmm .. The "Sifu" was born in 1970 .. Bruce Lee died in 1974 ..
yet he claims to be Bruce's teacher. I guess he was born a
grandmaster ... studied in the womb. :shrug:
i honestly have no idea whether that is serious or not:confused:
This is even funnier than the guys who claimed "ninjitsu" came from Egypt.:lol:

When, oh when, will this madness end?:idunno:
Another Jack of all trades and master of none.

Correction...Bruce Lee died in '73.

And how in the world can anyone be a grandmaster at 32?

"This guy has beat all of his opponents..." then he woke up.

sheesh! Wannabes...:rolleyes:
You guys laugh now but want until you get hit with his spider chi grip:shrug:
i feel that i have lost 20 IQ points after reading that thing called a webpage... people like that should be beaten... with their own arms and legs...
I like where it says that Sub-Zero is based on his life, that was just too good. Now to watch some videos and learn how to shoot ice out of my fingertips :shrug:

This guy is trying to outdo Ashida Kim. I pray that anyone who ever buys this crap does so for entertainment purposes only, and that the atleasr get a kiss goodnight first.
I dunno... I think the website was really funny as heck. Great reading... I noticed that Hagbard Celine left a note in the guest book as well as Gou. Heady stuff on that website. :rofl:

Oh, my.

Looks like my authority has been challenged. Anyone teaching these techniques has violated some ancient code of ethics and needs to be stopped. This is secret knowledge, and this man is just throwing it out there on the web for all to see!!

Everyone knows that the Chi Web technique takes more like 20 years to master, not 10. False advertising!!

Time to "Unleash the Tiger" on this guy.....



Good parody, though, all things considered....

Anybody out here old enough to remember the old Martial Arts Mag advertisements for Honorable Master Kung fu? Stuff so deadly, so secret that if his identity were revealed that his fellow Masters would have to kill him? :lol:

I suspect that this is his son, Honorable Master Kung fu Junior! :roflmao:

From the flames on the webpage and all the talk about fire and getting burned we might be dealing with a pyromaniac.:flammad: :angry: :angry: :angry:
Posted on the site:
UPDATE 22 June 2002: We have redesign our site with all new graphics and animations to go with our new pilosophy.

And what pilosophy is that? Spelling correctly?