Purple Belt
you know i love competition and a good argument. what i dont like is lying and name calling, which is childish, especially for someone who calls himself a man first and a martial artist second.
now, if you say you do FILIPINO martial arts, you have to fight. when you avoid sparring ("fighting"), and you dont streetfight (i am not saying you should), you are not a "fighting artist" you are a "drilling artist". sparring with people you dont know does not have to be in a tournament, but i see most people will not do it on there own, unless they go to a tournament. the question i always hear is "how can i get people to fight with me?" well, everyone here knows the answer to that question. you will not find many people to do that in a seminar. the people who like to fight make themselfs known, and you will find many of them in a tournament.
now, am i saying you cannot be a legitamate FMA teacher/expert unless you participated in a lot of sparring? yes i am. without your own FIGHTING experiences, as an expert you are no more than an expert on paper. like a mechanic who never works on cars.
now my question to you, PAUL. if you do not believe in sparring in tournaments, or sparring with people, what are you doing that makes your martial arts training street-oriented? this is a question, not an insult. i asked this question on this forum at least 5 times, and nobody has ever answered it.
oh, and about that guy cobra kai guy on karate kid. if we are talking if he is a good teacher, he is not. but does anybody here really believe daniel san was a good fighter than those kids from the other dojo? please!
TMS, too much seminar. whether you like it or not, the people who do the most fighting, no matter where it is, will have a better chance in a real fight. but the ones who spend all their time doing drills and seminars, will look more impressive doing drills and seminars.
now about me being a racist, you are right with that one. i dont like history pirates and culture pirates. when one culture dominate another one, and forced there will to another culture, espcially mine, i hate them. so what, go cry about that.
but about a white guy being the GM of modern arnis. i did not say that. go read my postings again. what i am talking about, is, somebody who spent 10 years with a few seminars a year with remy presas, is not equal to somebody who study with him full time for 10 years in the past. if you like it or not, the one who came before you, is your senior, your kuya in a FMA school. yeah, maybe you are close to him in the end and you learned the new development in modern arnis, but you spent less time with your teacher then the guy who trained with him full time. does that mean a white guy cant be a GM? no that is stupid. but if that white guy had 10 years of seminars, and filipino had 10 years of full time study, your kidding me if you think thats equal.
moderators, if you want you can lock this thread after my question is answered that about sparring. the only reason why i made a separate thread is that i dont want people to believe that ******** on the reasons" thread. you know, some of my best friends are white
and some of my students are white, and many of my students dont like tournament. i hate to think somebody might read those post without my answer back to them.
now, if you say you do FILIPINO martial arts, you have to fight. when you avoid sparring ("fighting"), and you dont streetfight (i am not saying you should), you are not a "fighting artist" you are a "drilling artist". sparring with people you dont know does not have to be in a tournament, but i see most people will not do it on there own, unless they go to a tournament. the question i always hear is "how can i get people to fight with me?" well, everyone here knows the answer to that question. you will not find many people to do that in a seminar. the people who like to fight make themselfs known, and you will find many of them in a tournament.
now, am i saying you cannot be a legitamate FMA teacher/expert unless you participated in a lot of sparring? yes i am. without your own FIGHTING experiences, as an expert you are no more than an expert on paper. like a mechanic who never works on cars.
now my question to you, PAUL. if you do not believe in sparring in tournaments, or sparring with people, what are you doing that makes your martial arts training street-oriented? this is a question, not an insult. i asked this question on this forum at least 5 times, and nobody has ever answered it.
oh, and about that guy cobra kai guy on karate kid. if we are talking if he is a good teacher, he is not. but does anybody here really believe daniel san was a good fighter than those kids from the other dojo? please!
TMS, too much seminar. whether you like it or not, the people who do the most fighting, no matter where it is, will have a better chance in a real fight. but the ones who spend all their time doing drills and seminars, will look more impressive doing drills and seminars.
now about me being a racist, you are right with that one. i dont like history pirates and culture pirates. when one culture dominate another one, and forced there will to another culture, espcially mine, i hate them. so what, go cry about that.
but about a white guy being the GM of modern arnis. i did not say that. go read my postings again. what i am talking about, is, somebody who spent 10 years with a few seminars a year with remy presas, is not equal to somebody who study with him full time for 10 years in the past. if you like it or not, the one who came before you, is your senior, your kuya in a FMA school. yeah, maybe you are close to him in the end and you learned the new development in modern arnis, but you spent less time with your teacher then the guy who trained with him full time. does that mean a white guy cant be a GM? no that is stupid. but if that white guy had 10 years of seminars, and filipino had 10 years of full time study, your kidding me if you think thats equal.
moderators, if you want you can lock this thread after my question is answered that about sparring. the only reason why i made a separate thread is that i dont want people to believe that ******** on the reasons" thread. you know, some of my best friends are white