Top Movies of the Year.

I think I was most impressed by "The Imposter"

I just saw "Equilibirum" and it had cool production/visuals but a very contrived plot.

"Harrison Bergeron" was pretty cool.

At leat, I saw these in 2004, I don't go to theaters much so tend to rent stuff once it hits the cheap rentals (and I like stupid sci-fi, fantasy and horror movies so)
For the year:
Hero (Jet Li's movie two years old): Because it was one of the most artistically beautiful movies I've seen in years. It made it's way to my personal top 10 and that isn't easy.

Touching The Void: Probably because I can relate, having been through similar stuff and experienced as much adventure from my trips underground.

Fifty First Dates: Because GOOD romantic comedies are hard to find.

I haven't seen Aviator yet but noticed that it is been called best film of 04 ... so I'll check it out. :idunno:

Also if you forget what movies played in 2004 go to the link and review. :D
Phantom of the Opera. I saw the musical on the stage in Los Angeles four times in the last several years, and this movie truly held to the story line and music. You can sure tell Andrew Lloyd Webber had his hand in this throughout production. What a great story!
Below, I've included two lists. The first list identifies my favorite movies from 2004. I didn't put them in any order because I find the process frustrating. The second list is comprised of a lonely bunch of movies that I never got the chance to see. I'll have to catch them this year.

Favorite movies released in 2004:

"Kill Bill: Volume II"
"Fahrenheit 9/11"
"Bourne Supremacy, The"
"Village, The"
"THX-1138: The Director's Cut"
"The Incredibles"
"Finding Neverland"
"Chronicles of Riddick, The"
"Dawn of the Dead"
"I'll Sleep When I'm Dead"
"Spider-Man 2"
"Zatoichi: The Blind Swordsman"
"Meet the Fockers"
Missed movies released in 2004:

"Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The"
"Woodsman, The"
"Hotel Rwanda"
"Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera"
"The Machinist"
There's so many I wanted to see and didn't, and many that came out in late 2004 that I haven't seen yet. The first three that come to my mind are Spiderman 2, Ray, and The Incredibles. I would count Kill Bill vol. 2, except that it's technically only half of a movie. My criteria is simple: I really liked them and remember them off of the top of my head when someone asks me about my favorite movies of the year. :D
Napoleon Dynamite- the movie as a whole was one of the funniest I have ever seen. :rofl:

My other favs from '04 are (not in any order)

Man on Fire
The Manchurian Canadate
The bourne Supremacy
the butterfly effect
donnie darko (??SP??)
eternal sunshine of a spotless mind
open water
the punisher
secret window
Chronicles of Riddick
and I rented Equilibirum :2pistols: but I think it came out in '03
Napoleon Dynamite- the movie as a whole was one of the funniest I have ever seen. :rofl:

My other favs from '04 are (not in any order)

Man on Fire
The Manchurian Canadate
The bourne Supremacy
the butterfly effect
donnie darko (??SP??)
eternal sunshine of a spotless mind
open water
the punisher
secret window
Chronicles of Riddick
and I rented Equilibirum :2pistols: but I think it came out in '03
I did'nt get Napeleon Dynamite, what was so funny. Maybe I have no "Humor Skills", gotta go and make room for my nunchucku

The humor was...........well look at the guy, it was obvious he never even held a pair of nunchucku, heck he even pronounced it NUMchucks.

For me, the humor was nostalgic. I think everyone had kids like that in High School, heck I think I was one. His lies "there is a buttload of gangs at this school who keep bugging me to join cause I'm pretty good with a bo staff" and such were great. Or the over the top Martial Arts instructor, teaching Rex Kwon Do, or that Kip was claiming to be training to be a cage fighter. And you didn't have that friend who obviously did not have a girlfriend but told everyone he had a girlfriend, but she lives in a different town, or state, that is classic. The humor is not for everyone, I mean Napoleon wore moon boots through the whole movie for crying out loud (remember those?), but what movie is?
moon boots rocked. when i was a kid everyone had to have them on the playground. if you didn't their was no way you could keep up with anyone playing football. but one of my favorites would have to be action packed "Van Helsing", comedy "Meet the Fockers" and for chick flick "kill bill 2"
Chick Flick? CHICK FLICK?

I hated Kill Bill V2. Go ahead, world, jump all over me. I also hated the entire Lord of the Rings series. They are forcing me to extradite to South America.

Mmm, best movie of 2004? Hotel Rwanda, people, Hotel Rwanda.
Hero with Jet Li. One didn't know how it was gonna end untill five minutes after it was over. It also had some really cool fight scenes, that i thought were beautiful. the chick fight is a good example. This movie brought out the art of martial arts. its a must see.

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