Training on an island, General Group


Black Belt
You are stuck on an island, you must train! You may choose whomever you want to train with (I'd say up to 3 Masters, but who's counting) who do you choose?

In my dreams - Samo, Jackie, and Jet. Chinese Cinema, train-train-train, preform!

A bit more realistic - Grandmaster Jack Pierce, Grandmaster Apho, Master Clint Robinson. All Korean style artists, GM Pierce is one of my best friends a great TKD warior, GM Apho is just a wonderfull overall man and a Tang Soo Do legend, Master Clint Robinson the best kicker I have ever seen.

I'm posting this on the Korean MA group to see the different answers I would get. If you wish to see that thread, it will have the same title.

This is a tough one.......If they were alive:
2.Seikichi Uehara
3.Miyamoto Musashi's Grandfather (can't remeber his name)

But, if they have to be alive:
1.William Durbin
2.Rod Sacharnoski
3.Otake Risuke
Nice avatar fluffy! lol Anywho, my masters would be:

1. Bruce Lee (DEFINITELY!)
2. Jackie Chan (to add some humor)
3. Musashi Myamoto (don't think I speeled that right, but I'd like to learn the sword from him)
and if I got a 4th and 5th one, Yip Man and General Choi (even though General Choi was sexist according to my instructor who trained with him).

What else would you do on an island if you were stuck there?

I'd write poetry (which I find easy to do when I'm by the ocean), dance right in the surf, and go swimming.


The three I would choose would be:

Eizo Shimabukuro
Chotoku Kyan
Bushi Matsumura

In the spirit of bushido!


1) bruce lee (shouldn't need to explain why)
2) carlos gracie (in his late twenties, ditto)
3) Dioxippus, Pankration fighter defeated Alexander the Great’s fully-armed champion Coragus – he was naked and armed with only a club(Dioxippus that is).

who's bad now?

hongkongfooey said:
The three hottest female martial artists, of course! If I am stuck on an island I don't want it to be a sausage fest.

You'd rather have a nagfest.....amazing how your view changes once you get married.
Bruce Lee Diffently
Steven Lopez The best overall Olympic fighter
W.R. Stoker Sr. my father it was him who started me on my journey.
chinto01 said:
The three I would choose would be:

Eizo Shimabukuro
Chotoku Kyan
Bushi Matsumura

In the spirit of bushido!


That's a good list, I may have to take it.....:uhyeah:
Sorry for the double post back there. Three, huh?

1. Kanryo Higaonna (Naha-Te teacher to Chojun Miyagi, founder of Goju Ryu)
2. Jigoro Kano (father of Judo)
3. Sokaku Takeda (Daito Ryu teacher to Morihei Ueshiba)

