Preventing Burn-Out


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Apr 16, 2002
Reaction score
Somewhere Wild,Wonderful and Wicked
Our school is open 5 nights a week.. 3 nights for kids class ontop of the adults.. I'm seeing some burn-out going on and I want to nip it in the bud if possible. There needs to be something to spur these students on. We do Tecs usually Mondays and Wednesday's. Sparring on Tuesdays and Thursdays. and Friday is Instructors choice. Alot of the students don't bother coming on sparring nights for whatever reason.. Aside from breaking up the weeks curriculum what kind of ideas do you have to keep the spark going. There's so much information per belt and whenever the upper belts have to take time and teach the lower belts something it takes time away from their own tecs etc.
Warmups generally last 15-20 minutes of the hour and they are getting repetitious to say the least.. even though we try to change things day to day.. keeping the base warmups where they are needed.
Tecs, Forms etc all need to be learned and Maybe it's just too much material all at once..
Help~!!! input is appreciated~!!

You might want to pop in a special night in there once in a while. Bring a friend night would bring fresh bodies into the school and also give everyone a chance to break the monotony. A movie night where you bring a TV and VCR and everybody watches a martial arts flick breaks thngs up. I have tried a games night before, adults get pretty competitive during a class like this and it renews their zest.
You may also want to think about changing the routine, while still getting the work done. You can try:

1. Basics in Motion - shadowboxing from neutral bow. Put single basics together, eg
Inward Block - Punch;
Outward Extended Block - Handsword
Lead Leg Roundhouse - Backfist - Reverse Punch Combo etc.

2. If you have bags, do some timed circuit training.

3. Use kicking shields, focus mitts, or Thai Kickboxing pads to practice Basics With Contact.

4. Even at beginning levels you can put a stick or rubber knife in a student's hand and the techniques they know become new and more sophisticated.

5. Vary the types of sparring you do, Rythme Sparring, Steet Sparring (slower speed with all weapons). knife sparring - using rubber knives, eye protectors and pads (if needed) It really changes your idea of what a knife fight is like.

You can always change the parameters of what you do by having them wear shoes, fighting in a circle. etc.

It seems to me like your school focuses on sparring primarily. I get this if you are doing it 3 days a week, and you are only working Techniques, Forms, Sets 2 days per week. You may want to mix this up. Remember, sparring is only one leg of the stool, it is not like a pedistal bar stool where only one leg is on the ground.
(ok, I have know idea where I got that analogy, must be from an old 3-legged chair story someone told me. I just changed the point of reference to a bar stool. Whoops.)

I think I would try teaching them a technique that can be applied sparring and showing them the benefits of sparring class. It is always the fun part for the advanced belts, but usually the most intimidating for the lower belts.

Good luck,
Originally posted by KenpoTess
I'm seeing some burn-out going on and I want to nip it in the bud if possible. Is there something to spur these students on?
Help~!!! input is appreciated~!!

Two Words..................

Toga Party!!

Rolling stations! Gah ha ha!

I guess this is sort of a school-specific thing, but working with pads isn't a primary focus in my school, we only do them every so often. Also, before juho or aiki classes, we practice breakfalls. Put them together, and we get rolling stations, very fun! We have different stations set up to practice different pad and bag techniques, then get in a line, do a roll to the first station, execute the technique, roll to the next, etc etc. I guess that depends on your class sizes and how often you work with pads (if you do it regularly, I imagine it wouldn't break up the monotony as well), and also thinking up creative (yet safe) pad exercises.

Another thing we do on occasion is heavy stretch, which devotes an entire class to stretching (mainly leg-focused), broken up with kicking exercises. It's not only helpful to mix things up now and again, but it's also helpful for people who are at a plateau in their stretching ability. The only thing, I suppose, would be gathering good stretching exercises to do, and making sure no one exceeds their limits and gets injured. It's not something we do very often, maybe once a month at most, but it may be an idea you could throw in for good measure?

Those were the first two things that came to my mind, but I suppose it is very specific to different schools, as everyone's class setup seems to be very different

Tonight you'll get some entertainment.......................

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Vulcan Nerve Pinches Galore!

Plus as an additional sumfin

The Five Swats of Cha-Cha!

Originally posted by Rob_Broad

You might want to pop in a special night in there once in a while. Bring a friend night would bring fresh bodies into the school and also give everyone a chance to break the monotony. A movie night where you bring a TV and VCR and everybody watches a martial arts flick breaks thngs up. I have tried a games night before, adults get pretty competitive during a class like this and it renews their zest.

Thanks Rob.. Yeah we have a bring a buddy sign up.. I don't think these students have any buddies.. j/k. .hahaa.. really most of them have "lazy friends" quoting them.. sad huh~!!
we have a tv at the school.. one night when Seig and I were in NY.. the upper belts taped the kids class and played it back for them.. they enjoyed that.. sounds like a good idea for the adult class.. I can handle a camcorder.. *g*
the games night is usually Friday. .we play dodge ball a bit .. that breaks up the monotony and using blocks and kicks.. it works us out~!!
Originally posted by Michael Billings

You may also want to think about changing the routine, while still getting the work done. You can try:

1. Basics in Motion - shadowboxing from neutral bow. Put single basics together, eg
Inward Block - Punch;
Outward Extended Block - Handsword
Lead Leg Roundhouse - Backfist - Reverse Punch Combo etc.

2. If you have bags, do some timed circuit training.

3. Use kicking shields, focus mitts, or Thai Kickboxing pads to practice Basics With Contact.

4. Even at beginning levels you can put a stick or rubber knife in a student's hand and the techniques they know become new and more sophisticated.

5. Vary the types of sparring you do, Rythme Sparring, Steet Sparring (slower speed with all weapons). knife sparring - using rubber knives, eye protectors and pads (if needed) It really changes your idea of what a knife fight is like.

You can always change the parameters of what you do by having them wear shoes, fighting in a circle. etc.

It seems to me like your school focuses on sparring primarily. I get this if you are doing it 3 days a week, and you are only working Techniques, Forms, Sets 2 days per week. You may want to mix this up. Remember, sparring is only one leg of the stool, it is not like a pedistal bar stool where only one leg is on the ground.
(ok, I have know idea where I got that analogy, must be from an old 3-legged chair story someone told me. I just changed the point of reference to a bar stool. Whoops.)

I think I would try teaching them a technique that can be applied sparring and showing them the benefits of sparring class. It is always the fun part for the advanced belts, but usually the most intimidating for the lower belts.

Good luck,

Thanks Michael,

some good stuff in here.. We spar Tues, and thursdays.. and those nights are small classes usually so that's not really an issue. Those students that come to sparring love it. and we do mix things up.. circle sparring.. tourney sparring .. continuous points ..etc.. Maybe it's just the summer dog days that's doing it .. Soon it shall pass I'm sure~!!
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Two Words..................

Toga Party!!


Gee Dennis. you're so much help hahahaa.. Hey Thanks for the Phone pep talk.. You always get me right when I'm cooking dinner.. *chuckles.. wonder how ya know that~!!!

Toga party.. where's my bedsheets.. all I have is animal prints.. *chuckles..
Originally posted by Wertle

Rolling stations! Gah ha ha!

I guess this is sort of a school-specific thing, but working with pads isn't a primary focus in my school, we only do them every so often. Also, before juho or aiki classes, we practice breakfalls. Put them together, and we get rolling stations, very fun! We have different stations set up to practice different pad and bag techniques, then get in a line, do a roll to the first station, execute the technique, roll to the next, etc etc. I guess that depends on your class sizes and how often you work with pads (if you do it regularly, I imagine it wouldn't break up the monotony as well), and also thinking up creative (yet safe) pad exercises.

Another thing we do on occasion is heavy stretch, which devotes an entire class to stretching (mainly leg-focused), broken up with kicking exercises. It's not only helpful to mix things up now and again, but it's also helpful for people who are at a plateau in their stretching ability. The only thing, I suppose, would be gathering good stretching exercises to do, and making sure no one exceeds their limits and gets injured. It's not something we do very often, maybe once a month at most, but it may be an idea you could throw in for good measure?

Those were the first two things that came to my mind, but I suppose it is very specific to different schools, as everyone's class setup seems to be very different

Hi Wertle.. Good to meet you..
Thanks for your input..
Good info here~!!

Originally posted by Stick Dummy


Tonight you'll get some entertainment.......................

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Vulcan Nerve Pinches Galore!

Plus as an additional sumfin

The Five Swats of Cha-Cha!


Cha Cha Cha? Wow Pete.. I'm bringing my Swing Music Cd *grins.. and I sure hope someone shows up I can use the Vulcan Nerve pinch..a Galore one even.. Ohh Man that sounds like something right up my alley~!! *pondering what else is up that alley.. *wiping away a cobweb and kicking an empty fruitworks bottle.. * Never mind.. .. hahaaaa Ok Can't wait.. see ya in about an hour ~!!!
Originally posted by Stick Dummy

The Five Swats of Cha-Cha!


Mother of God!!! Tell me that ain't the fabled, ancient, lost Tibetan art of The Five Swats of Cha-Cha!!!!???

You can't teach that to anyone less than 5th degree Black Belt!
:karate: :samurai: :eek: :eek: :eek: :karate: :asian: :asian:

Further ... You will never see the Goochie-Goochie in any manual. It was invented by Dennis Conatser, and Frank Trejo one night in front of an EZ Mart. It was used to fight off a hoarde of nekkid dancing girls. Both Dennis, and Frank, at the time, knew that their strength was the strength of twenty because their hearts were pure.


Maybe you shouldn't have set nights for set things, it's too easy for people to avoid the bits they don't like that way (as you said, people are avoiding sparring nights, they'll never get any better that way!).

We try and do a few different things each time, but it's not set. We'd never spar for the whole session for example.

If your warm ups are ~20 mins, that leaves you 40 mins. If you think of it as four 10 minute slots, you could use maybe 1 for padwork, 1 for line up, 1 for techniques and 1 for sparring, in whatever order you like. Or maybe 2 for techniques making 20 mins if they need extra work.

Sometimes we use light sparring to warm up instead of Jane Fonda stylee, usually with a few decent leg stretches as well to make sure no-one pulls they groin! Or, you could try a bit of circuit training to warm up instead; Glen has these sets of cards that he puts on the floor and you work around them in groups of 3 or 4, usually abaout 9 or 10 cards in a set. If you do 2 minutes on each card that gives you your 20 minutes.

Alternatively, why not ask the students what they want instead of trying to guess? Might be easier :)

Originally posted by Sigung86

Mother of God!!! Tell me that ain't the fabled, ancient, lost Tibetan art of The Five Swats of Cha-Cha!!!!???

You can't teach that to anyone less than 5th degree Black Belt!
:karate: :samurai: :eek: :eek: :eek: :karate: :asian: :asian:

Further ... You will never see the Goochie-Goochie in any manual. It was invented by Dennis Conatser, and Frank Trejo one night in front of an EZ Mart. It was used to fight off a hoarde of nekkid dancing girls. Both Dennis, and Frank, at the time, knew that their strength was the strength of twenty because their hearts were pure.



Returning to the board.. sweat dripping down my neck.. hair dripping... body replete.. flushed skin... Thanks Pete.. Wow.. The Five Swats of Cha Cha sure were worth it... but Man.. you really had me going on the floor.. Opened right up on me~!!!

Dennis fighting off hoards of nekkid dancing girls.. *Scoffing chortle.. Naaaaah.. I betcha he was enticing them on.. *winks..
Originally posted by satans.barber

Maybe you shouldn't have set nights for set things, it's too easy for people to avoid the bits they don't like that way (as you said, people are avoiding sparring nights, they'll never get any better that way!).

We try and do a few different things each time, but it's not set. We'd never spar for the whole session for example.

If your warm ups are ~20 mins, that leaves you 40 mins. If you think of it as four 10 minute slots, you could use maybe 1 for padwork, 1 for line up, 1 for techniques and 1 for sparring, in whatever order you like. Or maybe 2 for techniques making 20 mins if they need extra work.

Sometimes we use light sparring to warm up instead of Jane Fonda stylee, usually with a few decent leg stretches as well to make sure no-one pulls they groin! Or, you could try a bit of circuit training to warm up instead; Glen has these sets of cards that he puts on the floor and you work around them in groups of 3 or 4, usually abaout 9 or 10 cards in a set. If you do 2 minutes on each card that gives you your 20 minutes.

Alternatively, why not ask the students what they want instead of trying to guess? Might be easier :)


Thanks Ian :) Yeah we are thinking bout going that direction.. as some people tend to come just for the tec nights etc.. so this will have to change.. and we've done the circuit training and most all like it.. it's a good work out .. tonight we were lucky to have Stickdummy come in and break up the monotony.. He's got some good moves~!!! Cha Cha Cha~!! *g*..
I've asked the students and hence me thinking some are in melt down mode as they shrug and say.. "I don't know...
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

When I come down I want to play monopoly too...... but I want to be the Top Hat or the Race car!


ahh so that's what we were playing.. Monopoly.. I knew it rang a bell.. or was that the choke Pete got me into during sparring.. Gee those Pentak Silat guys sure have interesting ways about em~!

Rats.. Ok Forfeits my race car to the Master.. Guess I have no choice.. *snickers with a respectful smirk* heheeee
I'm off to bed now.. have a great evening~!!!