This Leaves Me Speechless

Jade Tigress

Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Mar 11, 2004
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I hope the SOB gets hit hard. This idiot is located about an hour away from where I live. I just cannot fathom this! I hope the moron parents get hit hard too.

Joliet, Illinois -- Tattoos are all the rage, but there's something not right about the sight of a Batman symbol inked on the arm of a 4-year-old.

We're not talking about those tattoo patches that wash off after a week or two. We're talking about ink injected into the skin. Permanent. Forever.

Not only that, but he was stoopit enough to post the photo on his website.

What else is he stoopit enough to do? I hope his customers make sure he's using fresh needles and sweeping the floor ....
Not only that, but he was stoopit enough to post the photo on his website.

What else is he stoopit enough to do? I hope his customers make sure he's using fresh needles and sweeping the floor ....

No kidding right?
Can you say "child abuse?" I knew you could.
While it is amazingly stupid to do what this gentleman is acused of and I assume that the article was fact checked and double fact checked, the photo seems less than evident of any true wrongdoing.

1. The childs face does not look like the one of a kid who just had a needle drug through his arm for an hour and a half (guessed by size and color amount)

2. Many tattoo artists let their patrons' or friends' children sit in the chair when applying either fake temp tattoos or draw with a sharpie.

Being accused of something multiple times does not mean that he is guilty. The findings of the jury/judge from the previous charges are conveniently left out of the article.

However, if in fact the artist or studio owner did tattoo this child he belongs in the deepest circle of hell and should be drug naked through the streets behind a motorcycle. I even offer the use of my Harley for the cause.
I feel bad for the kid later on in life when he regrets getting something like the Batman logo. A child is not mature enough to make descisions about his or her body and most likely can not comprehend the idea of permanent and lifelong. I shudder to think that in my youth I could have something really stupid like Popples

Also it appears the guy is giving away certifications with $500 as a Tattoo artist. The guys art is ok I have seen worse and I have seen better but most artist I have talked to would never do a child in fact I have seen someone who was not 18 try to get one and they told her law says 18 no exceptions.
Whoa whoa whoa....Ok, VERY bad on the tatoo artist. The guy needs to be punished severely - but where were the PARENTS through all of this??? The parents need to take some responsibility for their kid(s)!!! There is no way that a 4 year old walked in there by himself and said "Hey dude, ink me up!" And if he did, why weren't his parents watching him? 4 year olds shouldn't be wandering around the streets by themselves.

So yeah, that tatoo artist was wrong, but the kid's parents should be FRIED. Irresponsible parenting like this is really starting to get on my nerves.
Assuming the story is accurate--this is something for which he should should certainly get a punishment that would send a warning to other tattooers.
Not good at all. Bad tattoo artist and parents.
In Virginia, it's illegal to tattoo a minor without parental consent. The shop would be closed down.

And -- in the case of a 4 year old, unless it's some sort of religious rite, I'd start a child abuse investigation, too!
I don't understand the problem. If it's illegal, okay. But if parental consent is necessary...why not? Not too many people think circumcision of male infants, or ear piercing of female toddlers should be illegal.
Damn, I have a few thoughts.

1st. This guy is a complete jackass, as everyone else here so far sems to agree.

2nd. The parents are also idiots should probably have their parental rights looked into having revoked for all kinds of bad crap.

3rd. this 4 year old is one tough kid. If that picture is real, and its a real tattoo, that kid went through some serious least for a kid. I know adults who cry when getting tattooed.
I've heard of (not personally seen) a few tattoo artists who will put a kid in the chair and do a temp tattoo on him/her. The tattoo in the pic would take A LOT of time and be QUITE PAINFUL to a young child. I have a hard time believing a child so young would endure such torture for long at all without serious sedation. Of course, if any parent were willing to offer up their child for inking, they'd obviously be dim enough to heavily sedate said subject.

As to this ...

I don't understand the problem. If it's illegal, okay. But if parental consent is necessary...why not? Not too many people think circumcision of male infants, or ear piercing of female toddlers should be illegal.

While circumcision can't be easily undone, it is a permanent alteration some people feel necessary to hygiene. Ear piercings can heal should the child wish to let them close up in older years.

Tattoos, however, are different. Right now, everyone has ink. When I got my paltry little rose on my hip, few people had tattoos ... now, they're a common accessory. We have to remember that this little person's body, which and whom we have created, is only ON LOAN to us for a scant few 18 years. It is not ours to do with as we please.

I *hope* and *pray* that this was a temp tattoo and the story is inflated and that this guy did *not* really tattoo this little child, but that if he did he pay the penalty.
I don't understand the problem. If it's illegal, okay. But if parental consent is necessary...why not? Not too many people think circumcision of male infants, or ear piercing of female toddlers should be illegal.
Circumcision is done for hygiene,religion,sometimes medical need. Piercing may be religious but for most cases it is not and it the the area can heal.

Tattooing for religious reason do exist but mostly for older children as a rite of passage into manhood comes to mind. There is also a huge difference between a religious tattoo and the Batman symbol as trademark by Warner bros.

To be fair tattooing is nothing compared to Female genital cutting which may be a medical need but often a culture and religious one:
I'm amazed that we are even having this discussion. What idiot parent, in their right mind, would even think of doing this. I have nothing against tattoos, I have two of them myself. It was my idea, and if I had it to do all over again, no way. As a side note both of my kids have them, he's 24, she's 28, and they got them after 18, and on their own dime. But it was their own choice.
I don't believe for a second that the pic is of an actual tattoo job on that boy. When the police find that boy and verify that it actually happened, then it's a story.

Until then I file it under "charged, not convicted".