TSD in a video game?


Black Belt
I've decided we need a more light-spirited thread, just for the fun of it. So, given that there has yet to be a decent portrayal of TSD in a video game, I thought we might discuss possible ideas for a game designed around TSD, either as a fighter, action/brawler, or whatever. How would you want to integrate TSD into a video game?

Gotta be some gamers around here...I hope. We should get some pretty cool ideas, if we all put our heads to the task.
How about Hyung Hyung Revolution? Maybe for the Wii? Combine the proximity controllers (or whatever they are called) with a dance pad?
hmm maybe making wireless feet and hand pads 2 use as controlers only thing is the libialty would be hard for them what is some one falls down or something playing the game cause there not trainned
There's always TSD Kombat, the fighting game option. Even within TSD, each practitioner is going to have his/her own particular "style," so I'm certain there could be a decent number of characters from which to choose. Fighting games allways help me to be able to visualize a fight (to an extent, and with a *large* grain of salt) and to improve my reaction time.