Toughest Kenpo Fighter Ever!



Though there've been several decades of Kenpo, and it's gone through various stages, which Individual turned out to be the Toughest, and best Technician with the most Wins/Championships?

I am thinking Frank Trejo has to be in that list somewhere. With all his wins at the International he was quite the formidable opponent
I've never met Mr. Trejo, but I have heard alot about how tough he is.

Someone I know would have been my first kenpo instructor, Dave Hemmingway. He was one tought nut to crack when it came to sparring, point or full contact it didn't matter to him. Sad thing is he no longer does kenpo, just concentrates on being a cop :(

Originally posted by RCastillo

Though there've been several decades of Kenpo, and it's gone through various stages, which Individual turned out to be the Toughest, and best Technician with the most Wins/Championships?


Maybe you could be more specific. There are a few really tough guys out there with a lot of skill and teaching ability. There are the competitve guys out there- some tough with skills that passed their knowledge along. The best technician, the toughest and the most wins and or championships don't necessarily exist all in the same person. The best fighter? What kind of fight? Sport or street? Who has killed, who has maimed- who has controlled and contained...

Interesting idea though... take it further.

Hehe, imagine if we got all the seniors past and present in a room together for a little game of last man standing, that might decide it!

I suppose we can't vote for Ed in this? I wouldn't know then, I've not seen enough seniors in action. The best guy I've seen is Phil Cawood, but I don't know how he compares to Frank Trejo et al..

Originally posted by Rainman

Maybe you could be more specific. There are a few really tough guys out there with a lot of skill and teaching ability. There are the competitve guys out there- some tough with skills that passed their knowledge along. The best technician, the toughest and the most wins and or championships don't necessarily exist all in the same person. The best fighter? What kind of fight? Sport or street? Who has killed, who has maimed- who has controlled and contained...

Interesting idea though... take it further.


Best fighter in competition, the most wins in point/continous sparring.
Here's a couple names I thought need their just-do's

Steve Sanders and Tommy Chavis (question on spelling). I have need met the two people, but have heard alot on them.

Mr. C can probably give more details.

Bill Smith
Originally posted by kenpo3631

Tom Kelly, Sigung LaBounty, Trejo, Castellanos...the list is endless


Endless you say? Where does Mr. Dennis Conatser fit in?

We need a recount here! Get the auditors in here, NOW!:soapbox:
Originally posted by satans.barber

I suppose we can't vote for Ed in this?

I hope you are not referring to Ed Parker with the above statement!

If you are....... I would suggest you use a more respectful manor to refer to our Founder. I didn't call him Ed when he was alive (and I was a personal student) and I don't call him that now that he is gone out of respect.

Mr. Parker, SGM Parker or other terms of this nature are all that should be used.

:mad: :flammad: :mad:
Originally posted by Bill Smith
Steve (Sanders) Muhammad and Tommy Chavis...
Were both great fighters as well....

however the list of Kenpo tournament fighters goes on and on.... we have had many, many....

the early guys that paved the way for us were Steve LaBounty, Tom Kelly, Ralph Castellenos, Rod Martin, Jim Trevino, Steve Muhammad (Sanders), Greg Bain, The Moore Brothers, Jim Bottom, to name a few of the old guys.......

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

I hope you are not referring to Ed Parker with the above statement!

If you are....... I would suggest you use a more respectful manor to refer to our Founder. I didn't call him Ed when he was alive (and I was a personal student) and I don't call him that now that he is gone out of respect.

Mr. Parker, SGM Parker or other terms of this nature are all that should be used.

:mad: :flammad: :mad:

I very much agree with you even if I've never had the opportunity of training with the genius we know as Mr Parker, But this leads me to a question. Why does a lot of people refer to him as 'the Old Man'? I have always thought it to be disrespectful . Pardon my ignorance if this was a stupid question
"The Old Man" is a term taken from sailing. The Old Man was the head of the ship. While it may seem to be disrespectful it actually is said usually with a great deal of pride and respect by sailors to their captain.

Dennis. I disagree with your stance on calling Ed Parker "Ed." When I think of Ed Parker I personally think of Junior and in fact I call him that. Either Ed or [/i]"Chuck"[/i]. From the people that I have spoken to he introduced himself as Ed Parker. I would have called him Ed too in that case, but more than likely I would have used "The Old Man" when referring to him outside of his presence. He was a man who achieved great things but he was a man none the less. I think it gets dangerous to do start thinking too much otherwise. You have your opinion though and I'll have mine. They're not going to agree on this one.

As for the rest, I'd like to think that Dave Hebler was and still is one tough son of a beeyatch and I respect him immensely for that.
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

I hope you are not referring to Ed Parker with the above statement!

If you are....... I would suggest you use a more respectful manor to refer to our Founder. I didn't call him Ed when he was alive (and I was a personal student) and I don't call him that now that he is gone out of respect.

Mr. Parker, SGM Parker or other terms of this nature are all that should be used.

:mad: :flammad: :mad:

Oh dear, a hand slapping. Ouch.

I never met him, but if he's as kind, friendly and generous as people are quick to relate then I'm sure he would have let people call him by his given name?

If I'd met him I wouldn't have made him call me Mr. Atkinson. I don't agree with formality, it infers that some people are better than others.

Mr. Parker it is though if that's the way you want it Mr. Conatser.

Mr. Atkinson.
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Were both great fighters as well....

however the list of Kenpo tournament fighters goes on and on.... we have had many, many....

the early guys that paved the way for us were Steve LaBounty, Tom Kelly, Ralph Castellenos, Rod Martin, Jim Trevino, Steve Muhammad (Sanders), Greg Bain, The Moore Brothers, Jim Bottom, to name a few of the old guys.......


I haven't heard that name for a while....Jim Trevino... It has been a long time since I have seen him, or even heard about him...what is he up to Mr. C?
I submit to you that none of us know the toughest Kenpo Fighter, ever! That person would be the man or woman who got through this whole meshuginah without ever fighting. :lol:

Dan "Nope! I didn't make it either ..." Farmer
Originally posted by jeffkyle
I haven't heard that name for a while....Jim Trevino... It has been a long time since I have seen him, or even heard about him...what is he up to Mr. C?

Well, he's still alive......... lol......... I don't have a lot of contact with him. Last time I saw him was a few years ago, but he stopped in to see John Sepulveda a couple of months ago.
