TV Executive Accused of Beheading Wife


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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TV Executive Accused of Beheading Wife

posted: 1 HOUR 18 MINUTES AGO
comments: 159
filed under: Crime News, National News

NEW YORK (Feb. 16) -- The founder of an Islamic television station in upstate New York aimed at countering Muslim stereotypes has confessed to beheading his wife, authorities said. Muzzammil Hassan has been charged with murder in the death of his wife, Aasiya Hassan.
Muzzammil Hassan was charged with second-degree murder after police found the decapitated body of his wife, Aasiya Hassan, at the Bridges TV station in the Buffalo suburb of Orchard Park, said Andrew Benz, Orchard Park's police chief.

Didn't so such a good job of "countering Muslim stereotypes" IMO.
He may have actually, Muslim husbands wanting to rid themself of an unwanted wife usually just say they are divorcing them and then dump them.
There's a one legged sixty year old guy in UAR who has 84 children by 17 wives, he only has three wives at a time so when the women are past child bearing age he dumps them for a young one ( usually from a poor village in Pakistan) His stated aim is to have 100 children and be recognised as having the most children in one family in the world. this isn't for his own glory (and child benefit) or course, it's for Allah.
It's on this programme.
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I cannot even imagine the sickness and depravity it would take to chop off somebody's head, especially not a family member. It's positively demonic.

I cannot even imagine the sickness and depravity it would take to chop off somebody's head, especially not a family member. It's positively demonic.
Not just a family member, your betrothed.

But then a muslim husband has the right to do what he feels is necessary should the little missus misbehave or gets uppity.

One does wonder how he did it. Sickness or depravity notwithstanding... decapitation is no mean feat.
The beheading of his wife or anyone that matter does not make sense.

I wonder how he would feel as his head was being cut off just like he did to his wife.

Normal people sign divorce papers and go their way.
Only you would quate that song.

Not true! I just beat Matt to it.
I don't know this is any less gruesome than what OJ was accused of doing to Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. If I recall, it was a very violent attack. Robert Blake, though acquitted in criminal court, lost his appeal of a civil verdict holding him responsible in the shooting death of his wife. There's lots of men around who are angry enough to harm or kill their spouses.

From Statistics Canada...

Corporate Author: Canada. Statistics Canada
Source: DAILY. STATISTICS CANADA. 1993 Nov 18;:1-9.
Abstract: A summary of the major findings of the national survey on violence against women, conducted by Statistics Canada between February and June 1993 is presented. The results of the survey suggest that violence against women is widespread. About one-half of all Canadian women have experienced at least one incident of violence since the age of 16. Almost one-half of women reported violence by men known to them and one-quarter reported violence by a stranger. A quarter of all women have experienced violence at the hands of a current or past marital partner (includes common law unions). One-sixth currently married women reported violence by their spouses; half of women with previous marriages reported violence by a previous spouse. More than 1 out of 10 women who reported violence in a current marriage have at some point felt their lives were in danger. 6 out of 10 Canadian women who walk alone in their own area after dark feel "very" or "somewhat" worried doing so. Women with violent fathers-in-law are at 3 times the risk of assault by their partners than are women with nonviolent fathers-in-law.
Region: North America Subregion: North America, Northern Country: Canada
Language: English
Item ID: 145391
Date Posted: 3 February 2000

Note: In the year prior to 1989 Montreal Massacre in Canada, seventy women died in domestic violence.

The New York story is certainly vivid, but the practice of violence against women is alarmingly commonplace, regardless of whether or not it is legally or culturally tolerated. While I find the attack itself gruesome and despicable, it is a different spin on a familiar narrative.
I don't know this is any less gruesome than what OJ was accused of doing to Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. If I recall, it was a very violent attack. Robert Blake, though acquitted in criminal court, lost his appeal of a civil verdict holding him responsible in the shooting death of his wife. There's lots of men around who are angry enough to harm or kill their spouses.

From Statistics Canada...

Note: In the year prior to 1989 Montreal Massacre in Canada, seventy women died in domestic violence.

The New York story is certainly vivid, but the practice of violence against women is alarmingly commonplace, regardless of whether or not it is legally or culturally tolerated. While I find the attack itself gruesome and despicable, it is a different spin on a familiar narrative.

So is it okay if we execute our death row inmates by dropping them feet-first into a wood chipper? After all, it's just a different spin on a familiar narrative.
I don't know this is any less gruesome than what OJ was accused of doing to Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. If I recall, it was a very violent attack. Robert Blake, though acquitted in criminal court, lost his appeal of a civil verdict holding him responsible in the shooting death of his wife. There's lots of men around who are angry enough to harm or kill their spouses.

From Statistics Canada...

Note: In the year prior to 1989 Montreal Massacre in Canada, seventy women died in domestic violence.

The New York story is certainly vivid, but the practice of violence against women is alarmingly commonplace, regardless of whether or not it is legally or culturally tolerated. While I find the attack itself gruesome and despicable, it is a different spin on a familiar narrative.

Pretty close.... OJ was acquitted in the famous/infamous criminal trial for murdering the two with a knife. Fred Goldman, Ron's father, hounded OJ for the rest of his free time, to include obtaining a civil judgment against him in a law suit.

Also true that neither of our countries can self-righteously condemn the Arabs for such conduct when it happens so much here. A husband hunted down his ex-wife very near where I am sitting and shot her dead a couple years back.... and Syracuse was where the infamous Cahill case occurred as well. Both killers, by the way, were white American males.

This is a tragedy, first and foremost, for the woman butchered.

The killer murdered both his wife and his life's work in the process. It will now be up to others to disprove the stereotype he, ironically, has helped reinforce.
So is it okay if we execute our death row inmates by dropping them feet-first into a wood chipper? After all, it's just a different spin on a familiar narrative.

I suppose it's all relative. If you're bound and determined to kill convicts, I guess it doesn't really matter. But I wasn't talking about that.

I was talking about people being beaten, tortured and murdered by their own family in their own homes and communities. Let me put it to you this way. After the Montreal Massacre of 1989, a lot of people here were in shock... they didn't know what to make of an attack that was so explosively violent, and yet so focused on the women who were killed or injured.

The two events (Montreal and this story from NYS) are very similar. In a sudden, dramatic fashion, our attention is thrust upon one extraordinary event -- which is, in fact -- the tip of an iceberg. This is a reality that women live with everyday. As the quote I showed above suggested, it is also an inter-generational.,2933,493645,00.html

And, like many unfortunate stories...she feared for her life, enough to file for - and receive - a restraining order. many unfortunate stories, the restraining order ultimately did nothing to prevent her death.,2933,493645,00.html

And, like many unfortunate stories...she feared for her life, enough to file for - and receive - a restraining order. many unfortunate stories, the restraining order ultimately did nothing to prevent her death.

Didnt she go to the station where this guy worked alone? People misunderstand what restraining orders actually do.
Didnt she go to the station where this guy worked alone? People misunderstand what restraining orders actually do.

The FN article states that she had a restraining order to keep him away from her home. If that was the case, he likely abided by that order.