Training exercise to strengthen tendon and ligaments

That's because you've clearly never been to a gym.


^ Fastest man alive. You going to tell me he doesn't lift?
also your assumption is semi correct ive been to the gym a few times but it doesnt give me the same joy, as a dojo so didnt stay any longer then 2-3 months at a time. its a local gym so my assumptions my be somewhat limited.
the meaning of a word depends on the context it is used in. If I already stated "smaller", I would not need to say dense as well, unless dense meant something else. As you point out, stating capillaries become more compacted in substance, does not make sense, whereas the other meaning of dense does, so the context and meaning of the word should be clear... however, as there appears to be a consensus that you should read stuff without considering the context... I meant dense as in stupid... your capillaries become more stupid... great! internet validation for all you.

With the above examples there is a clear difference between sprinters for short distances like Ussain Bolt, which relies primarily on anaerobic fast twitch muscles (which generally get much bigger) as opposed to marathon runners which rely on aerobic slow twitch muscles which are a lot more about efficient blood supply, so they don't get as big, and if you were a power lifter, and switch, yeah, your muscles will get smaller.

With the above example, how come Ussain Bolt the fastest man alive isn't winning all of the marathons and every endurance race ever.... maybe because... your capillaries become more stupid...

Really I don't care enough at this point.. for the OP, you may find this guy useful for home exercises and general info, I did, back before my family and old age. He has posted everything on nutrition, exercise on weight loss, all for free.

Scooby's Home Fitness And Bodybuilding Workouts
back before my family and old age.

So you don't do much now you're old and have kids?

Your profile says your age is 41.

If you choose to consider that 'old' then your previous exercise must have increased your density (pick your own definition ;))
Fair do. But I challenge anyone with young kids to honestly say they don't feel old.

You're going to have to define old too ;)

Next month my kids will be 9 and 6...

They introduced a different set of priorities and responsibilities - along with a host of new challenges, but I'm still a big kid.

It's great - I get to watch cartoons, play with lego, figure out how to program rpi games, dress up and go trick or treating, take them cycling - and they're the reason I got the chance to start tkd.

So, old? No, don't think so.

A bit more grown up? Well, yes (I have to say yes to that in case the wife reads this :D)
My kids are 4 and 6 months, the teething of the youngest means I am up most nights walking him to sleep, making me grouchy, achy and erratic in the day. So my feeling old comes from that and apologies for the grouchiness..

My view on being old, comes about from me slowly falling out of touch with the vernacular of the youth, and learning new slang words and meanings like Peng, Tonks etc. as well as hearing about people doing "balloons," at the weekend.

Glad to hear you got to start TKD, it was the second martial art I began learning, I really enjoyed it... well until the instructor skipped town after some warrant for this arrest came out for him due to getting into a fight and smashing some place up. The police visited the school a couple of times looking for him... but we never saw him again, the senior instructors tried to take over, but it just fizzled out... oh well.
the teething of the youngest means I am up most nights walking him to sleep, making me grouchy, achy and erratic in the day.

Our first could rarely be walked to sleep - 3am drives usually sorted it...

The second seemed more work than the first - one always managed to wake the other so I had both to deal with.

Sleep deprived has been my natural state since being a teenager, so that sort of stuff never really bothered me.

That's something that getting chronologically older has affected though, 5-6 hours is getting more normal instead of 3-4 - I'll still skip a night's sleep a few times a month...

I did think extra exercise would change that more than it has...
Our first could rarely be walked to sleep - 3am drives usually sorted it...

The second seemed more work than the first - one always managed to wake the other so I had both to deal with.

Sleep deprived has been my natural state since being a teenager, so that sort of stuff never really bothered me.

That's something that getting chronologically older has affected though, 5-6 hours is getting more normal instead of 3-4 - I'll still skip a night's sleep a few times a month...

I did think extra exercise would change that more than it has...
you'll think we'll learn after getting the first one, but somehow you forget all the pain and thats how u fall into the trap of doing it all over again.
the meaning of a word depends on the context it is used in. If I already stated "smaller", I would not need to say dense as well, unless dense meant something else. As you point out, stating capillaries become more compacted in substance, does not make sense, whereas the other meaning of dense does, so the context and meaning of the word should be clear... however, as there appears to be a consensus that you should read stuff without considering the context... I meant dense as in stupid... your capillaries become more stupid... great! internet validation for all you.

With the above examples there is a clear difference between sprinters for short distances like Ussain Bolt, which relies primarily on anaerobic fast twitch muscles (which generally get much bigger) as opposed to marathon runners which rely on aerobic slow twitch muscles which are a lot more about efficient blood supply, so they don't get as big, and if you were a power lifter, and switch, yeah, your muscles will get smaller.

With the above example, how come Ussain Bolt the fastest man alive isn't winning all of the marathons and every endurance race ever.... maybe because... your capillaries become more stupid...

Really I don't care enough at this point.. for the OP, you may find this guy useful for home exercises and general info, I did, back before my family and old age. He has posted everything on nutrition, exercise on weight loss, all for free.

Scooby's Home Fitness And Bodybuilding Workouts
it doesn't matter how you dance round, endurance exercise. Does NOT make you muscles smaller, stopping power lifting might, but that's alack of power lifting that causes the decrease, not what if anything you replace it with.


aerobic excessive is dependent on blood, just as much a aerobics exercises is, it just doesn't require as much oxygen, but it does require an efficient blood supply and capillaries development. Haven't you noticed that after a Heavy lift, the mucles is swollen full of blood, how do you think that got there?, capillaries perhaps !

its a strange coincidence, that you linked to @Scooby, he received death threats to himself and family, after posting that,aerobic exercises did NOT make your muscles smaller.
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point 1) can you provide a reference to your claim Scooby received death threats after posing aerobic exercises did NOT make your muscles smaller... because EVERYTHING I have read, states it was because his house was co-owned by another man, and it was some homophobic cockwombles who did the death threats because of that... so just give me a reference to your facts on this that would be great.
point 2) the physiological needs of slow twitch and fast twitch muscles are different, I don't know why you refuse to acknowledge this, but to be honest, I am bored of it, I disagree with you, you disagree with me we both think the other is talking out their *** so I don't see what the point of carrying on with this line of discussion is... unless my opinion really matters to you.. and I am guessing it doesn't.

So if you could give me the Scooby reference about the aerobic exercise that would be great
point 1) can you provide a reference to your claim Scooby received death threats after posing aerobic exercises did NOT make your muscles smaller... because EVERYTHING I have read, states it was because his house was co-owned by another man, and it was some homophobic cockwombles who did the death threats because of that... so just give me a reference to your facts on this that would be great.
point 2) the physiological needs of slow twitch and fast twitch muscles are different, I don't know why you refuse to acknowledge this, but to be honest, I am bored of it, I disagree with you, you disagree with me we both think the other is talking out their *** so I don't see what the point of carrying on with this line of discussion is... unless my opinion really matters to you.. and I am guessing it doesn't.

So if you could give me the Scooby reference about the aerobic exercise that would be great
You aren't a true MT member until you have had the banging your head against the wall Jobo experience at least once.

Welcome to MT.
You aren't a true MT member until you have had the banging your head against the wall Jobo experience at least once.

Welcome to MT.

Solved by putting him on ignore in my case. :rolleyes:

As for the 'old bit you lot are discussing my kids are 40 and 32.............:D so kids you've a long way to go yet.
ha! maybe I am not as old as I feel, I guess it is all subjective.

...and I hadn't realise I had just gone through a rite of passage. but Genuine thanks to Jobo for making it possible.
Outside of that, there is a set of exercises called I Chin Ching in a book that Yang Jwing Ming out a number of years back...”Muscle/Tendon Changing Classic,” I believe.

The Yi Jin Jing (易筋经) is a Shaolin Qigong set, containing apparently anything from 10 to 30 postures depending on the lineage. It seems like a general upright deep-tissue stretching set common in CMA, might be good for limbering up your tight spots and tensions around the body. Not a bad thing to add to one's exercise routine, but it wouldn't replace strength training in any kind of way.

Per the meaning of "jin"; the character 筋 has a bamboo radical over a meat radical and "power", which together form another character. It can refer to both muscles and tendons, but also the blue veins under your skin as well as anything resembling them: leaf veins, stringy bits in old veggies, etc. It appears even in the word for gluten, which is literally "(wheat) flour jin".

Here's a clip a Shaolin guy doing the Yi Jin Jing set, seems like Shi De Yang to me.
Fair do. But I challenge anyone with young kids to honestly say they don't feel old.

... and I never said I wasn't dense, I am both compact and stupid.
I do not feel as old looking at my kids as when I learn how young some of my colleagues at work are ;).

Anyway, de-dusting the topic a bit.

What exercises/streches would you recommend after thumb injury?
I have slightly torn ulnar collateral ligament in thumb (so called skier's thumb), at the moment still in splint (so annoying and frustrating, at least I still can kick).
After it is healed I will start rehab, but I wonder if apart to regular physiotherapy are there any kinds of exercises I could do additionally to get better sooner or improve to prevent re-injury in the future. My training involves elements of jujitsu, so grabbing, twisting wrists included.
Do you have a link to that FB page?

There's a group on facebook called the Wing Chun Forum. It's like 85,000 practitioners worldwide. Different waves of fads come and go.... Lots of nonsense at times, but there's a lot of really great and really skilled people in there. Check it out.
In WC we focus on structure so "technically" i do not need muscels right?

This is a common misconception with Wing Tsun (Chun) people. But structure isn't lack of muscle, it's simply using the right muscles. For example using the triceps to punch, instead of the biceps. You still use a muscle to punch, but you have to learn to use only the triceps (and to use them in a relaxed manor). Have the triceps developed and strong well make you punch harder. But you can't just grow your triceps without also worrying about the strength of your biceps.
I do not feel as old looking at my kids as when I learn how young some of my colleagues at work are ;).

Anyway, de-dusting the topic a bit.

What exercises/streches would you recommend after thumb injury?
I have slightly torn ulnar collateral ligament in thumb (so called skier's thumb), at the moment still in splint (so annoying and frustrating, at least I still can kick).
After it is healed I will start rehab, but I wonder if apart to regular physiotherapy are there any kinds of exercises I could do additionally to get better sooner or improve to prevent re-injury in the future. My training involves elements of jujitsu, so grabbing, twisting wrists included.
Gripping things is good, a tennis ball or in my case I used pulling and holding the brake on a mountain bike

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