Trouble explaining the lifestyle to friends and fam?

Steel Accord

Yellow Belt
Feb 21, 2017
Reaction score
Kennett Square, PA
Here's a question. Have you ever had any trouble explaining your study of the martial arts to friends and family? Have they ever misunderstood why you do it? Have you ever heard them either assume it's all about violence or merely a niche hobby?
No. I don't try to explain anything really. Sometimes during the holidays a relative may ask If I still do "karode" I just say yes and go about my way. It is very rare for a person to have a genuine interest. If they do have an interest it becomes a conversation on the arts more than myself.
I will admit there was a time in my mid twenties when I felt like people don't really "know " me or get me because they don't understand martial arts. But that feeling went away.
Here's a question. Have you ever had any trouble explaining your study of the martial arts to friends and family? Have they ever misunderstood why you do it? Have you ever heard them either assume it's all about violence or merely a niche hobby?
Very few of my friends and family ask about it or talk about it. My brother and I talk about it a bit, but he's been in martial arts a fair amount, too (about half as much as I have) and holds rank in TKD. So he gets it.
Most people assume I'm referring to something else when I say BJJ.

Those who watch UFC typically know what is though and they just say something along the lines of how that's cool and then either A. I've thought about learning it but never got around to it, or B. Ground stuff isn't for them.

I've studied karate, kung fu, and tai chi at various points in my life and that's always just been an "oh, okay".
Most people assume I'm referring to something else when I say BJJ.

Those who watch UFC typically know what is though and they just say something along the lines of how that's cool and then either A. I've thought about learning it but never got around to it, or B. Ground stuff isn't for them.

I've studied karate, kung fu, and tai chi at various points in my life and that's always just been an "oh, okay".

Gotta say I would feel a little slighted if a friend said they do BJJ and that got people impressed and then when I said I do Kung Fu it would get a lukewarm response.
Here's a question. Have you ever had any trouble explaining your study of the martial arts to friends and family? Have they ever misunderstood why you do it? Have you ever heard them either assume it's all about violence or merely a niche hobby?

Ppl at work think I'm insane and are afraid of me.
Gotta say I would feel a little slighted if a friend said they do BJJ and that got people impressed and then when I said I do Kung Fu it would get a lukewarm response.

People only know what they see on tv. People see flashy kung fu in the movies and they think it's all about acrobatics. Then they watch UFC where folks are using boxing, Muay Thai, wrestling, and BJJ. There's been a few folks with a karate background though. There's a form member here, JowGaWolf, who is a kung fu guy who extensively trains application and how to use technique in a fight. Lots of kung fu schools don't so I can't blame them.
I don't explain anything I don't need to talk to anyone about it apart from people I train with
Ppl at work think I'm insane and are afraid of me.
I've had business partners who wouldn't shake my hand, because one of them asked me what I'd do if someone tried to punch me while shaking hands. I showed a simple thumb lock (non-damaging, but quite painful), and thereafter everyone who was watching thought I just did that to people when I shake hands.
I basically dont tell people. Not because i am concerned about their reaction as much as I realise that it is increadably boring if the other person isn't into martial arts.
Really? Why? I mean do they elaborate on why they think that way?

I really have no idea. Must be my charming ways and winning personality.


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Here's a question. Have you ever had any trouble explaining your study of the martial arts to friends and family? Have they ever misunderstood why you do it? Have you ever heard them either assume it's all about violence or merely a niche hobby?
Don't really try to explain it other than to say I do it. Even my wife doesn't understand it much other than to say she sees a much calmer person in me.
Anyone I've talked to about it just accepts it and doesn't really ask too many questions. I guess they just assume it's like any other form of exercise, and I don't have the time nor the inclination to explain the deeper meaning to them.
I've had business partners who wouldn't shake my hand, because one of them asked me what I'd do if someone tried to punch me while shaking hands. I showed a simple thumb lock (non-damaging, but quite painful), and thereafter everyone who was watching thought I just did that to people when I shake hands.

I laugh but that is kind of sad that people would assume someone is a violent man when nothing could be further from the truth.
I laugh but that is kind of sad that people would assume someone is a violent man when nothing could be further from the truth.
Oh, they don't assume I'm violent. It's a very subtle lock that hurts quite a bit. They simply assume I enjoy doing it to people. It might be the smile...
As much as I would like people to swoon over my badassedness I have found that nobody really gives a damn.....actually that's not entirely true.....bruises do get asked about....