Tough Case

The moves themselves are not a problem for him, really. He doesn't make do anything any other begining student doesn't do. It's for the most part the stuff he does when he's NOT doing martial arts that causes him issues.
Just looking for an update. Have you moved him into regular classes or is he still doing private? How's it going either way?
I just noticed your post. Sad to say, his life outside the dojo got in the way of his life inside the dojo. Inside he was opening up in the dojo a lot more, practicing a lot more, the mom was saying how calming the dojo was.

Outside the dojo, he got slammed against a wall by someone, shot in the face with a BB gun (by his "best friend"), and fell WAY behind in his school work. The mom decided a strategic retreat to focus on his grades would be the best for now and wants to get him back in by January.

I sincerely hope things turn out well with this kid because he was making a lot of progress.
That's a shame. I hope things end up working out. Sounds like he could use some new friends.

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