Hi everyone,
My dream is to study different martial arts in Korea, Japan, China, Thailand, The Philippines and the US with authentic schools and teachers, rather than business/money driven schools here in England.
I have decided to start my journey in Japan, studying Karate and Aikido primarily. I don't want to work and train at evenings a few times per week. I want to train full time, all day, 7 days a week, for as long as it takes!
If anyone has any info on somewhere that this is possible I would be very grateful.
I am ready to quit my job and go!
Many thanks,
England has many great Martial Arts teachers, make use of them before you decide on where you want to go abroad to train. When I was in my teens living in Leeds, I had the same dream, but I had no money. When I left school, I knew that I'd be getting a crap job, so i decided to research the best place possible to learn what and wanted to learn fulltime. My thoughts were that I could have a crap job in Leeds and hate my life, or i could have a crap job in a place where I could get to study with the best and love my life. I wanted to study EPAK and Aikido.
I wanted to study at the Aikikai Tokyo, but I had many obstacles;
1) I didn't speak Japanese.
2) I wasn't educated, so I had little probability in getting a visa.
3) I had no money and Tokyo is one of the most expensive cities in the world.
4) I didn't know anyone in the country.
5) I would be lost culturally.
I wanted to go to California, but my difficulties were;
1) I couldn't speak American (just kidding).
1) I had no money.
2) I couldn't get a visa, as I had no money and no education.
3) I didn't know anyone in the country.
I wrote to various martial Arts masters for advise and only one wrote back, Kenpo Grandmaster Larry Tatum. He gave me advice on how to maximize my training and how to go about serious study. I looked at this as a sign and decided on learning Kenpo.
I asked my instructor, who was a fellow aikidoka, where I should go if i wanted to learn fulltime and he recommended Dublin. He told me that Dublin was the European Mecca of Kenpo and that I would find a fulltime school there. I saved up some money, packed my rucksack and headed off to Dublin. I lived in a hostel until I found a job and a flat. I worked night so that I could study at Leeson Street martial Arts Academy.
Now I live in Southern California, and train with a core of good friends. No politics, no bruised ego, no bs. It all worked out for the best.
Remember, fortune favours the bold, but try and think your way through to living your dream. You may have to compromize on your training and plan for a few years before you can attain your ultimate dream. When I was in Dublin, I thought that I was compromizing, in order to put a plan together in order to train in the US. During my time in Ireland thought that I was going there just to learn Kenpo, but the Academy offered fulltime classes in Kenpo under Professor Shay McNamee, eveining classes in Mugendo(kickboxing) under Richie Carton, and Arnis classes under Paul Cox. I got to partake in all these arts and even got time at the end of my time in Ireland to study Hapkido under massan Ghorbani.
When I got to the US, I thought that my Martial Arts dreams had come true, but I was mistaken. The year long, thousands of dollars contracts, training compromizes, due to the liability issues and the politics spoiled it for me. I love living in California and training with good mates, but the training in Dublin was truly second to none.
You might just find that the training closer to home is better than you think. Do some research on local talent first before you make any decision, but don't give up on your dream!