Let me approach your question from an instructor point of view. (to be clear, from an instructor, not a businessman)
Each school does things a particular way, for reasons. One of the reasons I do things a certain way, is because it helps prepare the student for what is to come later. A system, is move than just a collection of techniques that work.... it is a collection of techniques that work together and build on each other.
In Danzan Ryu, we teach the throw o'goshi. (major hip throw) There are many, many ways to throw o'goshi. (look through youtube... you will find many, many different ways to do this throw) I teach o'goshi one particular way, to the beginners. The first reason is because I do not want them to rush through it, I want them to experience the off balancing, the loading and then the throw. I want their focus to be on the technique, not the result. The next reason I teach my particular version, is that I know what the other techniques are, that they will be learning at blue belt, green belt and brown belt. Their are certain things that people usually miss when running through the belts. Then they get to green belt and the thing that makes the new technique hard, is a thing that they could have been doing in o'goshi. So, I teach them the version of o'goshi, with extra emphasis on certain parts... so that later in their training, they are prepared to learn the new technique.
The thing is, that we are all different. When I say people who rushed through their belts, and did not pay attention to certain parts.... What I really mean is: I ran through those ranks, and missed these parts. So, what I am trying to do, is to save the student from the same trouble I had. Other instructors, had other issues and so teach the arts to prepare their students accordingly. The result is that two different schools of Danzan Ryu, may teach o'goshi differently. Not only do they teach it differently, they emphasize different things, for different reasons. As a beginner.... it will be very hard to sort of of that out.
Additionally, as an instructor, when I see a student having a problem with one part of a technique, I give them personalized instruction. Again, this personalized instruction, comes from my point of view, about where the student is and where they are going. Another school, is going to see both of those things differently.
If you do want to go the route of two different schools.... at least be aware that even though they may teach the same art.... they are different schools, with different people, who have different emphasis.... who take different routes to the same place.... and may even fix different pieces in different orders.... it does not make one right and one wrong.... it makes one different and the other one also different.