Tip of the Week

I can't view these things. I keep getting that broken image thingy whenever I try to look at the clip. Any suggestions?
Try downloading the Microsoft viewer..or the Real time viewer...if not, go to the library.
Originally posted by Mark L
I can't view these things. I keep getting that broken image thingy whenever I try to look at the clip. Any suggestions?

I have that very same problem. What we did, was going to the source page and copy the link to the .wmn file, then paste it in the browser, save it and then watch it in the Media Player.

Hope that works for you.
What a kick to the groin!! I love Mr. Tatum´s tips
i really like "tip of the week". I would hope they have more than 1 tip/ week

at least 2 or 3 tips /week.

with the way it's going (1 tip/week), it is way to slowwwwwwwww.

i want to see more tips pls. Perhaps, somebody here will bring my suggestion to Larry ??????

There is a Hot thread discussing what it not in EPAK right now.

Check out this Tip of the Week to see what it also Not in Attacking Mace...

(this is the windows large movie link)

Incredible. Isn't the Internet Grand?
And how about this for Serendipity? I just found it today. I think they go up on Thursdays though so it has likely been there for a few days.
That is probably my favorite technique of the week that he has done.
I loved the checking the heigth zone up and retaining the left hand until you use the "anchored" elbow to control width. I have always done the inward flapping elbow, but this looks like fun, and you get to keep a contact or control manipulation throughout.

As you may know Mr. Billings, Mr. Duffy teaches the anchored elbow as an optional/inserted arm break and he also teaches the middle knuckle method of loosening their grip when he has to. But I don't recall seeing that lesson on cancelling their height with the finger locks. I more recall cancelling their height by dropping into a horse after you secure their right hand prior to spiraling through the armbreak.

Great stuff. If he is going to deviate from the Base Techniques and "take requests" I may send in some questions and comments for him as well. This is truly a great idea. I tried to do something like it years ago and I'm glad he is doing such a great job with these. I really liked the one on Attacking Mace. I found it while reading some of the discussion on what is lacking in Kenpo and I just posted about this again on some other thread. I was never taught that lesson regarding Attacking Mace, but sure enough, he did an outstanding job of showing how it is "there."

I love the Tips of the Week.
Originally posted by Michael Billings
I loved the checking the heigth zone up and retaining the left hand until you use the "anchored" elbow to control width. I have always done the inward flapping elbow, but this looks like fun, and you get to keep a contact or control manipulation throughout.


Man, that Master Tatum is awesome. Before long, I'm gonna be great too! (yeah, right) However how do you cancel the height on a short guy like me? Ok, Mr. Billings, time to go to the chalkboard on this one!:confused:
Originally posted by RCastillo
Man, that Master Tatum is awesome. Before long, I'm gonna be great too! (yeah, right) However how do you cancel the height on a short guy like me? Ok, Mr. Billings, time to go to the chalkboard on this one!:confused:

Let me jump in so Mr. Billings can correct me as well if I'm wrong.

You cancel height on short guys the same ways you do on tall guys, but the preferred method of course may differ.

While it might not work as well to use the finger locks to get you on your toes, it might work better to drop into the horse pulling your right arm down to the floor taking your hips and shoulders out of alignment as I have more often done this technique.

Then again, that might work just as well the other way. I'd have to try it on someone to be sure. But the methods are the same. You somehow negate your ability to either move up or down. There are many ways to do it of course.

I hope I am very close to the mark on this one.
Keep yer elbows anchored, bend your knees, perhaps modify the forward bows into close kneels...where's the problem? I might add that I've done this technique on people down to 4'6" (I'm 6') and up to 6' 10" and it seems to work the way that's specified...at least, if I do it right...
I do not see height as being a factor in controlling through the manipulations. You would be up on your toes if I manipulate your fingers that way, even if you were 4' tall. Yeah, that's me, picking on kids and the vertically challenged.

Originally posted by Michael Billings
I do not see height as being a factor in controlling through the manipulations. You would be up on your toes if I manipulate your fingers that way, even if you were 4' tall. Yeah, that's me, picking on kids and the vertically challenged.


I knew it, picking on short Kenpoists like myself!:mad: Just teasing!
Originally posted by Bill Lear
I agree with Robert. Slight modifications would make it work the same way. :)

Just you're a BIG guy, let's not start pushing us short guys around. I got leverage on you tough guy! (Just teasing);)